Export Emissions to Atmospheric Models

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Documentation for package ‘eixport’ version 0.6.0

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chem_edgar Agregate EDGAR emissions NetCDF files into a RasterStack by
edgar Emissions EDGAR
emisco Emissions from VEIN examples
emis_opt List of WRF emission species
gCO Gridded emissions from VEIN demo
Lights Spatial distribution example
rawprofile Raw profile
sfx_explode splits line by vertex
st_explode Split line by vertex (experimental)
to_as4wrf Generates emissions dataframe to generate WRF-Chem inputs
to_brams_spm Inputs for BRAMS-SPM
to_munich Export emissions to Model of Urban Network of Intersecting Canyons and Highways (MUNICH)
to_rline Export emissions to other formats
to_wrf Combine total/spatial/temporal/split and write emission to file
wrf_add Function to add values for variables on emission files
wrf_create Create emission files for the WRF-Chem model
wrf_get Function to read variables of emission files
wrf_grid Creates grid from wrf file
wrf_meta Returns metadata (attributes) of wrf file in a data.frame
wrf_plot Simple plot from wrf emission file
wrf_profile Create a spatial profile from a wrf emission file and a data frame with
wrf_put Function to write variables in emission files
wrf_raster Creates raster from a variable from a wrf file
wrf_summary Summary of variables inside WRF files