Expiry Estimation Procedures

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Documentation for package ‘expirest’ version 0.1.6

Help Pages

exp1 Stability potency data of five batches
exp2 Stability related substance data of three batches
exp3 Stability moisture data of three batches
exp4 Stability data of 4 batches
expirest_osle Ordinary shelf life estimation (osle)
expirest_wisle What-if (approach for) shelf life estimation (wisle)
plot.plot_expirest_osle Plot illustrating the shelf life estimation (osle)
plot.plot_expirest_wisle Plot illustrating the what-if shelf life estimation (wisle)
plot_expirest_osle Illustrating the ordinary shelf life estimate (osle)
plot_expirest_wisle Illustrating the what-if (approach for) shelf life estimate (wisle)
print.expirest_osle Print a summary of the shelf life estimation (osle)
print.expirest_wisle Print a summary of the what-if shelf life estimation (wisle)
print.plot_expirest_osle Print a plot illustrating the shelf life estimation (osle)
print.plot_expirest_wisle Print a plot illustrating the what-if shelf life estimation (wisle)
summary.expirest_osle Summary of the shelf life estimation (osle)
summary.expirest_wisle Summary of the what-if shelf life estimation (wisle)