eQuad {expandFunctions}R Documentation

Multivariate second order polynomial expansion.


Expand matrix columns into linear, square, and unique product columns.


eQuad(X, FUN = `*`, ...)



vector or matrix. If a vector, it will be converted to a column matrix. If it is desired that the squares and products of a vector are computed, pass rbind(X) instead of X, and thereby pass a row matrix.


Binary function which forms the products of the columns. By default, this is '*', but other commuting operators or kernels can be used if desired.


Options for FUN. Not needed if FUN doesn't have options.


Form a matrix with columns composed of into linear, square, and product columns:

[XFUN(X[,i],X[,j])][X | FUN(X[,i], X[,j])]

where i,ji, j are the unique combinations of ii and jj, including i=ji=j.

By default, the function used to form the squares and products, FUN, is just conventional multiplication = '*', but any commuting binary operator can be used.

This particular expansion is often applied in


[X,X2,uniqueproductsofcolumnsofX][X,X^2,unique products of columns of X]. The unique products are in row major upper right triangular order. Thus, for X with columns 1:3, the order is

X[,1]2,X[,2]2,X[,3]2,X[,1]X[,2],X[,1]X[,3],X[,2]X[,3]X[,1]^2, X[,2]^2, X[,3]^2, X[,1]*X[,2], X[,1]*X[,3], X[,2]*X[,3]

See Also



# # Examples
# eQuad(1:5)
# eQuad(matrix(1:12,ncol=3),FUN=`+`)

[Package expandFunctions version 0.1.0 Index]