E-Statistics: Multivariate Inference via the Energy of Data

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Documentation for package ‘energy’ version 1.7-11

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energy-package E-statistics: Multivariate Inference via the Energy of Data
bcdcor Unbiased dcov and bias-corrected dcor statistics
calc_dist Distance Matrices
Dcenter Double centering and U-centering
DCOR Deprecated Functions
dcor Distance Correlation and Covariance Statistics
dcor.t Deprecated Functions
dcor.test Distance Covariance Test and Distance Correlation test
dcor.ttest Deprecated Functions
dcor2d Fast dCor and dCov for bivariate data only
dcorT Distance Correlation t-Test
dcorT.test Distance Correlation t-Test
dcov Distance Correlation and Covariance Statistics
dcov.test Distance Covariance Test and Distance Correlation test
dcov2d Fast dCor and dCov for bivariate data only
dcovU Unbiased dcov and bias-corrected dcor statistics
dcovU_stats Unbiased distance covariance statistics
disco distance components (DISCO)
disco.between distance components (DISCO)
distance covariance Distance Covariance Test and Distance Correlation test
D_center Double centering and U-centering
edist E-distance
eigenvalues Eigenvalues for the energy Test of Univariate Normality
energy E-statistics: Multivariate Inference via the Energy of Data
energy.hclust Hierarchical Clustering by Minimum (Energy) E-distance
eqdist.e Multisample E-statistic (Energy) Test of Equal Distributions
eqdist.etest Multisample E-statistic (Energy) Test of Equal Distributions
EVnormal Eigenvalues for the energy Test of Univariate Normality
indep.e Energy Statistic Test of Independence
indep.etest Energy Statistic Test of Independence
indep.test Energy-tests of Independence
is.dmatrix Distance Matrices
kgroups K-Groups Clustering
ksample.e Multisample E-statistic (Energy) Test of Equal Distributions
mutualIndep.test Energy Test of Mutual Independence
mvI Energy Statistic Test of Independence
mvI.test Energy Statistic Test of Independence
mvnorm.e E-statistic (Energy) Test of Multivariate Normality
mvnorm.etest E-statistic (Energy) Test of Multivariate Normality
mvnorm.test E-statistic (Energy) Test of Multivariate Normality
normal.e Energy Test of Univariate Normality
normal.test Energy Test of Univariate Normality
pdcor Partial distance correlation and covariance
pdcor.test Partial distance correlation and covariance
pdcov Partial distance correlation and covariance
pdcov.test Partial distance correlation and covariance
poisson.e Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Poisson Distribution
poisson.etest Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Poisson Distribution
poisson.m Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Poisson Distribution
poisson.mtest Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Poisson Distribution
poisson.tests Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Poisson Distribution
print.disco distance components (DISCO)
sortrank Sort, order and rank a vector
Ucenter Double centering and U-centering
U_center Double centering and U-centering
U_product Inner product in the Hilbert space of U-centered distance matrices