rt.indices.from.roi {espadon}R Documentation

Dosimetry, volume, conformity, homogeneity indices from RoI


The rt.indices.from.roi function calculates, from a "volume" class object of modality "rtdose", standard indicators of radiotherapy in relation to the target and healthy RoI, as long as their options are transmitted.


  struct = NULL,
  target.roi.name = NULL,
  target.roi.sname = NULL,
  target.roi.idx = NULL,
  healthy.roi.name = NULL,
  healthy.roi.sname = NULL,
  healthy.roi.idx = NULL,
  presc.dose = NA,
  healthy.tol.dose = NA,
  healthy.weight = 1,
  dosimetry = c("D.min", "D.max", "D.mean", "STD"),
  volume.indices = c("V.tot", "area", "V.prescdose"),
  conformity.indices = c("PITV", "PDS", "CI.lomax2003", "CN", "NCI", "DSC",
    "CI.distance", "CI.abs_distance", "CDI", "CS3", "ULF", "OHTF", "gCI", "COIN",
    "G_COSI", "COSI"),
  homogeneity.indices = c("HI.RTOG.max_ref", "HI.RTOG.5_95", "HI.ICRU.max_min",
    "HI.ICRU.2.98_ref", "HI.ICRU.2.98_50", "HI.ICRU.5.95_ref", "HI.mayo2010",
  gradient.indices = c("GI.ratio.50", "mGI"),
  D.xpc = NULL,
  D.xcc = NULL,
  V.xpc = NULL,
  V.xGy = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE



"volume" class object, of "rtdose" modality.


"struct" class object.


"t.mat" class object, created by load.patient.from.Rdcm or load.T.MAT. If T.MAT = NULL, struct$ref.pseudo must be equal to vol$ref.pseudo.


Exact name of target RoI in struct object. By default target.roi.name = NULL. See Details.


Name or part of name of target RoI in struct object. By default target.roi.sname = NULL. See Details.


Value of the index of target RoI that belong to the struct object. By default target.roi.idx = NULL. See Details.


Exact name of healthy RoI in struct object. By default healthy.roi.name = NULL.


Name or part of name of healthy RoI in struct object. By default healthy.roi.sname = NULL.


Value of the index of healthy RoI that belong to the struct object. By default healthy.roi.idx = NULL.


Vector of prescription doses that serve as reference doses for the target RoI.


Vector of tolerance doses of each healthy RoI.


Vector of weights, indicating the importance of the healthy RoI.


Vector indicating the requested dose indicators from among 'D.min', 'D.max', 'D.mean' and 'STD'. If D.xpc is different from NULL, it will be added.


Vector indicating the requested volume indices from among 'V.tot', 'V.prescdose' (i.e. volume over presc.dose) and 'area'. If V.xGy is different from NULL, it will be added.


Vector. Requested conformity indices from among 'PITV', 'PDS', 'CI.lomax2003', 'CN', 'NCI', 'DSC', 'CI.distance', 'CI.abs_distance', 'CDI', 'CS3', 'ULF', 'OHTF', 'gCI', 'COIN', 'COSI' and 'G_COSI'.


Vector. Requested homogeneity indices from among 'HI.RTOG.max_ref', 'HI.RTOG.5_95', 'HI.ICRU.max_min', 'HI.ICRU.2.98_ref', 'HI.ICRU.2.98_50', 'HI.ICRU.5.95_ref', 'HI.mayo2010' and 'HI.heufelder.'


Vector. Requested gradient indices from among 'GI.ratio.50', 'mGI'.


Vector of the percentage of the volume, for which the dose coverage is requested.


Vector of the volume in \(cm^3\), for which the dose coverage is requested.


Vector of the percentage of the reference dose, received by the volume to be calculated.


Vector of the minimum dose in Gy, received by the volume to be calculated.


Boolean. if TRUE (default) a progress bar is displayed.


If target.roi.name, target.roi.sname, and target.roi.idx are all set to NULL, all RoI containing 'ptv' (if they exist) are selected.

If target.roi.name, target.roi.sname, and target.roi.idx are all set to NULL,no target RoI are selected.

If healthy.roi.name, healthy.roi.sname, and healthy.roi.idx are all set to NULL, no healthy RoI are selected.


Returns a list containing (if requested)

\(-~dosimetry\) : dataframe containing, for all target and healthy structures:

\(-~volume\) : dataframe containing, for all target and healthy structures, and isodoses:

\(-~conformity\) : dataframe containing, if requested,

\(-~COSI\) : if "COSI" is requested in conformity.indices, it returns a dataframe of Critical Organ Scoring Index for each healthy organ, at each presc.dose, and for each target. COSI is defined by Menhel and al [13] \[COSI = 1- \frac{\frac{V_{healthy ~\ge~ healthy.tol.dose}}{V_{healthy}}}{\frac{V_{target ~\ge~ presc.dose}}{V_{target}}}\]

\(-~homogeneity\) : dataframe containing

\(-~gradient\) : dataframe containing


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All this references are compiled by

See Also



# loading of toy-patient objects (decrease dxyz and increase beam.nb 
#  for better result)
step <- 5
patient <- toy.load.patient (modality = c("rtdose", "rtstruct"), roi.name = "eye",
                             dxyz = rep (step, 3), beam.nb = 3)
indices <- rt.indices.from.roi (patient$rtdose[[1]],  patient$rtstruct[[1]],
                                target.roi.sname = "ptv",
                                healthy.roi.sname = "eye", presc.dose = 50,
                                conformity.indices = c("PITV", "PDS", "CI.lomax2003", 
                                                       "CN", "NCI", "DSC","COIN"),
                                verbose = FALSE)

[Package espadon version 1.7.2 Index]