Scrubbing and Other Data Cleaning Routines for fMRI

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Documentation for package ‘fMRIscrub’ version 0.14.5

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artifact_images Artifact images
Dat1 First Example Time Series from the ABIDE
Dat2 Second Example Time Series from the ABIDE
FD Framewise Displacement
flags_to_nuis_spikes Flags to nuisance spikes
fMRIscrub fMRIscrub: fMRI scrubbing and other data cleaning routines
high_kurtosis Which components have high kurtosis?
leverage Leverage
plot.scrub_DVARS Plot a '"scrub_DVARS"' object
plot.scrub_FD Plot a '"scrub_FD"' object
plot.scrub_projection Plot a '"scrub_projection"' object
print.scrub_DVARS Summarize a '"scrub_DVARS"' object
print.scrub_FD Summarize a '"scrub_FD"' object
print.scrub_projection Summarize a '"scrub_projection"' object
print.summary.scrub_DVARS Summarize a '"scrub_DVARS"' object
print.summary.scrub_FD Summarize a '"scrub_FD"' object
print.summary.scrub_projection Summarize a '"scrub_projection"' object
pscrub Projection scrubbing
robdist Robust distance scrubbing
rob_stabilize Stabilize the center and scale of a timeseries robustly
scrub Data-driven scrubbing
scrub_xifti Scrub fMRI data in CIFTI format
SHASH_out Robust outlier detection based on SHASH distribution
SHASH_to_normal SHASH to normal data transformation
summary.scrub_DVARS Summarize a '"scrub_DVARS"' object
summary.scrub_FD Summarize a '"scrub_FD"' object
summary.scrub_projection Summarize a '"scrub_projection"' object