africa {faraway} | R Documentation |
miltary coups and politics in sub-Saharan Africa
Data is a subset of a larger study on factors affecting regime stability in Sub-Saharan Africa
A data frame with 47 observations on the following 9 variables.
- miltcoup
number of successful military coups from independence to 1989
- oligarchy
number years country ruled by military oligarchy from independence to 1989
- pollib
Political liberalization - 0 = no civil rights for political expression, 1 = limited civil rights for expression but right to form political parties, 2 = full civil rights
- parties
Number of legal political parties in 1993
- pctvote
Percent voting in last election
- popn
Population in millions in 1989
- size
Area in 1000 square km
- numelec
Total number of legislative and presidential elections
- numregim
Number of regime types
Bratton, Michael, and Nicholas Van De Walle. 1997. “Political Regimes and Regime Transitions in Africa, 1910-1994.” Study Number I06996. Ann Arbor: Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research.
"Bayesian Methods: A Social and Behavioral Sciences Approach" by Jeff Gill 2002.