Effective Reproduction Number Estimation

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Documentation for package ‘ern’ version 2.0.0

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agg_to_daily Infer daily counts from aggregates
cl.data Sample of aggregated clinical reports
def_dist Define a family of distributions.
estimate_R_cl Estimate the effective reproduction from clinical report data
estimate_R_ww Estimate the effective reproduction from wastewater concentration data.
extract_mcmc_values Extract MCMC chains from a JAGS object
get_discrete_dist Get a discretized, truncated version of a distribution
linear_int_daily Daily incidence from linear interpolation
plot_diagnostic_cl Diagnostic plot for R estimation from clinical report data
plot_diagnostic_ww Diagnostic plot for R estimation from wastewater data
plot_dist Plot a distribution
plot_gelman_rubin Plot the Gelman Rubin statistic for all parameters.
plot_traces Plot MCMC traces
ww.data Sample of wastewater concentration