Event Prediction for Time-to-Event Endpoints

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Documentation for package ‘eventTrack’ version 1.0.3

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eventTrack-package Event Prediction for Time-to-Event Endpoints
bootstrapTimeToEvent Bootstrap the predicted time when a given number of events is reached, for hybrid Exponential model
bootSurvivalSample Bootstrap survival data
eventTrack Event Prediction for Time-to-Event Endpoints
exactDatesFromMonths Compute exact timepoint when a certain number of events is reached, based on monthly number of events
hybrid_Exponential Estimate survival function, as hybrid between Kaplan-Meier and Exponential tail
kaplanMeier_at_t0 Compute value of Kaplan-Meier estimate at a given time
lambda_j_Exp Compute lambda_j
piecewiseExp_MLE Estimate hazard function in piecewise Exponential survival model
piecewiseExp_profile_loglik_tau Profile maximum log-likelihood function for change points in piecewise Exponential survival model
piecewiseExp_test_changepoint Wald test to infer change point in piecewise Exponential survival model
predictEvents Compute timepoint when a certain number of events in a time-to-event study is reached
predictEventsUncond compute expected number of events based on a fixed survival function and with no recruited patients yet