EplusGroupJob {eplusr}R Documentation

Create and Run Parametric Analysis, and Collect Results


EplusGroupJob class is a wrapper of run_multi() and provides an interface to group multiple EnergyPlus simulations together for running and collecting outputs.

group_job() takes IDFs and EPWs as input and returns a EplusGroupJob.


group_job(idfs, epws)



Paths to EnergyPlus IDF files or a list of IDF files and Idf objects.


Paths to EnergyPlus EPW files or a list of EPW files and Epw objects. Each element in the list can be NULL, which will force design-day-only simulation when $run() method is called. Note this needs at least one Sizing:DesignDay object exists in that Idf. If epws is NULL, design-day-only simulation will be conducted for all input models.


A EplusGroupJob object.


Public methods

Method new()

Create an EplusGroupJob object

EplusGroupJob$new(idfs, epws)

Paths to EnergyPlus IDF files or a list of IDF files and Idf objects. If only one IDF supplied, it will be used for simulations with all EPWs.


Paths to EnergyPlus EPW files or a list of EPW files and Epw objects. Each element in the list can be NULL, which will force design-day-only simulation. Note this needs at least one Sizing:DesignDay object exists in that Idf. If epws is NULL, design-day-only simulation will be conducted for all input models. If only one EPW supplied, it will be used for simulations with all IDFs.


An EplusGroupJob object.

if (is_avail_eplus(8.8)) {
    dir <- eplus_config(8.8)$dir
    path_idfs <- list.files(file.path(dir, "ExampleFiles"), "\\.idf",
        full.names = TRUE)[1:5]
    path_epws <- list.files(file.path(dir, "WeatherData"), "\\.epw",
        full.names = TRUE)[1:5]

    # create from local files
    group <- group_job(path_idfs, path_epws)

    # create from Idfs and Epws object
    group_job(lapply(path_idfs, read_idf), lapply(path_epws, read_epw))

Method run()

Run grouped simulations

  dir = NULL,
  wait = TRUE,
  force = FALSE,
  copy_external = FALSE,
  echo = wait,
  separate = TRUE,
  readvars = TRUE

The parent output directory for specified simulations. Outputs of each simulation are placed in a separate folder under the parent directory.


If TRUE, R will hang on and wait all EnergyPlus simulations finish. If FALSE, all EnergyPlus simulations are run in the background. Default: TRUE.


Only applicable when the last simulation runs with wait equals to FALSE and is still running. If TRUE, current running job is forced to stop and a new one will start. Default: FALSE.


If TRUE, the external files that current Idf object depends on will also be copied into the simulation output directory. The values of file paths in the Idf will be changed automatically. This ensures that the output directory will have all files needed for the model to run. Default is FALSE.


Only applicable when wait is TRUE. Whether to simulation status. Default: same as wait.


If TRUE, all models are saved in a separate folder with each model's name under dir when simulation. If FALSE, all models are saved in dir when simulation. Default: TRUE.


If TRUE, the ReadVarESO post-processor will run to generate CSV files from the ESO output. Since those CSV files are never used when extracting simulation data in eplusr, setting it to FALSE can speed up the simulation if there are hundreds of output variables or meters. Default: TRUE.


⁠$run()⁠ runs all grouped simulations in parallel. The number of parallel EnergyPlus process can be controlled by eplusr_option("num_parallel"). If wait is FALSE, then the job will be run in the background. You can get updated job status by just printing the EplusGroupJob object.


The EplusGroupJob object itself, invisibly.

# only run design day

# do not show anything in the console
group$run(echo = FALSE)

# specify output directory
group$run(tempdir(), echo = FALSE)

# run in the background
group$run(wait = TRUE, echo = FALSE)
# see group job status

# force to kill background group job before running the new one
group$run(force = TRUE, echo = FALSE)

# copy external files used in the model to simulation output directory
group$run(copy_external = TRUE, echo = FALSE)

Method kill()

Kill current running jobs


⁠$kill()⁠ kills all background EnergyPlus processes that are current running if possible. It only works when simulations run in non-waiting mode.


A single logical value of TRUE or FALSE, invisibly.


Method status()

Get the group job status


⁠$status()⁠ returns a named list of values indicates the status of the job:


A named list of 6 elements.


Method errors()

Read group simulation errors

EplusGroupJob$errors(which = NULL, info = FALSE)

An integer vector of the indexes or a character vector or names of parametric simulations. If NULL, results of all parametric simulations are returned. Default: NULL.


If FALSE, only warnings and errors are printed. Default: FALSE.


$errors() returns a list of ErrFile objects which contain all contents of the simulation error files (.err). If info is FALSE, only warnings and errors are printed.


A list of ErrFile objects.


# show all information
group$errors(info = TRUE)

Method output_dir()

Get simulation output directory

EplusGroupJob$output_dir(which = NULL)

An integer vector of the indexes or a character vector or names of parametric simulations. If NULL, results of all parametric simulations are returned. Default: NULL.


⁠$output_dir()⁠ returns the output directory of simulation results.


A character vector.

# get output directories of all simulations

# get output directories of specified simulations
group$output_dir(c(1, 4))

Method list_files()

List all output files in simulations

EplusGroupJob$list_files(which = NULL, simplify = FALSE, full = FALSE)

An integer vector of the indexes or a character vector or names of parametric simulations. If NULL, results of all parametric simulations are returned. Default: NULL.


If TRUE, a list of character vectors of EnergyPlus input and output file names in the output directory for each simulation is given. If FALSE, a data.table giving all possible input and output types is given. NA is returned if no input or output files are found for that type. Default: FALSE.


If TRUE, the full file paths in the output directory are returned. Otherwise, only the file names are returned. Default: FALSE.


⁠$list_files()⁠ returns all input and output files for the grouped EnergyPlus simulations.

Description of all possible outputs from EnergyPlus can be found in EnergyPlus documentation "Output Details and Examples".

Below gives a brief summary on the meaning of elements in the returned list.

# Element Description
1 ads EnergyPlus AirflowNetwork related output
2 audit EnergyPlus inputs echo
3 bnd EnergyPlus branch node details
4 bsmt_audit Basement input Echo
5 bsmt_csv Basement CSV output
6 bsmt_idf Basement IDF output
7 bsmt_out Basement Output
8 cbor Energyplus CBOR binary output introduced since v9.5
9 dbg Energyplus debug output
10 delight EnergyPlus DElight simulation inputs and outputs
11 dfs EnergyPlus daylighting factor for exterior windows
12 dxf EnergyPlus surface drawing output
13 edd EnergyPlus EMS report
14 eio EnergyPlus standard and optional reports
15 end EnergyPlus simulation status in one line
16 epjson EnergyPlus epJSON input converted from IDF
17 epmdet EPMacro inputs echo
18 epmidf EPMacro IDF output
19 epw EnergyPlus Weather File input
20 err EnergyPlus error summarry
21 eso EnergyPlus standard output
22 experr ExpandObjects error summary
23 expidf ExpandObjects IDF output
24 glhe EnergyPlus ground heat exchange file
25 idf EnergyPlus IDF input
26 imf EPMacro IMF input
27 iperr convertESOMTR error summary
28 ipeso convertESOMTR standard output in IP units
29 ipmtr convertESOMTR meter output in IP units
30 json EnergyPlus JSON time series output introduced since v9.5
31 log EnergyPlus log output
32 map EnergyPlus daylighting intensity map output
33 mdd EnergyPlus meter list
34 meter EnergyPlus meter CSV output
35 msgpack EnergyPlus MessagePack binary output introduced since v9.5
36 mtd EnergyPlus meter details
37 mtr EnergyPlus meter output
38 perflog EnergyPlus log for `PerformancePrecisionTradeoffs
39 rdd EnergyPlus report variable names
40 rvaudit ReadVarsESO input echo
41 sci EnergyPlus cost benefit calculation information
42 screen EnergyPlus window scrren transmittance map output
43 shading EnergyPlus surface shading CSV output
44 shd EnergyPlus surface shading combination report
45 slab_ger Slab error summary
46 slab_gtp Slab ground temperature output
47 slab_out Slab IDF output
48 sln EnergyPlus ⁠Output:Surfaces:List, Lines⁠ output
49 sqlite EnergyPlus SQLite output
50 sqlite_err EnergyPlus SQLite error summary
51 ssz EnergyPlus system sizing outputs in CSV, TAB or TXT format
52 svg HVAC-Diagram HVAC diagram output
53 table EnergyPlus tabular outputs in CSV, TAB, TXT, HTM, or XML format
54 variable EnergyPlus report variable CSV output
55 wrl EnergyPlus ⁠Output:Surfaces:List, VRML⁠ output
56 zsz EnergyPlus system sizing outputs in CSV, TAB or TXT format
57 resource External file resources used for the simulation, e.g. Schedule:File

If simplify is TRUE, a list. Otherwise, a data.table of 3 columns:

# list all files in the output directory
group$list_files(simplify = TRUE)

# get a data.table that contains a full list of all possible inputs
# and outputs even though they may not exist for current simulation

# return the full paths instead of just file names
group$locate_output(full = TRUE)

Method locate_output()

Get paths of output file

EplusGroupJob$locate_output(which = NULL, suffix = ".err", strict = TRUE)

An integer vector of the indexes or a character vector or names of parametric simulations. If NULL, results of all parametric simulations are returned. Default: NULL.


A string that indicates the file extension of simulation output. Default: ".err".


If TRUE, it will check if the simulation was terminated, is still running or the file exists or not. Default: TRUE.


⁠$locate_output()⁠ returns the path of a single output file of specified simulations.


A character vector.

# get the file path of the error file
group$locate_output(c(1, 4), ".err", strict = FALSE)

# can detect if certain output file exists
group$locate_output(c(1, 4), ".expidf", strict = TRUE)

Method list_table()

List all table names in EnergyPlus SQL outputs

EplusGroupJob$list_table(which = NULL)

An integer vector of the indexes or a character vector or names of parametric simulations. If NULL, results of all parametric simulations are returned. Default: NULL.


⁠$list_table()⁠ returns a list of character vectors that contain all available table and view names in the EnergyPlus SQLite files for group simulations. The list is named using IDF names.


A named list of character vectors.

group$list_table(c(1, 4))

Method read_table()

Read the same table from EnergyPlus SQL outputs

EplusGroupJob$read_table(which = NULL, name)

An integer vector of the indexes or a character vector or names of parametric simulations. If NULL, results of all parametric simulations are returned. Default: NULL.


A single string specifying the name of table to read.


⁠$read_table()⁠ takes a simulation index and a valid table name of those from $list_table() and returns that table data in a data.table::data.table() format. The two column will always be index and case which can be used to distinguish output from different simulations. index contains the indices of simulated models and case contains the model names without extensions.


A data.table::data.table().

# read a specific table
group$read_table(c(1, 4), "Zones")

Method read_rdd()

Read Report Data Dictionary (RDD) files

EplusGroupJob$read_rdd(which = NULL)

An integer vector of the indexes or a character vector or names of parametric simulations. If NULL, results of all parametric simulations are returned. Default: NULL.


⁠$read_rdd()⁠ return the core data of Report Data Dictionary (RDD) files. For details, please see read_rdd(). The two column will always be index and case which can be used to distinguish output from different simulations. index contains the indices of simulated models and case contains the model names without extensions.


A data.table::data.table().

group$read_rdd(c(1, 4))

Method read_mdd()

Read Meter Data Dictionary (MDD) files

EplusGroupJob$read_mdd(which = NULL)

An integer vector of the indexes or a character vector or names of parametric simulations. If NULL, results of all parametric simulations are returned. Default: NULL.


⁠$read_mdd()⁠ return the core data of Meter Data Dictionary (MDD) files. For details, please see read_mdd(). The two column will always be index and case which can be used to distinguish output from different simulations. index contains the indices of simulated models and case contains the model names without extensions.


A data.table::data.table().

group$read_mdd(c(1, 4))

Method report_data_dict()

Read report data dictionary from EnergyPlus SQL outputs

EplusGroupJob$report_data_dict(which = NULL)

An integer vector of the indexes or a character vector or names of parametric simulations. If NULL, results of all parametric simulations are returned. Default: NULL.


⁠$report_data_dict()⁠ returns a data.table::data.table() which contains all information about report data.

For details on the meaning of each columns, please see " ReportDataDictionary Table" in EnergyPlus "Output Details and Examples" documentation.


A data.table::data.table() of 10 columns:

group$report_data_dict(c(1, 4))

Method report_data()

Read report data

  which = NULL,
  key_value = NULL,
  name = NULL,
  year = NULL,
  tz = "UTC",
  all = FALSE,
  wide = FALSE,
  period = NULL,
  month = NULL,
  day = NULL,
  hour = NULL,
  minute = NULL,
  interval = NULL,
  simulation_days = NULL,
  day_type = NULL,
  environment_name = NULL

An integer vector of the indexes or a character vector or names of parametric simulations. If NULL, results of all parametric simulations are returned. Default: NULL.


A character vector to identify key values of the data. If NULL, all keys of that variable will be returned. key_value can also be data.frame that contains key_value and name columns. In this case, name argument in ⁠$report_data()⁠ is ignored. All available key_value for current simulation output can be obtained using $report_data_dict(). Default: NULL.


A character vector to identify names of the data. If NULL, all names of that variable will be returned. If key_value is a data.frame, name is ignored. All available name for current simulation output can be obtained using $report_data_dict(). Default: NULL.


Year of the date time in column datetime. If NULL, it will calculate a year value that meets the start day of week restriction for each environment. Default: NULL.


Time zone of date time in column datetime. Default: "UTC".


If TRUE, extra columns are also included in the returned data.table::data.table().


If TRUE, the output is formatted in the same way as standard EnergyPlus csv output file.


A Date or POSIXt vector used to specify which time period to return. The year value does not matter and only month, day, hour and minute value will be used when subsetting. If NULL, all time period of data is returned. Default: NULL.

month, day, hour, minute

Each is an integer vector for month, day, hour, minute subsetting of datetime column when querying on the SQL database. If NULL, no subsetting is performed on those components. All possible month, day, hour and minute can be obtained using $read_table(NULL, "Time"). Default: NULL.


An integer vector used to specify which interval length of report to extract. If NULL, all interval will be used. Default: NULL.


An integer vector to specify which simulation day data to extract. Note that this number resets after warmup and at the beginning of an environment period. All possible simulation_days can be obtained using $read_table(NULL, "Time"). If NULL, all simulation days will be used. Default: NULL.


A character vector to specify which day type of data to extract. All possible day types are: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Holiday, SummerDesignDay, WinterDesignDay, CustomDay1, and CustomDay2. All possible values for current simulation output can be obtained using $read_table(NULL, "Time"). A few grouped options are also provided:

  • "Weekday": All working days, i.e. from Monday to Friday

  • "Weekend": Saturday and Sunday

  • "DesignDay": Equivalent to "SummerDesignDay" plus "WinterDesignDay"

  • "CustomDay": CustomDay1 and CustomDay2

  • "SpecialDay": Equivalent to "DesignDay" plus "CustomDay"

  • "NormalDay": Equivalent to "Weekday" and "Weekend" plus "Holiday"


A character vector to specify which environment data to extract. If NULL, all environment data are returned. Default: NULL. All possible environment_name for current simulation output can be obtained using:

$read_table(NULL, "EnvironmentPeriods")

If not NULL, a character column will be added indicates the case of this simulation. If "auto", the name of the IDF file without extension is used.


⁠$report_data()⁠ extracts the report data in a data.table::data.table() using key values, variable names and other specifications.

⁠$report_data()⁠ can also directly take all or subset output from ⁠$report_data_dict()⁠ as input, and extract all data specified.

The returned column numbers varies depending on all argument.

With the datetime column, it is quite straightforward to apply time-series analysis on the simulation output. However, another painful thing is that every simulation run period has its own ⁠Day of Week for Start Day⁠. Randomly setting the year may result in a date time series that does not have the same start day of week as specified in the RunPeriod objects.

eplusr provides a simple solution for this. By setting year to NULL, which is the default behavior, eplusr will calculate a year value (from year 2017 backwards) for each run period that compliances with the start day of week restriction.

It is worth noting that EnergyPlus uses 24-hour clock system where 24 is only used to denote midnight at the end of a calendar day. In EnergyPlus output, "00:24:00" with a time interval being 15 mins represents a time period from "00:23:45" to "00:24:00", and similarly "00:15:00" represents a time period from "00:24:00" to "00:15:00" of the next day. This means that if current day is Friday, day of week rule applied in schedule time period "00:23:45" to "00:24:00" (presented as "00:24:00" in the output) is also Friday, but not Saturday. However, if you try to get the day of week of time "00:24:00" in R, you will get Saturday, but not Friday. This introduces inconsistency and may cause problems when doing data analysis considering day of week value.

With wide equals TRUE, ⁠$report_data()⁠ will format the simulation output in the same way as standard EnergyPlus csv output file. Sometimes this can be useful as there may be existing tools/workflows that depend on this format. When both wide and all are TRUE, columns of runperiod environment names and date time components are also returned, including: ⁠environment_period_index", "environment_name⁠, simulation_days, datetime, month, day, hour, minute, day_type.

For convenience, input character arguments matching in ⁠$report_data()⁠ are case-insensitive.


A data.table::data.table().

# read report data
group$report_data(c(1, 4))

# specify output variables using report data dictionary
dict <- group$report_data_dict(1)
group$report_data(c(1, 4), dict[units == "C"])

# specify output variables using 'key_value' and 'name'
group$report_data(c(1, 4), "environment", "site outdoor air drybulb temperature")

# explicitly specify year value and time zone
group$report_data(c(1, 4), dict[1], year = 2020, tz = "Etc/GMT+8")

# get all possible columns
group$report_data(c(1, 4), dict[1], all = TRUE)

# return in a format that is similar as EnergyPlus CSV output
group$report_data(c(1, 4), dict[1], wide = TRUE)

# return in a format that is similar as EnergyPlus CSV output with
# extra columns
group$report_data(c(1, 4), dict[1], wide = TRUE, all = TRUE)

# only get data at the working hour on the first Monday
group$report_data(c(1, 4), dict[1], hour = 8:18, day_type = "monday", simulation_days = 1:7)

Method tabular_data()

Read tabular data

  which = NULL,
  report_name = NULL,
  report_for = NULL,
  table_name = NULL,
  column_name = NULL,
  row_name = NULL,
  wide = FALSE,
  string_value = !wide

An integer vector of the indexes or a character vector or names of parametric simulations. If NULL, results of all parametric simulations are returned. Default: NULL.

report_name, report_for, table_name, column_name, row_name

Each is a character vector for subsetting when querying the SQL database. For the meaning of each argument, please see the description above.


If TRUE, each table will be converted into the similar format as it is shown in EnergyPlus HTML output file. Default: FALSE.


Only applicable when wide is TRUE. If string_value is FALSE, instead of keeping all values as characters, values in possible numeric columns are converted into numbers. Default: the opposite of wide. Possible numeric columns indicate column that:

  • columns that have associated units

  • columns that contents numbers


⁠$tabular_data()⁠ extracts the tabular data in a data.table::data.table() using report, table, column and row name specifications. The returned data.table::data.table() has 9 columns:

For convenience, input character arguments matching in ⁠$tabular_data()⁠ are case-insensitive.


A data.table::data.table() with 9 columns (when wide is FALSE) or a named list of data.table::data.table()s where the names are the combination of report_name, report_for and table_name.

# read all tabular data
group$tabular_data(c(1, 4))

# explicitly specify data you want
str(group$tabular_data(c(1, 4),
    report_name = "AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary",
    table_name = "Site and Source Energy",
    column_name = "Total Energy",
    row_name = "Total Site Energy"

# get tabular data in wide format and coerce numeric values
str(group$tabular_data(c(1, 4),
    report_name = "AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary",
    table_name = "Site and Source Energy",
    column_name = "Total Energy",
    row_name = "Total Site Energy",
    wide = TRUE, string_value = FALSE

Method print()

Print EplusGroupJob object


⁠$print()⁠ shows the core information of this EplusGroupJob, including the path of IDFs and EPWs and also the simulation job status.

⁠$print()⁠ is quite useful to get the simulation status, especially when wait is FALSE in ⁠$run()⁠. The job status will be updated and printed whenever ⁠$print()⁠ is called.


The EplusGroupJob object itself, invisibly.



Hongyuan Jia

See Also

eplus_job() for creating an EnergyPlus single simulation job.


## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EplusGroupJob$new`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
if (is_avail_eplus(8.8)) {
    dir <- eplus_config(8.8)$dir
    path_idfs <- list.files(file.path(dir, "ExampleFiles"), "\\.idf",
        full.names = TRUE)[1:5]
    path_epws <- list.files(file.path(dir, "WeatherData"), "\\.epw",
        full.names = TRUE)[1:5]

    # create from local files
    group <- group_job(path_idfs, path_epws)

    # create from Idfs and Epws object
    group_job(lapply(path_idfs, read_idf), lapply(path_epws, read_epw))

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EplusGroupJob$run`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# only run design day

# do not show anything in the console
group$run(echo = FALSE)

# specify output directory
group$run(tempdir(), echo = FALSE)

# run in the background
group$run(wait = TRUE, echo = FALSE)
# see group job status

# force to kill background group job before running the new one
group$run(force = TRUE, echo = FALSE)

# copy external files used in the model to simulation output directory
group$run(copy_external = TRUE, echo = FALSE)

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EplusGroupJob$kill`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EplusGroupJob$status`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EplusGroupJob$errors`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 

# show all information
group$errors(info = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EplusGroupJob$output_dir`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# get output directories of all simulations

# get output directories of specified simulations
group$output_dir(c(1, 4))

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EplusGroupJob$list_files`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# list all files in the output directory
group$list_files(simplify = TRUE)

# get a data.table that contains a full list of all possible inputs
# and outputs even though they may not exist for current simulation

# return the full paths instead of just file names
group$locate_output(full = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EplusGroupJob$locate_output`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# get the file path of the error file
group$locate_output(c(1, 4), ".err", strict = FALSE)

# can detect if certain output file exists
group$locate_output(c(1, 4), ".expidf", strict = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EplusGroupJob$list_table`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
group$list_table(c(1, 4))

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EplusGroupJob$read_table`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# read a specific table
group$read_table(c(1, 4), "Zones")

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EplusGroupJob$read_rdd`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
group$read_rdd(c(1, 4))

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EplusGroupJob$read_mdd`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
group$read_mdd(c(1, 4))

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EplusGroupJob$report_data_dict`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
group$report_data_dict(c(1, 4))

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EplusGroupJob$report_data`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# read report data
group$report_data(c(1, 4))

# specify output variables using report data dictionary
dict <- group$report_data_dict(1)
group$report_data(c(1, 4), dict[units == "C"])

# specify output variables using 'key_value' and 'name'
group$report_data(c(1, 4), "environment", "site outdoor air drybulb temperature")

# explicitly specify year value and time zone
group$report_data(c(1, 4), dict[1], year = 2020, tz = "Etc/GMT+8")

# get all possible columns
group$report_data(c(1, 4), dict[1], all = TRUE)

# return in a format that is similar as EnergyPlus CSV output
group$report_data(c(1, 4), dict[1], wide = TRUE)

# return in a format that is similar as EnergyPlus CSV output with
# extra columns
group$report_data(c(1, 4), dict[1], wide = TRUE, all = TRUE)

# only get data at the working hour on the first Monday
group$report_data(c(1, 4), dict[1], hour = 8:18, day_type = "monday", simulation_days = 1:7)

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EplusGroupJob$tabular_data`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# read all tabular data
group$tabular_data(c(1, 4))

# explicitly specify data you want
str(group$tabular_data(c(1, 4),
    report_name = "AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary",
    table_name = "Site and Source Energy",
    column_name = "Total Energy",
    row_name = "Total Site Energy"

# get tabular data in wide format and coerce numeric values
str(group$tabular_data(c(1, 4),
    report_name = "AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary",
    table_name = "Site and Source Energy",
    column_name = "Total Energy",
    row_name = "Total Site Energy",
    wide = TRUE, string_value = FALSE

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EplusGroupJob$print`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

[Package eplusr version 0.16.2 Index]