Forensic Bayesian Networks

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Documentation for package ‘fbnet’ version 1.0.3

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Argentina_STRs STRs allelic frequencies from Argentina.
buildBN buildBN: a function for building the bayesian network.
buildCPTs buildCPTs: a function for building conditional probability tables based on pedigree bayesian network.
convertPedformat convertPedformat: a function for converting a pedtools ped onject to a famlink ped object.
evidencePrunning evidencePrunning: a fuction for pruning instantiated variables.
factorHeteroFounders factorHeteroFounders: a function for multiplying probabilities in case of heterocigote founders.
FamiliasLocus FamiliasLocus: a function for reading Familias locus data.
FamiliasPedigree FamiliasPedigree: a function for constructing Familias pedigree format.
fbnet fbnet: Forensic Bayesian Networks
getConditional getConditional: a function for obtaining the coditional probability tables based on a given evidence.
getGenotypeTables getGenotypeTables: a function for obtaining genotypetables after variable elimination and using available genetic evidence.
getLocusCPT getLocusCPT: a function for obtaining the coditional probability table from a specific locus.
getMAP factorHeteroFounders: a function for multiplying probabilities in case of heterocigote founders.
getQSetRMP getGenotypeTables: a function for obtaining genotypetables after variable elimination and using available genetic evidence.
getValuesOut getValuesOut: a function for getting out variables with zero probability in the bayesian network
imposeEvidence imposeEvidence: a fuction for imposing evidence in the bayesian network.
initBN initBN: a function to initialize the bayesian network.
initBN.fromPed initBN.fromPed: a function to initialize the bayesian network.
initBN.fromVars initBN.fromVars: a function to initialize the bayesian network.
minOrdering minOrdering: a function for getting an ordering of bayesian network variables not in Q using min fill criteria on interaction graphs.
preparePed preparePed: a function for simulating genetic data from untyped individuals conditioned on known genotypes.
prodFactor prodFactor: a function for performing product between probability tables.
pruneNodes pruneNodes: a fuction for clasical pruning in bayesian networks.
removeEvidenceFromPed removeEvidenceFromPed: a function for removing evidence from specific individuals in a ped object.
reportLR reportLR: a function for calculating the LRs of specified genotypes in a pedigree.
reportPQ reportPQ: a function for calculating the probability of specified genotypes in a pedigree.
reverseSplit reverseSpit: a function for formatting.
setOrdering setOrdering: a function for selecting the ordering method in the elimination process.
stateRemoval stateRemoval: a function for processing the bayesian network.
stateRemoval2 stateRemoval2: a function for processing the bayesian network. It implements another approach from the described in stateRemoval function.
stateRemovalSubnucs stateRemovalSubnucs: a fuctiong for variable state pruning.
sumFactor prodFactor: a function for performing sum between probability tables.
toybase Toy allele frequency database.
toyped STRs allelic frequencies from specified country. a function for variable elimination in a bayesian network.