hprice {faraway} | R Documentation |
Housing prices in US cities 86-94
Data on housing prices in 36 US metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) over 9 years from 1986-1994 were collected.
A data frame with 324 observations on the following 8 variables.
- narsp
natural log average sale price in thousands of dollars
- ypc
average per capita income
- perypc
percentage growth in per capita income
- regtest
Regulatory environment index (high values = more regulations)
- rcdum
Rent control - a factor with levels
=yes- ajwtr
Adjacent to a coastline - a factor with levels
=yes- msa
indicator for the MSA
- time
Year 1=1986 to 9=1994
Longitudinal and Panel Data: Analysis and Applications in the Social Sciences, by Edward W. Frees, Cambridge University Press, August 2004.
[Package faraway version 1.0.8 Index]