Managing and Visualizing Brain Surface Data

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Documentation for package ‘fsbrain’ version 0.5.5

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-- A --

alphablend Perform alpha blending for pairs of RGBA colors.
annot.outline Compute outline vertex colors from annotation.
annot.outline.border.vertices Compute the border vertices for each region in an annot. Load a label from file and apply it to morphometry data. Apply a label to morphometry data.
apply.transform Apply matmult transformation to input.
arrange.brainview.images Combine several brainview images into a new figure.
arrange.brainview.images.grid Combine several brainview images as a grid into a new figure.

-- B --

brainviews Show one or more views of the given meshes in rgl windows.

-- C -- Clip data at quantiles to remove outliers.
clip_fun Get data clipping function.
cm.cbry Get cyan blue red yellow colormap function.
cm.div Return the standard fsbrain diverging colormap.
cm.heat Return the standard fsbrain heat colormap.
cm.qual Return the standard fsbrain qualitative colormap.
cm.seq Return the standard fsbrain sequential colormap. Compute binarized mean curvature surface color layer. Compute atlas or annotation surface color layer. Compute binarized mean curvature surface color layer. Compute binarized sulcal depth surface color layer.
collayer.from.annot Compute surface color layer from annotation or atlas data.
collayer.from.annotdata Compute surface color layer from annotation or atlas data. Compute surface color layer from morph-like data. Compute surface color layer from morph-like data.
collayers.merge Merge two or more color layers based on their transparency values.
coloredmesh.from.annot Create a coloredmesh from an annotation of an atlas.
coloredmesh.from.label Create a coloredmesh from a label.
coloredmesh.from.mask Create a coloredmesh from a mask.
coloredmesh.from.morph.native Create a coloredmesh from native space morphometry data.
coloredmesh.from.morph.standard Create a coloredmesh from standard space morphometry data.
coloredmesh.from.morphdata Create a coloredmesh from arbitrary data. Generate coloredmesh from loaded data.
coloredmesh.plot.colorbar.separate Draw colorbar for coloredmeshes in separate 2D plot.
coloredmeshes.from.color Create coloredmeshes for both hemis using pre-defined colors.
colorlist.brain.clusters Return diverging color list
colors.are.grayscale Check for the given color strings whether they represent gray scale colors.
colors.have.transparency Check for the given color strings whether they have transparency, i.e., an alpha channel value != fully opaque.
combine.colorbar.with.brainview.animation Combine a colorbar and a brain animation in gif format into a new animation.
combine.colorbar.with.brainview.image Combine a colorbar and a brainview image into a new figure.
constant.pervertexdata Get vertex data for a single fs.surface or a hemilist of surfaces.
cube3D.tris Return triangles for a 3D cube or cuboid.
cubes3D.tris Vectorized version of cube3D.tris

-- D --

delete_all_optional_data Delete all data in the package cache. Write FreeSurfer Group Descriptor (FSGD) file from demographics dataframe. Convert a dataframe containing demographics data to a qdec.table.dat file and related files.
desaturate Perform simple desaturation or grayscale conversion of RGBA colors.
download_fsaverage Download the FreeSurfer v6 fsaverage subject.
download_fsaverage3 Download the FreeSurfer v6 low-resolution fsaverage3 subject.
download_optional_data Download optional data for this package if required.
download_optional_paper_data Download extra data to reproduce the figures from the fsbrain paper.

-- E --

export Export high-quality brainview image with a colorbar.
export.coloredmesh.ply Export a coloredmeshes with vertexcolors in PLY format.

-- F --

face.edges Enumerate all edges of the given faces or mesh.
find.freesurferhome Find the FREESURFER_HOME directory on disk.
find.subjectsdir.of Find the subject directory containing the fsaverage subject (or others) on disk.
fs.coloredmesh fs.coloredmesh constructor
fs.home Return FreeSurfer path. Turn surface mesh into a igraph and return its adjacency list representation. Create igraph undirected graph from a brain surface mesh. Get an rgl tmesh3d instance from a brain surface mesh.
fs.surface.vertex.neighbors Compute vertex neighborhoods or the full adjacency list for a mesh using the Rvcg or igraph library.
fsaverage.path Return path to fsaverage dir.
fsbrain.set.default.figsize Set default figure size for fsbrain visualization functions.
fup Transform first character of a string to uppercase.

-- G --

gen.test.volume Generate test 3D volume of integers. The volume has an outer background area (intensity value 'bg') and an inner foreground areas (intensity value 200L).
geod.patches.color.overlay Generate color overlay from geodesic patches around several vertices.
geod.vert.neighborhood Compute all vertices within given geodesic distance on the mesh.
geodesic.circles Compute geodesic circles and ball stats for given vertices. Simple internal wrapper around 'Rvcg::vcgDijkstra' with function check.
geodesic.path Compute geodesic path from a source vertex to one or more target vertices.
get.atlas.region.names Determine atlas region names from a subject.
get.rglstyle Get the default visualization style parameters as a named list.
get.view.angle.names Get list of valid view angle names.
getIn Retrieve values from nested named lists
get_optional_data_filepath Access a single file from the package cache by its file name.
group.agg.atlas.native Aggregate native space morphometry data over brain atlas regions and subjects for a group of subjects.
group.agg.atlas.standard Aggregate standard space morphometry data over brain atlas regions and subjects for a group of subjects.
group.annot Load annotations for a group of subjects.
group.concat.measures.native Concatenate native space data for a group of subjects.
group.concat.measures.standard Concatenate standard space data for a group of subjects.
group.label Retrieve label data for a group of subjects.
group.label.from.annot Extract a region from an atlas annotation as a label for a group of subjects.
group.morph.agg.native Aggregate native space morphometry data over one hemisphere for a group of subjects.
group.morph.agg.standard Aggregate standard space (fsaverage) morphometry data over one hemisphere for a group of subjects.
group.morph.agg.standard.vertex Aggregate standard space morphometry data over subjects.
group.morph.native Retrieve native space morphometry data for a group of subjects.
group.morph.standard Retrieve standard space morphometry data for a group of subjects.
group.morph.standard.sf Read combined data for a group from a single file.
group.multimorph.agg.native Aggregate native space morphometry data for multiple measures over hemispheres for a group of subjects.
group.multimorph.agg.standard Aggregate standard space (fsaverage) morphometry data for multiple measures over hemispheres for a group of subjects.
group.surface Retrieve surface mesh data for a group of subjects.
groupmorph.split.hemilist Split a per-vertex group data matrix for both hemispheres into a hemilist at given index.

-- H --

hasIn Check for values in nested named lists
hemilist Create a hemilist from lh and rh data.
hemilist.derive.hemi Derive 'hemi' string from the data in a hemilist
hemilist.from.prefixed.list Create a hemilist from a named list with keys prefixed with 'lh_' and 'rh_'. Get combined data of hemi list
hemilist.unwrap Unwrap hemi data from a named hemi list.
hemilist.wrap Wrap data into a named hemi list.
highlight.points.spheres Draw small 3D spheres at given points.
highlight.vertices.on.subject Highlight vertices given by index on a subject's meshes by coloring faces.
highlight.vertices.on.subject.spheres Highlight vertices given by index on a subject's meshes by coloring faces.
highlight.vertices.spheres Draw small 3D spheres at given brain mesh vertices. Supports full brain (2 meshes) as well.

-- I --

images.dimmax Compute max width and height of magick images.
is.fs.coloredmesh Check whether object is an fs.coloredmesh (S3)
is.fs.coloredvoxels Check whether object is an fs.coloredvoxels instance (S3)
is.fsbrain Check whether object is an fsbrain (S3)
is.hemilist Check whether x is a hemilist

-- L --

label.border Compute border of a label.
label.colFn A simple colormap function for binary colors.
label.colFn.inv A simple colormap function for binary colors.
label.from.annotdata Extract a region from an annotation as a label. Merge several labels into an annotation
labeldata.from.mask Create labeldata from a mask.
limit_fun Get data limiting function.
limit_fun_na Get data limiting function to NA.
limit_fun_na_inside Get data limiting function, setting values inside range to NA.
list_optional_data Get file names available in package cache.

-- M --

mask.from.labeldata.for.hemi Create a binary mask from labels.
mesh.vertex.neighbors Compute neighborhood of a vertex
mkco.cluster Return recommended 'makecmap_options' for diverging cluster data.
mkco.div Return recommended 'makecmap_options' for diverging data.
mkco.heat Return recommended 'makecmap_options' for sequential data with heatmap style.
mkco.seq Return recommended 'makecmap_options' for sequential data.

-- N --

numverts.lh Determine vertex count of left hemi from hemilist of surfaces or the count itself.
numverts.rh Determine vertex count of right hemi from hemilist of surfaces or the count itself.

-- P --

principal.curvatures Computes principal curvatures according to 2 definitions from raw k1 and k2 values.
print.fs.coloredmesh Print description of a brain coloredmesh (S3).
print.fs.coloredvoxels Print description of fs.coloredvoxels (S3).
print.fsbrain Print description of an fsbrain (S3).

-- Q -- Perform data quality check based on computed region stats.
qc.from.regionwise.df Perform data quality check based on a dataframe containing aggregated region-wise data.
qc.from.segstats.tables Perform data quality check based on a segstats table. Visualize the number of outlier subjects per region in your dataset.
qdec.table.skeleton Generate skeleton dataframe for FreeSurfer QDEC long file from subjects list.

-- R --

ras2vox_tkr The FreeSurfer default ras2vox_tkr matrix.
read.colorcsv Read colors from CSV file. Read demographics file Read subjects file Read subjects list from an FSGD file. Give suggestions for regions to ignore for an atlas.
report.on.demographics Print a demographics report
rglactions Create rglactions list, suitable to be passed as parameter to vis functions.
rglo Get rgloptions and consider global options.
rglot Get rgloptions for testing.
rglvoxels Draw 3D boxes at locations using rgl.

-- S --

scale01 Scale given values to range 0..1.
shape.descriptor.names Get all shape descriptor names.
shape.descriptors Computes geometric curvature-based descriptors.
shift.hemis.apart Shift hemispheres apart.
sjd.demo Download optional demo data if needed and return its path.
sjld Get subjects list from subjects.txt file in dir.
spread.values.over.annot Spread a single value for a region to all region vertices.
spread.values.over.hemi Spread the values in the region_value_list and return them for one hemisphere.
spread.values.over.subject Spread the values in the region_value_list and return them for one hemisphere.
subject.annot Load an annotation for a subject.
subject.annot.border Compute annot border vertices.
subject.atlas.agg Aggregate morphometry data over brain atlas regions for a subject.
subject.filepath.morph.native Construct filepath of native space morphometry data file.
subject.filepath.morph.standard Construct filepath of standard space morphometry data file.
subject.label Retrieve label data for a single subject.
subject.label.from.annot Extract a region from an atlas annotation as a label for a subject.
subject.lobes Load labels representing brain lobes.
subject.mask Compute a mask for a subject.
subject.morph.native Retrieve native space morphometry data for a single subject.
subject.morph.standard Retrieve standard space morphometry data for a single subject.
subject.num.verts Get subjects vertex count.
subject.surface Load a surface for a subject.
subject.volume Read a brain volume.
surface.curvatures Compute the k1 and k2 principal curvatures of a mesh.

-- T -- Get an fs.surface brain mesh from an rgl tmesh3d instance.

-- V -- Split morph data vector at hemisphere boundary.
vertex.coords Return coordinates for vertices, supporting entire brain via hemilist.
vertex.hemis Return the proper hemi string ('lh' or 'rh') for each vertex.
vis.color.on.subject Visualize pre-defined vertex colors on a subject.
vis.coloredmeshes Visualize a list of colored meshes in a single scene.
vis.coloredmeshes.rotating Visualize a list of colored meshes in a single scene and rotate them, movie-style.
vis.colortable.legend Create a separate legend plot for a colortable or an annotation. Visualize arbitrary data on the fsaverage template subject, if available. Visualize native space data on a group of subjects. Visualize standard space data for a group on template. Visualize arbitrary data on the surface of any subject.
vis.dti.trk Visualize DTI tracks from Diffusion Toolkit/TrackVis TRK format file.
vis.export.from.coloredmeshes Export high-quality brainview image with a colorbar.
vis.fs.surface Visualize fs.surface mesh Plot atlas annotations for a group of subjects. Plot coloredmeshes for a group of subjects. Plot native space morphometry data for a group of subjects. Plot standard space morphometry data for a group of subjects.
vis.labeldata.on.subject Visualize a label on the surface of a subject.
vis.mask.on.subject Visualize a vertex mask on the surface of a subject.
vis.path.along.verts Draw a 3D line from vertex to vertex
vis.paths Visualize many paths.
vis.paths.along.verts Visualize several paths in different colors.
vis.region.values.on.subject Visualize arbitrary data, one value per atlas region, on the surface of any subject (including template subjects).
vis.seg.legend Plot legend for a brain volume segmentation based on colorLUT.
vis.subject.annot Visualize an annotation for a subject.
vis.subject.label Visualize a binary label for a subject.
vis.subject.morph.native Visualize native space morphometry data for a subject.
vis.subject.morph.standard Visualize native space morphometry data for a subject or a group.
vis.subject.pre Visualize pre-loaded data. Visualize clusters or activation data on the surface of any subject.
vislayout.from.coloredmeshes Visualize coloredmeshes from several angles and combine the images into a new figure. Compute 3D bounding box of a volume. Apply a boundary box to a volume, returning the inner volume part
vol.hull Retain only the outer hull voxels of the foreground.
vol.imagestack Turn volume into an ImageMagick image stack. Convert integer intensity image to RGB color string form.
vol.mask.from.segmentation Extract subset from a volume by value.
vol.merge Merge background volume and overlay to new colors.
vol.overlay.colors.from.activation Generate colors for a 3D volume, based on the activation data and a colormap.
vol.overlay.colors.from.colortable Compute voxel colors based on colortable.
vol.planes Translate names and indices of planes.
vol.slice Extract a slice of a 3D image stack. Compute R voxel index for FreeSurfer CRS voxel index.
volvis.contour Visualize contour of a volume. Show continuous 3D voxel/volume data as a lightbox, optionally with a background brain volume and colormap.
volvis.lightbox Draw a lightbox view from volume slices.
volvis.voxels Voxel-based visualization of volume mask at surface RAS positions.
vox2ras_tkr The FreeSurfer default vox2ras_tkr matrix.

-- W -- Write standard space group data to a standard FreeSurfer directory stucture. Write per-vertex standard space data for a group of subjects to given file names. Reshape and write combined per-vertex data for a group to a single MGH file.
write.region.aggregated Write data aggregated over regions to morphometry file for group.
write.region.values Write one value per atlas region for a subject.
write.region.values.fsaverage Write one value per atlas region for a template subject.