to_as4wrf {eixport}R Documentation

Generates emissions dataframe to generate WRF-Chem inputs


to_as4wrf returns a dataframes with columns lat, long, id, pollutants, local time and GMT time. This dataframe has the proper format to be used with WRF assimilation system: "Another Asimilation System 4 WRF (AAS4WRF)" as published by Vera-Vala et al (2016)


to_as4wrf(sdf, nr = 1, dmyhm, tz, crs = 4326, islist)



Gridded emissions, which can be a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame, or a list of SpatialPolygonsDataFrame, or a sf object of "POLYGON". The user must enter a list with 36 SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with emissions for the mechanism CBMZ. When there are no emissions available, the SpatialPolygonsDataFrame must contain 0.


Number of repetitions of the emissions period


String indicating Day Month Year Hour and Minute in the format "d-m-Y H:M" e.g.: "01-05-2014 00:00" It represents the time of the first hour of emissions in Local Time


Time zone as required in for function as.POSIXct


Coordinate reference system, e.g: "+init=crs:4326". Used to transform the coordinates of the output


logical value to indicate if sdf is a list or not


data-frame of gridded emissions g/h


The user must produce a text file with the data-frame resulting of this function. Then, use this file with the NCL script AAS4WRF.ncl

The reference of the emissions assimilation system is Vara-Vela, A., Andrade, M. F., Kumar, P., Ynoue, R. Y., and Munoz, A. G.: Impact of vehicular emissions on the formation of fine particles in the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area: a numerical study with the WRF-Chem model, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 777-797, doi:10.5194/acp-16-777-2016, 2016. A good website with timezones is The crs is the same as used by sf package It returns a dataframe with id,, long, lat, pollutants, time_lt, time_utc and day-UTC-hour (dutch) The pollutants for the CBMZ are: e_so2, e_no, e_ald, e_hcho, e_ora2, e_nh3 e_hc3, e_hc5, e_hc8, e_eth, e_co, e_ol2, e_olt, e_oli, e_tol, e_xyl, e_ket e_csl, e_iso, e_no2, e_ch3oh, e_c2h5oh, e_pm25i, e_pm25j, e_so4i, e_so4j e_no3i, e_no3j, e_orgi, e_orgj, e_eci, e_ecj, e_so4c, e_no3c, e_orgc, e_ecc

See Also

wrf_create to_wrf


df <- to_as4wrf(sdf = gCO,
                dmyhm = "29-04-2018 00:00",
                tz = "America/Sao_Paulo")
df2 <- to_as4wrf(sdf = list(co = gCO, pm = gCO),
                 dmyhm = "29-04-2018 00:00",
                 tz = "America/Sao_Paulo")

[Package eixport version 0.6.0 Index]