flags_to_nuis_spikes {fMRIscrub}R Documentation

Flags to nuisance spikes


Convert flagged volumes to corresponding one-hot encoded vectors which can be used for nuisance regression.


flags_to_nuis_spikes(flags, n_time)



Numeric vector of integers indicating the indices of the flagged volumes. Or, a logical vector of length n_time where TRUE values indicate the flagged volumes.


The length of the vectors to obtain. For nuisance regression, this is the length of the BOLD data. The highest index in flags should not exceed n_time.


A numeric matrix of ones and zeroes. The number of rows will be n_time and the number of columns will be the number of flags. Each column will have a 1 at the flag index, and 0 elsewhere.

[Package fMRIscrub version 0.14.5 Index]