Explore and Visualize Your Data Interactively

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Documentation for package ‘esquisse’ version 1.2.0

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esquisse-package Explore and Visualize Your Data Interactively
build_aes Build aesthetics to use in a plot
chooseDataServer Module for choosing data.frame
chooseDataUI Module for choosing data.frame
coerceServer Coerce data.frame's columns module
coerceUI Coerce data.frame's columns module
colorPicker Picker input to select color(s) or palette
downloads_labels Render 'ggplot' module
dragulaInput Drag And Drop Input Widget
dropInput Dropdown Input
esquisse Explore and Visualize Your Data Interactively
esquisse-deprecated Deprecated functions
esquisse-exports esquisse exported operators and S3 methods
esquisse-module Esquisse module
esquisseContainer Esquisse module
esquisser An add-in to easily create plots with ggplot2
esquisserServer Esquisse Shiny module
esquisserUI Esquisse Shiny module
esquisse_server Esquisse module
esquisse_ui Esquisse module
filterDF Shiny module to interactively filter a 'data.frame'
filterDF_UI Shiny module to interactively filter a 'data.frame'
ggcall Generate code to create a 'ggplot2'
ggplot-output Render 'ggplot' module
ggplot_output Render 'ggplot' module
ggplot_to_ppt Utility to export ggplot objects to PowerPoint
i18n esquisse exported operators and S3 methods
input-colors Picker input to select color(s) or palette
match_geom_args Match list of arguments to arguments of geometry
module-chooseData Module for choosing data.frame
module-coerce Coerce data.frame's columns module
module-esquisse Esquisse Shiny module
module-filterDF Shiny module to interactively filter a 'data.frame'
palettePicker Picker input to select color(s) or palette
ph esquisse exported operators and S3 methods
potential_geoms Potential geometries according to the data
render_ggplot Render 'ggplot' module
run_module Run module example
safe_ggplot Safely render a 'ggplot' in Shiny application
save-ggplot-module Save 'ggplot' module
save_ggplot_modal Save 'ggplot' module
save_ggplot_server Save 'ggplot' module
save_ggplot_ui Save 'ggplot' module
set_i18n esquisse exported operators and S3 methods
updateColorPicker Picker input to select color(s) or palette
updateDragulaInput Update Dragula Input
updateDropInput Change the value of a drop input on the client
updatePalettePicker Picker input to select color(s) or palette
which_pal_scale Automatically select appropriate color scale