Main Package of the EMU Speech Database Management System

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Documentation for package ‘emuR’ version 2.5.0

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emuR-package emuR - Main Package of the EMU Speech Database Management System

-- A --

AddListRemoveAttrDefLabelGroup Add / List / Remove labelGroup to / of / from attributeDefinition of emuDB
AddListRemoveLabelGroup Add / List / Remove global labelGroup to / of / from emuDB
AddListRemoveLevelDefinitions Add / List / Remove level definition to / of / from emuDB
AddListRemoveLinkDefinition Add / List / Remove linkDefinition to / of / from emuDB
AddListRemovePerspective Add / List / Remove perspective to / of / from emuDB
AddListRemoveSsffTrackDefinition Add / List / Remove ssffTrackDefinition to / from / of emuDB
AddListRenameRemoveAttributeDefinitions Add / List / Rename / Remove attribute definition to / of / from emuDB
add_attrDefLabelGroup Add / List / Remove labelGroup to / of / from attributeDefinition of emuDB
add_attributeDefinition Add / List / Rename / Remove attribute definition to / of / from emuDB
add_files Add files to emuDB
add_labelGroup Add / List / Remove global labelGroup to / of / from emuDB
add_levelDefinition Add / List / Remove level definition to / of / from emuDB
add_linkDefinition Add / List / Remove linkDefinition to / of / from emuDB
add_perspective Add / List / Remove perspective to / of / from emuDB
add_ssffTrackDefinition Add / List / Remove ssffTrackDefinition to / from / of emuDB
as.spectral Function to convert an object into an object of class 'spectral'.
as.trackdata Create an Emu trackdata object
autobuild_linkFromTimes Autobuild links between two levels using their time information

-- B --

bark Convert Hertz to Bark and Bark to Hertz
bark.default Convert Hertz to Bark and Bark to Hertz
bark.spectral Convert Hertz to Bark and Bark to Hertz
bark.trackdata Convert Hertz to Bark and Bark to Hertz
bind.trackdata bind trackdata
bridge Three-columned matrix
buildtrack Build trackdata objects from the output of by()
by A method of the generic function by for objects of class 'trackdata'
by.trackdata A method of the generic function by for objects of class 'trackdata'

-- C --

cbind A method of the generic function cbind for objects of class 'trackdata'
cbind.trackdata A method of the generic function cbind for objects of class 'trackdata'
classify classify
classplot Produce a classification plot from discriminant or SVM modelling
convert_BPFCollection Convert a Bas Partitur File Collection (audio and BAS Partitur files) to an emuDB
convert_legacyEmuDB Convert legacy EMU database to the emuDB format
convert_TextGridCollection Convert a TextGridCollection (e.g. .wav & .TextGrid files) to emuDB
convert_txtCollection Converts a collection of audio files and plain text transcriptions into an emuDB
convert_wideToLong convert tracks of a tibble trackdata object to the long form
coutts Segment list of words, read speech, female speaker of Australian English from database epgcoutts
coutts.epg EPG-compressed trackdata from the segment list coutts
coutts.l Vector of word label from the segment list coutts
coutts.rms rms Data to coutts segment list
coutts.sam Trackdata of acoustic waveforms from the segment list coutts
coutts2 Segment list, same as coutts but at a slower speech rate
coutts2.epg EPG-compressed trackdata from the segment list coutts2
coutts2.l Vector of word label from the segment list coutts2
coutts2.sam Trackdata of acoustic waveforms from the segment list coutts2
cr Plot digital sinuoids.
create_emuDB Create empty emuDB
create_emuRdemoData Create demo data for the emuR package
create_emuRtrackdata create emuRtrackdata object
create_itemsInLevel Create new items programmatically
create_links create links between items
create_spectrogram_image_as_raster Create spectrogram image as raster
crplot Function to plot a digital sinusoid and the circle from which it is derived.

-- D --

dapply apply a function to each part of a trackdata object
dbnorm Function to dB-normalise spectral objects
dbtopower Function for inter-converting between decibels and a linear scale
dct Discrete Cosine Transformation
dcut Function to extract a vector or matrix from EMU-Trackdata at a single time point of to create another EMU-trackdata object between two times.
dcut.sub Function to extract a vector or matrix from EMU-Trackdata at a single time point of to create another EMU-trackdata object between two times.
ddiff Differentiation of tracks
ddiff.sub Differentiation of tracks
delete_itemsInLevel Delete items programmatically
demo.all Emu segment list
demo.all.f0 F0 track data for segment list demo.vowels Formant track data for segment list demo.vowels
demo.all.rms Emu track data for a rms track for segment list demo.all
demo.vowels Emu segment List
demo.vowels.f0 F0 track data for segment list demo.vowels Formant track data for segment list demo.vowels
dextract Extract a subset of data from a trackdata object
dextract.sub Extract a subset of data from a trackdata object
dim A method of the generic function dim for objects of class 'trackdata'
dim.trackdata A method of the generic function dim for objects of class 'trackdata'
dimnames.trackdata Dimnames of trackdata object
dip Segment list of diphthongs, two speakers one male, one female , Standard North German, read speech from database kielread
dip.fdat Trackdata of formants from the segment list dip
dip.l Vector of phoneme labels from the segment list dip
dip.spkr Vector of speaker labels from the segment list dip
dplot A function to plot one or more columns of EMU-trackdata as a function of time (DEPRECATED see below)
dplot.norm A function to plot one or more columns of EMU-trackdata as a function of time (DEPRECATED see below)
dplot.time A function to plot one or more columns of EMU-trackdata as a function of time (DEPRECATED see below)
dsmooth Smooth the data in a trackdata object.
dsmooth.sub Smooth the data in a trackdata object.
duplicate_level Duplicate level
dur duration

-- E --

e.dft Spectral vector of a single E vowel produced by a male speaker of Standard North German.
ellipse Calculate ellipse coordinates
emu.track Get trackdata from loaded emuDB
emuR emuR - Main Package of the EMU Speech Database Management System
emuRsegs emuR segment list
emuRtrackdata emuR track data object
emusegs Segment list
end.emusegs Start and end times for EMU segment lists and trackdata objects
end.trackdata Start and end times for EMU segment lists and trackdata objects
engassim Segment list of a sequence of syllable final n or N preceding k or g , isolated words single speaker, Australian English female from database epgassim.
engassim.epg EPG-compressed trackdata from the segment list engassim
engassim.l Vector of phonetic labels from the segment list engassim: nK = nk,ng , sK = sk,sg
engassim.w Vector of word labels from the segment list engassim.
epgai Electropalatographic contact indices
epgci Electropalatographic contact indices
epgcog Electropalatographic centre of gravity
epgdi Electropalatographic contact indices
epggs Plot a grey-scale image of palatographic data.
epgplot Plot palatographic data
epgsum Sum contacts in palatograms.
eplot Plot ellipses for two-dimensional data (DEPRECATED see below)
euclidean Find the inter-euclidean distance for a data matrix
euclidean.metric Find the inter-euclidean distance for a data matrix
expand_labels Label each data sample
export_BPFCollection Exports an emuDB into a BAS Partitur File (BPF) Collection
export_seglistToTxtCollection Exports a segment list to txt collection
export_TextGridCollection Export annotations of emuDB to TextGrid collection

-- F --

fapply Function that applies a function to an EMU spectral object
frames frames
frames.time Find the time and position of a data element.
freqtoint Function to find the column number corresponding to frequencies of a spectral object
fric Segment list of word-medial s or z one male speaker of Standard North German, read speech from database kielread.
fric.dft Spectral trackdata object from the segment list fric.
fric.l Vector of labels from the segment list fric
fric.w Vector of word labels from the segment list fric.

-- G --

get.time.element Get data for a given time
get_legalLabels Set / Get / Remove legal labels of attributeDefinition of emuDB
get_levelCanvasesOrder Set / Get level canvases order of emuDB
get_signalCanvasesOrder Set / Get signalCanvasesOrder of / to / from emuDB
get_trackdata Get trackdata from loaded emuDB

-- I --

import_mediaFiles Import media files to emuDB
is.spectral Function to test whether the object is of class "spectral"
is.trackdata Test whether an object is an Emu trackdata object
isol Segment list of vowels in a d d context isolated word speech, one male speaker of Australian English from database isolated.
isol.fdat Trackdata of formants from the segment list isol
isol.l Vector of vowel phoneme labels from the segment list isol

-- L --

label Get labels / utterances from segment list
label.emusegs Get labels / utterances from segment list
linear Perform linear time normalisation on trackdata.
list emuR segment list
list_attrDefLabelGroups Add / List / Remove labelGroup to / of / from attributeDefinition of emuDB
list_attributeDefinitions Add / List / Rename / Remove attribute definition to / of / from emuDB
list_bundles List bundles of emuDB
list_files List files of emuDB
list_labelGroups Add / List / Remove global labelGroup to / of / from emuDB
list_levelDefinitions Add / List / Remove level definition to / of / from emuDB
list_linkDefinitions Add / List / Remove linkDefinition to / of / from emuDB
list_perspectives Add / List / Remove perspective to / of / from emuDB
list_sampleRates List sample rates of media and annotation (_annot.json) files
list_sessions List sessions of emuDB
list_ssffTrackDefinitions Add / List / Remove ssffTrackDefinition to / from / of emuDB
load_emuDB Load emuDB
locus Calculate locus equations for two-dimensional data

-- M --

mahal Classify using Mahalanobis distance
mahal.dist Calculate mahalanobis distances
make.emuRsegs Make emuDB segment list
make.seglist Make an Emu segment list from the various components
makelab Write out ESPS-style label files
Math.trackdata Track data object
Math2.trackdata Track data object
matscan Read matrix data from a file
mel Convert Hz to the mel scale
mel.spectral Convert Hz to the mel scale
mel.trackdata Convert Hz to the mel scale
modify.seglist Modify one of the components of an Emu segment list
moments Function to calculate statistical moments
mu.colour Function for specifying color, linetype, and line-widths in EMU plotting functions.
muclass Find common elements in vectors

-- N --

norm Normalise speech data
normalize_length Normalize length of segments contained in a 'data.frame' like object returned by 'get_trackdata'

-- O --

Ops.trackdata Track data object

-- P --

palate Obtain a three-dimensional palatographic array
perform Performance (hit rate) of a confusion matrix
plafit Calculate the coefficients of a parabola
plot.spectral Plot spectra from EMU spectral objects
plot.trackdata Produces time-series plots from trackdata
polhom Segment list of four Polish homorganic fricatives from database epgpolish.
polhom.epg EPG-compressed trackdata from the segment list polhom
polhom.l Vector of phonetic labels from the segment list polhom
print.emuRsegs Print emuRsegs segment list
print.emuRtrackdata Print emuRtrackdata object

-- Q --

query Query emuDB

-- R --

rad Function to convert between Hertz and Radians
radians Converts degrees to radians
randomise.segs Randomise or Reverse items in a segment list
rbind A method of the generic function rbind for objects of class trackdata
rbind.trackdata A method of the generic function rbind for objects of class trackdata
read.emusegs Create an Emu segment list from a file
read_bundleList read bundleList
remove_attrDefLabelGroup Add / List / Remove labelGroup to / of / from attributeDefinition of emuDB
remove_attributeDefinition Add / List / Rename / Remove attribute definition to / of / from emuDB
remove_labelGroup Add / List / Remove global labelGroup to / of / from emuDB
remove_legalLabels Set / Get / Remove legal labels of attributeDefinition of emuDB
remove_levelDefinition Add / List / Remove level definition to / of / from emuDB
remove_linkDefinition Add / List / Remove linkDefinition to / of / from emuDB
remove_perspective Add / List / Remove perspective to / of / from emuDB
remove_ssffTrackDefinition Add / List / Remove ssffTrackDefinition to / from / of emuDB
rename_attributeDefinition Add / List / Rename / Remove attribute definition to / of / from emuDB
rename_bundles Rename bundles in emuDB
rename_emuDB Rename emuDB
replace_itemLabels Replace item labels
requery_hier Requery hierarchical context of a segment list in an emuDB
requery_seq Requery sequential context of segment list in an emuDB
resample_annots Resample annotations ('_annot.json') files of emuDB
runBASwebservice_all Runs several BAS webservices, starting from an orthographic transcription
runBASwebservice_chunker Creates a chunk segmentation using the webservice Chunker.
runBASwebservice_g2pForPronunciation Creates canonical pronunciation attributes for a tier of tokenized orthographical words.
runBASwebservice_g2pForTokenization Tokenizes an orthographic transcription.
runBASwebservice_maus Runs MAUS webservice to create a phonetic segmentation
runBASwebservice_minni Creates a rough phonetic segmentation by running the phoneme decoder webservice MINNI.
runBASwebservice_pho2sylCanonical Adds syllabified word labels to a word level that already contains canonical pronunciations.
runBASwebservice_pho2sylSegmental Creates a syllable segmentation on the basis of a phonetic segmentation.

-- S --

segment emuR segment list
segmentlist Segment list
serve Serve EMU database to EMU-webApp
SetGetlevelCanvasesOrder Set / Get level canvases order of emuDB
SetGetRemoveLegalLabels Set / Get / Remove legal labels of attributeDefinition of emuDB
SetGetSignalCanvasesOrder Set / Get signalCanvasesOrder of / to / from emuDB
set_legalLabels Set / Get / Remove legal labels of attributeDefinition of emuDB
set_levelCanvasesOrder Set / Get level canvases order of emuDB
set_signalCanvasesOrder Set / Get signalCanvasesOrder of / to / from emuDB
shift Function to shift the elements of a vector.
Slope.test Slope Test
sort.emuRsegs Sort emuRsegs segment list by session, bundle and sample_start
sortmatrix Sort matrix by label
splitstring Split a string into words.
start.emusegs Start and end times for EMU segment lists and trackdata objects
start.trackdata Start and end times for EMU segment lists and trackdata objects
summary.emuDBhandle Print summary of loaded EMU database (emuDB).
Summary.trackdata Track data object

-- T --

track.gradinfo Calculate gradient summary information for trackdata
trackdata Track data object
trackfreq function to find the frequencies of a spectral object
tracktimes Get the track times from EMU trackdata objects
train Train a Gaussian Model
trapply A method of the generic function by for objects of class 'trackdata'

-- U --

update_itemsInLevel Update items programmatically
utt Get labels / utterances from segment list
utt.emusegs Get labels / utterances from segment list

-- V --

vowlax Segment list of four lax vowels, read speech, one male and one female speaker of Standard North German from database kielread.
vowlax.df Data frame of various parameters and labels from the segment list vowlax
vowlax.dft.5 Spectral matrix centred at the temporal midpoint of the vowels from the segment list vowlax.
vowlax.fdat Trackdata of formants from the segment list vowlax
vowlax.fdat.5 Matrix of formant data extracted at the temporal midpoint from the segment list vowlax. Trackdata of fundamental frequency from the segment list vowlax Vector of fundamental frequency extracted at the temporal midpoint from the segment list vowlax.
vowlax.l Vector of phoneme labels from the segment list vowlax
vowlax.left Vector of labels preceding the vowels from the segment list vowlax
vowlax.right Vector of labels following the vowels from the segment list vowlax
vowlax.rms Trackdata of RMS energy from the segment list vowlax
vowlax.rms.5 Vector of RMS energy values at the temporal midpoint extracted at the temporal midpoint from the segment list vowlax
vowlax.spkr Vector of speaker labels from the segment list vowlax.
vowlax.word Vector of word labels from the segment list vowlax.

-- W --

wordlax.l Vector of word labels from segment list wordlax
write.emusegs Write an Emu segment list to a file
write_bundleList write bundleList