Measurement Error Modeling Tools

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Documentation for package ‘eivtools’ version 0.1-8

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deconv_npmle Nonparametric MLE deconvolution under heteroskedastic normal error
eivreg Errors-in-variables (EIV) linear regression
get_bugs_wishart_scalemat Compute a BUGS-compliant scale matrix for a Wishart prior distribution for precision matrix that is consistent with target variances.
lr_ancova Latent Regression for Group Effects with Latent Heteroskedastic Error Variance
model.matrix.eivlm 'model.matrix' method for objects of class 'eivlm'.
print.eivlm 'print' method for objects of class 'eivlm'.
print.summary.eivlm 'print' method for objects of class 'summary.eivlm'.
summary.eivlm 'summary' method for objects of class 'eivlm'.
testscores Example longitudinal test score data
vcov.eivlm 'vcov' method for objects of class 'eivlm'.