lr_ancova {eivtools} | R Documentation |
Latent Regression for Group Effects with Latent Heteroskedastic Error Variance
Uses the jags
function in R2jags to fit a
latent-variable GLM with error-prone covariates that may have
heteroskedastic normal measurement error with variance that is a
function of the latent variable, such as commonly occurs with test
scores computed using item-response-theory (IRT) models.
lr_ancova(outcome_model, Y, W, Z, G, varfuncs, plotfile=NULL,
seed=12345, modelfileonly=FALSE, scalemat=NULL, blockprior=TRUE, ...)
outcome_model |
A character string indicating the outcome model. Valid values are currently 'normal', 'normalME', 'poisson', 'bernoulli_probit', and 'bernoulli_logit'. |
Y |
A numeric vector of outcome values. Missing values are allowed. |
W |
A numeric matrix of error-prone covariates. Missing values
are allowed, though no column of |
Z |
A numeric matrix of error-free covariates. Missing values
are not allowed. First column must be a vector of 1s to serve as a
model intercept because effects of groups in |
G |
A numeric or factor vector indicating group memberships of units. Missing values not allowed. |
varfuncs |
A list with as many components as there are
error-prone covariates, equal to the number of columns of |
plotfile |
Character string providing full path to a PDF file that will store some diagnostic plots regarding the variance functions. Default is NULL and will be assigned to a file in a temporary directory and the name of file will be returned. |
seed |
An integer that will be passed to |
modelfileonly |
If TRUE, function will return a link to a file that contains the JAGS model code, but will not actually fit the model. Default is FALSE. |
scalemat |
When there are multiple error-prone covariates, the
specification of the Bayesian model as implemented in JAGS requires
a scale matrix for a Wishart prior distribution for a precision
matrix. The default is NULL, in which case the function will set a
value of |
blockprior |
If TRUE (the default), specifies JAGS code to encourage updating regression model parameters as a block to improve MCMC mixing. |
... |
Additional arguments to |
The outcome is assumed to depend on
is a vector of latent variables,
is a
vector of observed, error-free variables, and
is a grouping
variable. For example, one may be interested in the effects of some
intervention where
indicates groupings of units that
received different treatments, and the variables
are potential confounders. This function addresses the case where
is unobserved, and error-prone proxies
instead observed. It is assumed that
mean-zero, normally-distributed measurement error
, and that
may be a function
. Such
error structures commonly arise with the use of test scores computed
using item-response-theory (IRT) models. Details on these issues and
other model assumptions are provided in the references. The model is
a generalization of errors-in-variables linear regression.
The model assumes that the outcome depends on
through a linear function of these predictors,
and parameters for this linear function are estimated. The conditional
distribution of
given these predictors that is assumed by
the model depends on
. If outcome_model
, the conditional distribution of is assumed
to be normal, and the model also estimates a residual variance for
given the covariates. If
, it is assumed that there is a latent variable (call
it Yl
) that follows the same conditional distribution as when
is normal
, and then measures
with normal measurement error and the known information
about this error is passed as the last component of varfuncs
In this way, the lr_ancova
can support models with
heteroskedastic measurement error in both the predictors and the
outcome. If outcome_model
is poisson
, must
consists of non-negative integers and a log link is assumed. If
is bernoulli_logit
, must take
on values of 0 and 1, and a logit link is assumed. Finally, if
is bernoulli_probit
, must take
on values of 0 and 1, and a probit link is assumed.
The model assumes that the conditional distribution of
is normal with a mean vector that depends on
and a covariance matrix that is assumed not to
depend on
. Both the regression parameters and the
residual covariance matrix of this conditional distribution are
All parameters of the model involving are
estimated using the observed data
assumptions and information about the distribution of the measurement
. The structure assumed here is that measurement
errors are independent across units and across dimensions of
, and that the conditional distribution of
is a normal distribution with mean zero and variance
. The function
must be specified and can
be constant. Additional discussions of this class of error functions
are provided in the references, and details about how information
is conveyed to this function are provided below.
Syntax Details
Note that this function requires the R2jags package, which in turn requires JAGS to be installed on your system.
The function will check that the only column of Z
that is in
the span of the columns of the design matrix implied by the grouping
variable G
is the first column, corresponding to an intercept.
The effects of G
are parameterized with a sum-to-zero
constraint, so that the effect of each group is expressed relative to
the average of all group effects.
The varfuncs
argument requires the most thinking. This
argument is a list with as many elements as there are error-prone
covariates, or one plus the number of error-prone covariates if
is normalME
. In this latter case, the
final element must be the error variance function for .
Each element of the list varfuncs
is itself a list providing
the measurement error information about one of the error-prone
covariates (or the outcome, if outcome_model
). For each i
, varfuncs[[i]]
must be a
list following a particular structure. First,
must be a character string taking one of
three possible values: constant
, piecewise_linear
. The case constant
corresponds to the
case of homoskedastic measurement error where is
constant, and the variance of this measurement error must be provided
. The other two cases correspond to the
case where the conditional measurement error variance
is a nontrivial function of
. In both of these cases,
must be a matrix or data frame with exactly
two columns and K
rows, where the first column provides values
of and the second column provides
. That is, the function
is conveyed via a lookup table. The value of
is selected by
the user. Larger values of K
will make the approximation to
more accurate but will cause the model estimation to
proceed more slowly. How the values in the lookup table are used to
more generally depends whether
is piecewise_linear
. In the case of piecewise_linear
, the
values in the lookup table are linearly interpolated. In the case of
, a polynomial of degree
is fitted to the logs of the values of
, and the fitted model is used to build a
smooth approximation to the function . The default
value of
if it is not specified is 6. For
either the piecewise linear or log polynomial approximations, the
function g(X)
g(X) is set to g(x[1])
for values of
smaller than x[1]
, and is set of g(x[K])
values of x
larger than x[K]
. Diagnostic plots of the
approximate variance functions saved in PDF file whose location is
returned by lr_ancova
. The Examples section provides examples
that will be helpful in specifying varfuncs
When there are two or more error-prone covariates, the model estimates
a residual variance/covariance matrix of given
. Because the model is fit in a Bayesian framework,
a prior distribution is required for this matrix. We are using JAGS
and specify a prior distribution for the inverse of the residual
variance/covariance matrix using a Wishart distribution. The degrees
of freedom parameter of this distribution is set to one plus
to be minimally informative. The scale matrix of this
distribution can be set by passing an appropriate matrix via the
argument. If scalemat
is NULL, the function
specifies a diagonal scale matrix that attempts to make the prior
medians of the unknown residual variances approximately equal to the
residual variances obtained by regressing components of on
. See
Such variances will be somewhat inflated due to measurement error in
but the prior variance of the Wishart distribution is
sufficiently large that this lack of alignment should be minimally
consequential in most applications. The value of
in the estimation is returned by the function, and users can start
with the default and then pass alternative values via the
argument for sensitivity analyses if desired.
A object of class rjags
, with additional information
specific to this context. The additional information is stored as a
list called lr_ancova_extras
with the following components:
model.location |
Path to file containing JAGS model code. |
plot.location |
Path to file containing diagnostic plots regarding the variance functions. | |
A dataframe mapping the original group labels in
scalemat |
The value of |
The parameters used in the JAGS model, and thus named in the model
object, use naming conventions described here. The parameters in the
linear function of that is related to
are partitioned into
and betaYG
. In
applications involving analysis of causal effects of groupings, the
parameters betaYG
will generally be of most interest. When
is normal
, the residual standard deviation
of given
is also estimated and is
. Similarly, when outcome_model
, a residual standard deviation of the latent variable
corresponding to given
is also
estimated and is also called
. Note in this case
that the residual standard deviation of given its
corresponding latent variable is assumed to be known and specified via
The regression parameters for the conditional distribution of
are partitioned as
and betaXG
. The residual variance/covariance matrix for
is named
. Additional details on these parameters can be
found by looking at the JAGS model file whose location is returned as
noted above.
J.R. Lockwood
Battauz, M. and Bellio, R. (2011). “Structural modeling of measurement error in generalized linear models with Rasch measures as covariates,” Psychometrika 76(1):40-56.
Lockwood J.R. and McCaffrey D.F. (2014). “Correcting for test score measurement error in ANCOVA models for estimating treatment effects,” Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 39(1):22-52.
Lockwood J.R. and McCaffrey D.F. (2017). “Simulation-extrapolation with latent heteroskedastic variance,” Psychometrika 82(3):717-736.
Plummer, M. (2003). “JAGS: A program for analysis of Bayesian graphical models using Gibbs sampling.” Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Distributed Statistical Computing (DSC 2003), Vienna, Austria.
Rabe-Hesketh S., Pickles A. and Skrondal A. (2003). “Correcting for covariate measurement error in logistic regression using nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation,” Statistical Modelling 3:215-232.
See Also
, get_bugs_wishart_scalemat
cat("NOTE: this example uses MCMC and takes a little while to run\n")
## example of estimating school "value-added" effects on math test scores,
## adjusting for lag 1 math and ELA scores and accounting for the
## heteroskedastic measurement errors in those scores.
## to help interpretation of model coefficients and school effects, standardize
## current and lag 1 test scores to have mean zero and variance 1. Also adjust
## the conditional standard errors of measurement for the lag 1 scores.
testscores$math <- as.vector(scale(testscores$math))
testscores$math_lag1_csem <- testscores$math_lag1_csem / sd(testscores$math_lag1)
testscores$math_lag1 <- as.vector(scale(testscores$math_lag1))
testscores$lang_lag1_csem <- testscores$lang_lag1_csem / sd(testscores$lang_lag1)
testscores$lang_lag1 <- as.vector(scale(testscores$lang_lag1))
## create pieces needed to call lr_ancova. Note that first column of Z
## must be an intercept.
outcome_model <- "normal"
Y <- testscores$math
W <- testscores[,c("math_lag1","lang_lag1")]
Z <- cbind(1, testscores[,c("sped","frl")])
G <- testscores$schoolid
## create varfuncs. Need to be careful to pass conditional measurement error
## variances, which require squaring the CSEMs
varfuncs <- list()
tmp <- unique(testscores[,c("math_lag1","math_lag1_csem")])
names(tmp) <- c("x","gx")
tmp <- tmp[order(tmp$x),]
tmp$gx <- tmp$gx^2
varfuncs[[1]] <- list(type="log_polynomial", vtab=tmp)
tmp <- unique(testscores[,c("lang_lag1","lang_lag1_csem")])
names(tmp) <- c("x","gx")
tmp <- tmp[order(tmp$x),]
tmp$gx <- tmp$gx^2
varfuncs[[2]] <- list(type="log_polynomial", vtab=tmp)
## fit the model. NOTE: in practice, larger values of n.iter and n.burnin
## would typically be used; they are kept small here so that the example
## runs relatively quickly.
m1 <- lr_ancova(outcome_model, Y, W, Z, G, varfuncs, n.iter=300, n.burnin=100)
## you can check the approximation to the variance functions by looking at the
## PDF file:
## and also can look at the JAGS model file:
## the model object is of class "rjags" and so inherits the appropriate methods,
## including print:
## betaXG, betaXZ, and varXgivenZG are for the conditional distribution of X
## given (Z,G). betaYG, betaYXZ and sdYgivenXZG are for the conditional
## distribution of Y given (X,Z,G).
## the first two elements of betaYXZ are the coefficients for the two columns of
## X, whereas the following three elements are the coefficients for the three
## columns of Z.
## the school effects are in betaYG. extract their posterior means and
## posterior standard deviations:
e <- m1$BUGSoutput$summary
e <-[grep("betaYG",rownames(e)),c("mean","sd")])
## check the sum-to-zero constraints:
## put the actual school IDs onto "e"
e$schoolid <- m1$lr_ancova_extras$$G
## compare the school effect estimates to those from a simpler model that does
## not adjust for the lag 1 ELA score, and does not account for the measurement
## error in the lag 1 math score. Use sum-to-zero contrasts and recover the
## estimate for the last school as negative the sum of the other estimates.
testscores$schid <- factor(testscores$schoolid)
m0 <- lm(math ~ math_lag1 + sped + frl + schid,
data=testscores, contrasts=list(schid = "contr.sum"))
s <- coef(m0)[grep("schid", names(coef(m0)))]
e$est_m0 <- c(s, -sum(s))
## Such estimates should have some amount of omitted variable bias, which
## should manifest as the differences between the "m0" and "m1" estimates
## being positively correlated with average prior achievement.
print(cor(tapply(testscores$math_lag1, testscores$schoolid, mean), e$est_m0 - e$mean))
print(cor(tapply(testscores$lang_lag1, testscores$schoolid, mean), e$est_m0 - e$mean))