Epistatic Network Modelling with Forward-Time Simulation

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Documentation for package ‘epinetr’ version 0.96

Help Pages

addEffects Attach additive effects to population.
attachEpiNet Attach epistatic network to population.
epinetr epinetr
geno100snp Example genotype matrix.
getAddCoefs Get additive coefficients.
getAddOffset Retrieve additive offset.
getAlleleFreqRun Get allele frequencies.
getComponents Get phenotypic components.
getEpiNet Epistatic network retrieval.
getEpiOffset Retrieve epistatic offset.
getEpistasis Calculate epistatic interactions.
getGeno Get population unphased genotypes.
getHaplo Retrieve haplotypes.
getIncMatrix Incidence matrix retrieval.
getInteraction Retrieve interaction values.
getPedigree Get population pedigree.
getPhased Get population phased genotypes.
getQTL QTL retrieval.
getSubPop Get subpopulation
loadGeno Load epinetr genotype file.
map100snp Example map.
plot.EpiNet Plot epistatic network.
plot.Population Plot phenotypic value for a population.
Population Population constructor.
print.Population Print function for population.
rincmat100snp Example incidence matrix.
runSim Run simulation on population.