qfinal_fmixmsm {flexsurv}R Documentation

Quantiles of the distribution of the time until reaching a final state in a mixture multi-state model


Calculate the quantiles of the time from the start of the process to each possible final (or "absorbing") state in a mixture multi-state model. Models with cycles are not supported.


  newdata = NULL,
  final = FALSE,
  B = NULL,
  n = 10000,
  probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)



Object returned by fmixmsm, representing a multi-state model built from piecing together mixture models fitted by flexsurvmix.


Data frame or list of covariate values. If omitted for a model with covariates, a default is used, defined by all combinations of factors if the only covariates in the model are factors, or all covariate values of zero if there are any non-factor covariates in the model.


If TRUE then the mean time to the final state is calculated for each final state, by taking a weighted average of the mean time to travel each pathway ending in that final state, weighted by the probability of the pathway. If FALSE (the default) then a separate mean is calculated for each pathway.


Number of simulations to use to compute 95% confidence intervals, based on the asymptotic multivariate normal distribution of the basic parameter estimates. If B=NULL then intervals are not computed.


Number of individual-level simulations to use to characterise the time-to-event distributions


Quantiles to calculate, by default, c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)


Data frame of quantiles of the time to final state by pathway and covariate value, or by final state and covariate value.

[Package flexsurv version 2.3 Index]