display.obj.links {espadon}R Documentation

Display patient objects links


The display.obj.links function displays a graph of connections between objects of a patient. The name of the objects corresponds to their modality (ct, mr, rtdose...) followed by their position in their respective lists in the patient list objects. Connected objects are linked by arrows. Objects sharing the same frame of reference have the same color except for objects with warnings, errors or missing planes which are all in grey. Approved objects are circled in green. By default, objects shapes are circles, except rtdose represented as squares.


  obj.selected = NULL,
  exclusion = NULL,
  square = "rtdose",
  group.by.connected.FoR = TRUE,
  interactive = FALSE,
  random.seed = 314



"patient" class object, as loaded using load.patient.from.dicom, load.patient.from.Rdcm or toy.load.patient.


Dataframe (default to NULL) containing the objects already selected, created by a previous call of display.obj.links for example.


Vector of patient file modalities that should not be displayed, as for instance "mr"...


Vector of patient file modalities that should be enclosed by a square, as for instance c ("ct", "mr")... If NULL no object name is squared.


Boolean. If TRUE (default), all objects sharing the same frame of reference or connected by a registration matrix have the same color. If group.by.connected.FoR =FALSE, only objects sharing the same FoR have the same color.


Boolean. If interactive = TRUE, buttons are available on the graph to get information about the objects and select or remove them from the data frame of the selected objects. Then simply click on the name of the object on which to apply the chosen action. If interactive = FALSE no interaction possible with the plot.


Positive Integer or NULL. If random.seed = NULL, the objects are laid out randomly. The layout is otherwise fixed.


The function displays all patient objects, linked by an arrow when they are connected or a line when they belongs to the same DICOM object, and with a color and a shape depending on square, group.by.connected.FoR.

When interactive = TRUE, it returns a dataframe of the selected objects, or NULL if no object is selected.

Items are circled in green when the DICOM file has been approved. They are circled in red, when the DICOM series is incomplete (e.g. missing plan).

See Also



# loading of toy-patient objects
patient <- toy.load.patient (dxyz = c (5, 5, 5), beam.nb = 1)
display.obj.links (patient, group.by.connected.FoR = FALSE)
display.obj.links (patient, group.by.connected.FoR = TRUE)
display.obj.links (patient, group.by.connected.FoR = TRUE, random.seed=NULL)

[Package espadon version 1.7.2 Index]