esquisse-module {esquisse} | R Documentation |
Esquisse module
Use esquisse as a module in a Shiny application.
header = esquisse_header(),
container = esquisse_container(),
controls = c("options", "labs", "axes", "geoms", "theme", "filters", "code"),
insert_code = FALSE,
play_pause = TRUE,
layout_sidebar = FALSE,
downloads = downloads_labels(),
n_geoms = 8
data_rv = NULL,
name = "data",
default_aes = c("fill", "color", "size", "group", "facet"),
import_from = c("env", "file", "copypaste", "googlesheets", "url"),
n_geoms = 8,
drop_ids = TRUE,
notify_warnings = NULL
esquisse_container(width = "100%", height = "700px", fixed = FALSE)
import_data = TRUE,
show_data = TRUE,
update_variable = TRUE,
create_column = TRUE,
cut_variable = TRUE,
update_factor = TRUE,
settings = TRUE,
close = TRUE,
.before = NULL,
.after = NULL
id |
Module ID. |
header |
Either |
container |
Container in which display the addin,
default is to use |
controls |
Controls menu to be displayed. Use |
insert_code |
Logical, Display or not a button to insert the ggplot code in the current user script (work only in RStudio). |
play_pause |
Display or not the play / pause button. |
layout_sidebar |
Put controls in a sidebar on the left rather than below the chart in dropdowns. |
downloads |
Export options available or |
n_geoms |
Number of geoms the user can use. |
data_rv |
name |
The default name to use in generated code. Can be a |
default_aes |
Default aesthetics to be used, can be a |
import_from |
From where to import data, argument passed
to |
drop_ids |
Argument passed to datamods::filter_data_server. Drop columns containing more than 90% of unique values, or than 50 distinct values. |
notify_warnings |
See |
width , height |
The width and height of the container, e.g. |
fixed |
Use a fixed container, e.g. to use use esquisse full page.
If |
import_data |
Show button to import data. |
show_data |
Show button to display data. |
update_variable |
Show button to update selected variables and convert them. |
create_column |
Show button to create a new column based on an expression. |
cut_variable |
Show button to allow to convert a numeric variable into factor. |
update_factor |
Show button to open window to reorder factor levels and update them. |
settings |
Show button to open settings modal (to select aesthetics to use). |
close |
Show button to stop the app and close addin. |
.before , .after |
Custom content to put in the header, typically buttons. |
A reactiveValues
with 3 slots :
code_plot : code to generate plot.
code_filters : a list of length two with code to reproduce filters.
data :
used in plot (with filters applied).
### Part of a Shiny app ###
ui <- fluidPage(
theme = bs_theme_esquisse(),
tags$h1("Use esquisse as a Shiny module"),
inputId = "data",
label = "Data to use:",
choices = c("iris", "mtcars"),
inline = TRUE
inputId = "aes",
label = "Aesthetics to use:",
choices = c(
"fill", "color", "size", "shape",
"weight", "group", "facet", "facet_row", "facet_col"
selected = c("fill", "color", "size", "facet"),
inline = TRUE
id = "esquisse",
header = FALSE, # dont display gadget title
container = esquisse_container(height = "700px")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
data_rv <- reactiveValues(data = iris, name = "iris")
observeEvent(input$data, {
if (input$data == "iris") {
data_rv$data <- iris
data_rv$name <- "iris"
} else {
data_rv$data <- mtcars
data_rv$name <- "mtcars"
id = "esquisse",
data_rv = data_rv,
default_aes = reactive(input$aes)
if (interactive())
shinyApp(ui, server)
### Whole Shiny app ###
# Load some datasets in app environment
my_data <- data.frame(
var1 = rnorm(100),
var2 = sample(letters[1:5], 100, TRUE)
ui <- fluidPage(
theme = bs_theme_esquisse(),
id = "esquisse",
header = esquisse_header(
close = FALSE, # hide the close button
.after = actionButton( # custom button
inputId = "open_modal",
label = NULL,
icon = icon("plus")
container = esquisse_container(fixed = TRUE),
play_pause = FALSE,
controls = c("settings", "labs", "axes", "geoms", "theme", "filters", "code", "export"),
layout_sidebar = TRUE
server <- function(input, output, session) {
esquisse_server(id = "esquisse")
observeEvent(input$open_modal, {
showModal(modalDialog("Some content"))
if (interactive())
shinyApp(ui, server)
## You can also use a vector of margins for the fixed argument,
# useful if you have a navbar for example
ui <- navbarPage(
title = "My navbar app",
theme = bs_theme_esquisse(),
title = "esquisse",
id = "esquisse",
header = FALSE,
container = esquisse_container(
fixed = c(55, 0, 0, 0)
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# lauch import data modal
id = "import-data",
from = c("env", "file", "copypaste"),
title = "Import data"
data_imported_r <- datamods::import_server("import-data")
data_rv <- reactiveValues(data = data.frame())
observeEvent(data_imported_r$data(), {
data_rv$data <- data_imported_r$data()
data_rv$name <- data_imported_r$name()
esquisse_server(id = "esquisse", data_rv = data_rv)
if (interactive())
shinyApp(ui, server)