pac {esvis}R Documentation

Compute the proportion above a specific cut location


Computes the proportion of the corresponding group, as specified by the formula, scoring above the specified cuts.


pac(data, formula, cuts, ref_group = NULL)



The data frame used for estimation - ideally structured in a tidy format.


A formula of the type out ~ group where out is the outcome variable and group is the grouping variable. Note this variable can include any arbitrary number of groups. Additional variables can be included with + to produce separate estimates by the secondary or tertiary variables of interest (e.g., out ~ group + characteristic1 + characteristic2).


Optional vector of cut scores. If supplied, the ECDF will be guaranteed to include these points. Otherwise, there could be gaps in the ECDF at those particular points (used in plotting the cut scores).


Optional. A character vector or forumla listing the reference group levels for each variable on the right hand side of the formula, supplied in the same order as the formula. Note that if using the formula version, levels that are numbers, or include hyphens, spaces, etc., should be wrapped in back ticks (e.g., ref_group = ~ Active + `Non-FRL`, or ref_group = ~`8`). When in doubt, it is safest to use the back ticks, as they will not interfere with anything if they are not needed. See examples below for more details.


Tidy data frame of the proportion above the cutoff for each (or selected) groups.

See Also

[esvis::pac_compare(), esvis::tpac(), esvis::tpac_diff()]


# Compute differences for all pairwise comparisons for each of three cuts
    reading ~ condition,
		 cuts = c(450, 500, 550))
    reading ~ condition + freelunch + race, 
		 cuts = c(450, 500))

    reading ~ condition + freelunch + race, 
		 cuts = c(450, 500),
		 ref_group = ~small + no + white) 

[Package esvis version 0.3.1 Index]