addLegend | addLegend |
addPhylo | addPhylo |
addTraits | addTraits |
betadiv_disparity | Map change in morphological disparity |
betadiv_phylogenetic | Map phylogenetic turnover in species communities |
betadiv_taxonomic | Map turnover in species communities |
calcMeanShape | Calculate mean shape per grid cell |
coordsFromEpmGrid | Retrieve coordinates from epmGrid |
createEPMgrid | Create epmGrid object |
customBetaDiv | Custom beta diversity metrics |
customGridMetric | Custom grid metrics |
dropSpecies | Drop species from epmGrid |
DRstat | Calculate the DR statistic |
epm | EcoPhyloMapper (epm) |
epm-example | Eco Phylo Mapper datasets |
epmToPhyloComm | Convert epmGrid to community matrix |
expandSpeciesCellList | Expand species list |
extractFromEpmGrid | Extract from epmGrid |
faithPD | Calculate Faith's Phylogenetic Diversity |
generateOccurrenceMatrix | Convert epmGrid to community matrix |
getExtentOfList | Get extent of list |
getMultiMapRamp | Extract min and max for multiple epmGrids |
getSpPartialDisparities | Partial Disparity |
gridMetrics | Grid Metrics |
identify.epmGrid | Interactively identify species in epmGrid |
interactiveExtent | Interactively choose extent |
plot.epmGrid | Plot epmGrid |
plotDispersionField | Plot dispersion fields |
plotSpRange | plot a single species' range |
rasterToGrid | Convert raster to sf grid |
read.epmGrid | Read a epmGrid object |
reduceToCommonTaxa | Subset epmGrid to shared taxa |
singleSpCellIndex | Identify single-species cells |
spCountIndex | Identify cells that have a certain number of taxa |
summarizeEpmGridList | Summarize lists of epmGrid objects |
summary.epmGrid | epmGrid summary |
tableFromEpmGrid | Data table from epmGrid |
tamiasEPM | Eco Phylo Mapper datasets |
tamiasPolyList | Eco Phylo Mapper datasets |
tamiasTraits | Eco Phylo Mapper datasets |
tamiasTree | Eco Phylo Mapper datasets |
tamiasTreeSet | Eco Phylo Mapper datasets |
write.epmGrid | Save epmGrid object |
writeEpmSpatial | Write epmGrid Spatial Object to Disk |