Extended Batch Marking Models

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Documentation for package ‘extBatchMarking’ version 1.0.1

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batchLL batchLL function provides the batch marking log-likelihood
batchLogit batchLogit function
batchMarkHmmLL Log-likelihood function for marked model.
batchMarkOptim Marked model only.
batchMarkUnmarkHmmLL Log-likelihood function for combined model.
batchMarkUnmarkOptim Combined Marked and Unmarked models.
batchUnmark2Viterbi batchUnmark2Viterbi function provides a wrapper for the batchUnmarkViterbi to compute the popuation abundance
batchUnmarkHmmLL batchUnmarkHmmLL function provides the unmarked function to be optimized
batchUnmarkViterbi batchUnmarkViterbi function provides the implementation of the Viterbi alogrithm for the unmarked model
dbinpois Convolution of Poisson and Binomial for Batch
delta_g initial probability function
gamma_gt Transition State Probability 'gamma_gt' computes the transition probability matrix
probs State-dependent probability function
WeatherLoach Weather Loach data