Calculate Quantitative Ethnobotany Indices

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Documentation for package ‘ethnobotanyR’ version 0.1.9

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CIs Cultural Importance index (CI)
CVe Cultural Value of ethnospecies (CVe)
ethnobotanydata Ethnobotany data set.
ethnoChord Chord diagram of ethnobotany uses and species
ethno_alluvial Alluvial plot of ethnobotany uses and species
ethno_bayes_consensus Gives a measure of the confidence we can have in the answers in the ethnobotany data.
ethno_boot Bootstrap analyses of ethnobotany indices
FCs Frequency of Citation (FC)
FLs Fidelity Level (FL)
NUs Number of Uses (NU)
Radial_plot Radial bar plot of ethnobotany indices
RFCs Relative Frequency of Citation (RFC)
RIs Relative Importance index (RI)
simple_UVs Use Value (UV) index per species
URs Use Report (UR)
URsum Sum of all Use Reports (UR) for all species
UVs Use Value (UV) index per species