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Documentation for package ‘epm’ version 1.1.2

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addLegend addLegend
addPhylo addPhylo
addTraits addTraits
betadiv_disparity Map change in morphological disparity
betadiv_phylogenetic Map phylogenetic turnover in species communities
betadiv_taxonomic Map turnover in species communities
calcMeanShape Calculate mean shape per grid cell
coordsFromEpmGrid Retrieve coordinates from epmGrid
createEPMgrid Create epmGrid object
customBetaDiv Custom beta diversity metrics
customGridMetric Custom grid metrics
dropSpecies Drop species from epmGrid
DRstat Calculate the DR statistic
epm EcoPhyloMapper (epm)
epm-example Eco Phylo Mapper datasets
epmToPhyloComm Convert epmGrid to community matrix
expandSpeciesCellList Expand species list
extractFromEpmGrid Extract from epmGrid
faithPD Calculate Faith's Phylogenetic Diversity
generateOccurrenceMatrix Convert epmGrid to community matrix
getExtentOfList Get extent of list
getMultiMapRamp Extract min and max for multiple epmGrids
getSpPartialDisparities Partial Disparity
gridMetrics Grid Metrics
identify.epmGrid Interactively identify species in epmGrid
interactiveExtent Interactively choose extent
plot.epmGrid Plot epmGrid
plotDispersionField Plot dispersion fields
plotSpRange plot a single species' range
rasterToGrid Convert raster to sf grid
read.epmGrid Read a epmGrid object
reduceToCommonTaxa Subset epmGrid to shared taxa
singleSpCellIndex Identify single-species cells
spCountIndex Identify cells that have a certain number of taxa
summarizeEpmGridList Summarize lists of epmGrid objects
summary.epmGrid epmGrid summary
tableFromEpmGrid Data table from epmGrid
tamiasEPM Eco Phylo Mapper datasets
tamiasPolyList Eco Phylo Mapper datasets
tamiasTraits Eco Phylo Mapper datasets
tamiasTree Eco Phylo Mapper datasets
tamiasTreeSet Eco Phylo Mapper datasets
write.epmGrid Save epmGrid object
writeEpmSpatial Write epmGrid Spatial Object to Disk