A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T V W Y Z misc
AmpPhaseDecomp | Decomposition for Amplitude and Phase Variation |
arithmetic.basisfd | Arithmatic on functional basis objects |
arithmetic.fd | Arithmetic on functional data ('fd') objects |
as.array3 | Reshape a vector or array to have 3 dimensions. |
as.fd | Convert a spline object to class 'fd' |
as.fd.fdSmooth | Convert a spline object to class 'fd' |
as.fd.function | Convert a spline object to class 'fd' |
as.fd.smooth.spline | Convert a spline object to class 'fd' |
as.POSIXct1970 | 'as.POXIXct' for number of seconds since the start of 1970. |
axesIntervals | Mark Intervals on a Plot Axis |
axisIntervals | Mark Intervals on a Plot Axis |
basisfd.product | Product of two basisfd objects |
bifd | Create a bivariate functional data object |
bifdPar | Define a Bivariate Functional Parameter Object |
boxplot.fd | Functional Boxplots |
boxplot.fdPar | Functional Boxplots |
boxplot.fdSmooth | Functional Boxplots |
bsplinepen | B-Spline Penalty Matrix |
bsplineS | B-spline Basis Function Values |
CanadianWeather | Canadian average annual weather cycle |
cca.fd | Functional Canonical Correlation Analysis |
center.fd | Center Functional Data |
checkDim3 | Compare dimensions and dimnames of arrays |
checkDims3 | Compare dimensions and dimnames of arrays |
checkLogical | Does an argument satisfy required conditions? |
checkLogicalInteger | Does an argument satisfy required conditions? |
checkNumeric | Does an argument satisfy required conditions? |
coef.fd | Extract functional coefficients |
coef.fdPar | Extract functional coefficients |
coef.fdSmooth | Extract functional coefficients |
coefficients.fd | Extract functional coefficients |
coefficients.fdPar | Extract functional coefficients |
coefficients.fdSmooth | Extract functional coefficients |
cor.fd | Correlation matrix from functional data object(s) |
covPACE | Estimate of the covariance surface |
CRAN | Test if running as CRAN |
create.basis | Create Basis Set for Functional Data Analysis |
create.bspline.basis | Create a B-spline Basis |
create.constant.basis | Create a Constant Basis |
create.exponential.basis | Create an Exponential Basis |
create.fourier.basis | Create a Fourier Basis |
create.monomial.basis | Create a Monomial Basis |
create.polygonal.basis | Create a Polygonal Basis |
create.power.basis | Create a Power Basis Object |
CSTR | Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor |
CSTR2 | Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor |
CSTR2in | Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor |
CSTRfitLS | Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor |
CSTRfn | Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor |
CSTRres | Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor |
CSTRsse | Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor |
cumfd | Compute a Cumulative Distribution Functional Data Object |
cycleplot.fd | Plot Cycles for a Periodic Bivariate Functional Data Object |
daily | Canadian average annual weather cycle |
Data2fd | Create smooth functions that fit scatterplot data. |
dateAccessories | Numeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates |
day.5 | Numeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates |
dayOfYear | Numeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates |
dayOfYearShifted | Numeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates |
daysPerMonth | Numeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates |
density.fd | Compute a Probability Density Function |
deriv.fd | Compute a Derivative of a Functional Data Object |
df.residual.fRegress | Degrees of Freedom for Residuals from a Functional Regression |
df2lambda | Convert Degrees of Freedom to a Smoothing Parameter Value |
dirs | Get subdirectories |
Eigen | Eigenanalysis preserving dimnames |
eigen.pda | Stability Analysis for Principle Differential Analysis |
ElectricDemand | Predicting electricity demand in Adelaide from temperature |
eval.basis | Values of Basis Functions or their Derivatives |
eval.bifd | Values a Two-argument Functional Data Object |
eval.fd | Values of a Functional Data Object |
eval.monfd | Values of a Monotone Functional Data Object |
eval.penalty | Evaluate a Basis Penalty Matrix |
eval.posfd | Evaluate a Positive Functional Data Object |
eval.surp | Values of a Functional Data Object Defining Surprisal Curves. |
evaldiag.bifd | Evaluate the Diagonal of a Bivariate Functional Data Object |
expon | Exponential Basis Function Values |
exponentiate.fd | Powers of a functional data ('fd') object |
exponpen | Exponential Penalty Matrix |
fbplot | Functional Boxplots |
fd2list | Convert a univariate functional data object to a list |
fda | Functions for statistical analyses of functions |
fdlabels | Extract plot labels and names for replicates and variables |
fdPar | Define a Functional Parameter Object |
fdParcheck | Convert 'fd' or 'basisfd' Objects to 'fdPar' Objects |
fitted.fdSmooth | Values of a Functional Data Object |
fitted.monfd | Values of a Monotone Functional Data Object |
fitted.posfd | Evaluate a Positive Functional Data Object |
fourier | Fourier Basis Function Values |
fourierpen | Fourier Penalty Matrix |
Fperm.fd | Permutation F-test for functional linear regression. |
fRegress | Functional Regression Analysis |
fRegress.character | Functional Regression Analysis |
fRegress.CV | Computes Cross-validated Error Sum of Integrated Squared Errors for a Functional Regression Model |
fRegress.double | Functional Regression Analysis |
fRegress.fd | Functional Regression Analysis |
fRegress.formula | Functional Regression Analysis |
fRegress.stderr | Compute Standard errors of Coefficient Functions Estimated by Functional Regression Analysis |
Fstat.fd | F-statistic for functional linear regression. |
gait | Hip and knee angle while walking |
geigen | Generalized eigenanalysis |
getbasismatrix | Values of Basis Functions or their Derivatives |
getbasispenalty | Evaluate a Roughness Penalty Matrix |
getbasisrange | Extract the range from a basis object |
growth | Berkeley Growth Study data |
handwrit | Cursive handwriting samples |
handwritTime | Cursive handwriting samples |
infantGrowth | Tibia Length for One Baby |
inprod | Inner products of Functional Data Objects. |
inprod.bspline | Compute Inner Products B-spline Expansions. |
int2Lfd | Convert Integer to Linear Differential Operator |
intensity.fd | Intensity Function for Point Process |
is.basis | Confirm Object is Class "Basisfd" |
is.eqbasis | Confirm that two objects of class "Basisfd" are identical |
is.fd | Confirm Object has Class "fd" |
is.fdPar | Confirm Object has Class "fdPar" |
is.fdSmooth | Confirm Object has Class "fdSmooth" |
is.Lfd | Confirm Object has Class "Lfd" |
knots.basisfd | Extract the knots from a function basis or data object |
knots.fd | Extract the knots from a function basis or data object |
knots.fdSmooth | Extract the knots from a function basis or data object |
lambda2df | Convert Smoothing Parameter to Degrees of Freedom |
lambda2gcv | Compute GCV Criterion |
landmarkreg | Landmark Registration of Functional Observations with Differing Ranges |
Lfd | Define a Linear Differential Operator Object |
lines.fd | Add Lines from Functional Data to a Plot |
lines.fdSmooth | Add Lines from Functional Data to a Plot |
linmod | Fit Fully Functional Linear Model |
lip | Lip motion |
lipmarks | Lip motion |
liptime | Lip motion |
lnsrch | Search along a line for a minimum within an optimisation algorithm. |
matplot | Plot Columns of Matrices |
matplot.Date | Plot Columns of Matrices |
matplot.default | Plot Columns of Matrices |
matplot.POSIXct | Plot Columns of Matrices |
mean.fd | Mean of Functional Data |
melanoma | melanoma 1936-1972 |
minus.fd | Arithmetic on functional data ('fd') objects |
monfn | Evaluate the a monotone function |
mongrad | Evaluate the gradient of a monotone function |
monhess | Evaluate the Hessian matrix of a monotone function |
monomial | Evaluate Monomial Basis |
monomialpen | Evaluate Monomial Roughness Penalty Matrix |
monthAccessories | Numeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates |
monthBegin.5 | Numeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates |
monthEnd | Numeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates |
monthEnd.5 | Numeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates |
monthLetters | Numeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates |
monthMid | Numeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates |
MontrealTemp | Montreal Daily Temperature |
nondurables | Nondurable goods index |
norder | Order of a B-spline |
norder.basisfd | Order of a B-spline |
norder.bspline | Order of a B-spline |
norder.default | Order of a B-spline |
norder.fd | Order of a B-spline |
objAndNames | Add names to an object |
odesolv | Numerical Solution mth Order Differential Equation System |
pca.fd | Functional Principal Components Analysis |
pcaPACE | Estimate the functional principal components |
pda.fd | Principal Differential Analysis |
pda.overlay | Stability Analysis for Principle Differential Analysis |
phaseplanePlot | Phase-plane plot |
pinch | pinch force data |
pinchraw | pinch force data |
pinchtime | pinch force data |
plot.basisfd | Plot a Basis Object |
plot.cca.fd | Plot Functional Canonical Correlation Weight Functions |
plot.fd | Plot a Functional Data Object |
plot.fdPar | Plot a Functional Data Object |
plot.fdSmooth | Plot a Functional Data Object |
plot.Lfd | Plot a Linear Differential Operator Object |
plot.pca.fd | Plot Functional Principal Components |
plot.pda.fd | Plot Principle Differential Analysis Components |
plotbeta | Plot a functional parameter object with confidence limits |
plotfit.fd | Plot a Functional Data Object With Data |
plotfit.fdSmooth | Plot a Functional Data Object With Data |
plotscores | Plot Principal Component Scores |
plus.fd | Arithmetic on functional data ('fd') objects |
polintmat | Polynomial extrapolation for a converging sequence of one or more values |
polyg | Polygonal Basis Function Values |
polygpen | Polygonal Penalty Matrix |
powerbasis | Power Basis Function Values |
powerpen | Power Penalty Matrix |
ppBspline | Convert a B-spline function to piece-wise polynomial form |
predict.basisfd | Values of Basis Functions or their Derivatives |
predict.fd | Values of a Functional Data Object |
predict.fdPar | Values of a Functional Data Object |
predict.fdSmooth | Values of a Functional Data Object |
predict.fRegress | Predict method for Functional Regression |
predict.monfd | Values of a Monotone Functional Data Object |
predict.posfd | Evaluate a Positive Functional Data Object |
project.basis | Approximate Functional Data Using a Basis |
quadset | Quadrature points and weights for Simpson's rule |
reconsCurves | Reconstruct data curves using functional principal components |
refinery | Reflux and tray level in a refinery |
ReginaPrecip | Regina Daily Precipitation |
register.fd | Register Functional Data Objects Using a Continuous Criterion |
register.newfd | Register Functional Data Objects with Pre-Computed Warping Functions |
residuals.fdSmooth | Values of a Functional Data Object |
residuals.monfd | Values of a Monotone Functional Data Object |
residuals.posfd | Evaluate a Positive Functional Data Object |
scoresPACE | Estimates of functional Principal Component scores through PACE |
sd.fd | Standard Deviation of Functional Data |
seabird | Sea Bird Counts |
smooth.basis | Construct a functional data object by smoothing data using a roughness penalty |
smooth.basis.sparse | Construct a functional data object by smoothing data using a roughness penalty |
smooth.basis1 | Construct a functional data object by smoothing data using a roughness penalty |
smooth.basis2 | Construct a functional data object by smoothing data using a roughness penalty |
smooth.basis3 | Construct a functional data object by smoothing data using a roughness penalty |
smooth.basisPar | Smooth Data Using a Directly Specified Roughness Penalty |
smooth.bibasis | Smooth a discrete surface over a rectangular lattice |
smooth.fd | Smooth a Functional Data Object Using an Indirectly Specified Roughness Penalty |
smooth.fdPar | Smooth a functional data object using a directly specified roughness penalty |
smooth.monotone | Monotone Smoothing of Data |
smooth.morph | Estimates a Smooth Warping Function Mapping an Interval into Another |
smooth.pos | Smooth Data with a Positive Function |
smooth.sparse.mean | Smooth the mean function of sparse data |
smooth.surp | Fit data with surprisal smoothing. |
sparse.list | Creates a list of sparse data from a matrix |
sparse.mat | Creates a matrix of sparse data with NAs out of a list |
std.fd | Standard Deviation of Functional Data |
stddev.fd | Standard Deviation of Functional Data |
stdev.fd | Standard Deviation of Functional Data |
stepchk | Check a step size value for being within parameter limits. |
stepit | Compute a new step size for a linear search within an optimization algorithm. |
sum.fd | Sum of Functional Data |
summary.basisfd | Summarize a Functional Data Object |
summary.bifd | Summarize a Bivariate Functional Data Object |
summary.fd | Summarize a Functional Data Object |
summary.fdPar | Summarize a Functional Parameter Object |
summary.Lfd | Summarize a Linear Differential Operator Object |
surp.fit | Evaluate the fit of surprisal curves to binned psychometric data. |
symsolve | solve(A, B) where A is symmetric |
times.fd | Arithmetic on functional data ('fd') objects |
tperm.fd | Permutation t-test for two groups of functional data objects. |
trapzmat | Approximate the functional inner product of two functional data objects using the trapezpoidal rule over a fine mesh of value. |
var.fd | Variance, Covariance, and Correlation Surfaces for Functional Data Object(s) |
varmx | Rotate a Matrix of Component Loadings using the VARIMAX Criterion |
varmx.cca.fd | Rotation of Functional Canonical Components with VARIMAX |
varmx.pca.fd | Rotation of Functional Principal Components with VARIMAX Criterion |
vec2Lfd | Make a Linear Differential Operator Object from a Vector |
weeks | Numeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates |
wtcheck | Check a vector of weights |
ycheck | Check Data Arrays for Smoothing Functions |
zerobasis | Orthonormal Matrix with Columns Summing to Zero |
zerofind | Does the range of the input contain 0? |
*.basisfd | Product of two basisfd objects |
*.fd | Arithmetic on functional data ('fd') objects |
+.fd | Arithmetic on functional data ('fd') objects |
-.fd | Arithmetic on functional data ('fd') objects |
==.basisfd | Arithmatic on functional basis objects |
^.fd | Powers of a functional data ('fd') object |