expandFunctions-package |
expandFunctions: a feature matrix builder |
coefPlot |
Plots coefficients in an impulse response format |
distMat |
Make a matrix with coefficients distributed as dist |
easyLASSO |
Select and fit sparse linear model with LASSO |
eDiff |
Matrix size-preserving diff function |
eLag |
Convert vector into a matrix of lag columns |
eMatrixOuter |
Extends eOuter to allow a matrix for the first argument |
eOuter |
Extend outer product. |
ePow |
Convert vector x into a matrix X_{ij} = {x_i}^j |
eQuad |
Multivariate second order polynomial expansion. |
eReplace |
Replace values in an R object coerible to a matrix |
eTrim |
Remove padded rows from matrix X |
expandFunctions |
expandFunctions: a feature matrix builder |
freemanTukey |
Freeman-Tukey transform |
lagshift |
Helper function for eLag. |
polywrapper |
Generate special functions using orthonormal functions |
rapt |
Expand an input matrix X using raptObj. |
raptMake |
Define a Random Affine Projection Transformation (RAPT) object |
reset.warnings |
Reset annoyingly persistent warning messages. |
Ydiagnostics |
Informative plots for Y and Yhat |
yyHatPlot |
Plot y and yHat on the same scale w/reference line |