ei.MD.bayes {eiPack}R Documentation

Multinomial Dirichlet model for Ecological Inference in RxC tables


Implements a version of the hierarchical model suggested in Rosen et al. (2001)


ei.MD.bayes(formula, covariate = NULL, total = NULL, data, 
            lambda1 = 4, lambda2 = 2, covariate.prior.list = NULL,
            tune.list = NULL, start.list = NULL, sample = 1000, thin = 1, 
            burnin = 1000, verbose = 0, ret.beta = 'r', 
            ret.mcmc = TRUE, usrfun = NULL) 



A formula of the form cbind(col1, col2, ...) ~ cbind(row1, row2, ...). Column and row marginals must have the same totals.


An optional formula of the form ~ covariate. The default is covariate = NULL, which fits the model without a covariate.


if row and/or column marginals are given as proportions, total identifies the name of the variable in data containing the total number of individuals in each unit


A data frame containing the variables specified in formula and total


The shape parameter for the gamma prior (defaults to 4)


The rate parameter for the gamma prior (defaults to 2)


a list containing the parameters for normal prior distributions on delta and gamma for model with covariate. See ‘details’ for more information.


A list containing tuning parameters for each block of parameters. See ‘details’ for more information. Typically, this will be a list generated by tuneMD. The default is NULL, in which case fixed tuning parameters are used.


A list containing starting values for each block of parameters. See ‘details’ for more information. The default is start.list = NULL, which generates appropriate random starting values.


Number of draws to be saved from chain and returned as output from the function (defaults to 1000). The total length of the chain is sample*thin + burnin.


an integer specifying the thinning interval for posterior draws (defaults to 1, but most problems will require a much larger thinning interval).


integer specifying the number of initial iterations to be discarded (defaults to 1000, but most problems will require a longer burnin).


an integer specifying whether the progress of the sampler is printed to the screen (defaults to 0). If verbose is greater than 0, the iteration number is printed to the screen every verboseth iteration.


A character indicating how the posterior draws of beta should be handled: 'r'eturn as an R object, 's'ave as .txt.gz files, 'd'iscard (defaults to r).


A logical value indicating how the samples from the posterior should be returned. If TRUE (default), samples are returned as coda mcmc objects. If FALSE, samples are returned as arrays.


the name of an optional a user-defined function to obtain quantities of interest while drawing from the MCMC chain (defaults to NULL).


ei.MD.bayes implements a version of the hierarchical Multinomial-Dirichlet model for ecological inference in R×CR \times C tables suggested by Rosen et al. (2001).

Let r=1,,Rr = 1, \ldots, R index rows, C=1,,CC = 1, \ldots, C index columns, and i=1,,ni = 1, \ldots, n index units. Let NciN_{\cdot ci} be the marginal count for column cc in unit ii and XriX_{ri} be the marginal proportion for row rr in unit ii. Finally, let βrci\beta_{rci} be the proportion of row rr in column cc for unit ii.

The first stage of the model assumes that the vector of column marginal counts in unit ii follows a Multinomial distribution of the form:

(N1i,,NCi)Multinomial(Ni,r=1Rβr1iXri,,r=1RβrCiXri)(N_{\cdot 1i}, \ldots, N_{\cdot Ci}) {\sim} {\rm Multinomial}(N_i,\sum_{r=1}^R \beta_{r1i}X_{ri}, \dots, \sum_{r=1}^R \beta_{rCi}X_{ri})

The second stage of the model assumes that the vector of β\beta for row rr in unit ii follows a Dirichlet distribution with CC parameters. The model may be fit with or without a covariate.

If the model is fit without a covariate, the distribution of the vector βri\beta_{ri} is :

(βr1i,,βrCi)Dirichlet(αr1,,αrC)(\beta_{r1i}, \dots, \beta_{rCi}) {\sim} {\rm Dirichlet}(\alpha_{r1}, \dots, \alpha_{rC})

In this case, the prior on each αrc\alpha_{rc} is assumed to be:

αrcGamma(λ1,λ2)\alpha_{rc} \sim {\rm Gamma}(\lambda_1, \lambda_2)

If the model is fit with a covariate, the distribution of the vector βri\beta_{ri} is :

(βr1i,,βrCi)Dirichlet(drexp(γr1+δr1Zi),drexp(γr(C1)+δr(C1)Zi),dr)(\beta_{r1i}, \dots, \beta_{rCi}) {\sim} {\rm Dirichlet}(d_r\exp(\gamma_{r1} + \delta_{r1}Z_i), d_r\exp(\gamma_{r(C-1)} + \delta_{r(C-1)}Z_i), d_r)

The parameters γrC\gamma_{rC} and δrC\delta_{rC} are constrained to be zero for identification. (In this function, the last column entered in the formula is so constrained.)

Finally, the prior for drd_r is:

drGamma(λ1,λ2)d_r \sim {\rm Gamma}(\lambda_1, \lambda_2)

while γrC\gamma_{rC} and δrC\delta_{rC} are given improper uniform priors if covariate.prior.list = NULL or have independent normal priors of the form:

δrCN(μδrC,σδrC2)\delta_{rC} \sim {\rm N}(\mu_{\delta_{rC}}, \sigma_{\delta_{rC}}^2)

γrCN(μγrC,σγrC2)\gamma_{rC} \sim {\rm N}(\mu_{\gamma_{rC}}, \sigma_{\gamma_{rC}}^2)

If the user wishes to estimate the model with proper normal priors on γrC\gamma_{rC} and δrC\delta_{rC}, a list with four elements must be provided for covariate.prior.list:

Applying the model without a covariate is most reasonable in situations where one can think of individuals being randomly assigned to units, so that there are no aggregation or contextual effects. When this assumption is not reasonable, including an appropriate covariate may improve inferences; note, however, that there is typically little information in the data about the relationship of any given covariate to the unit parameters, which can lead to extremely slow mixing of the MCMC chains and difficulty in assessing convergence.

Because the conditional distributions are non-standard, draws from the posterior are obtained by using a Metropolis-within-Gibbs algorithm. The proposal density for each parameter is a univariate normal distribution centered at the current parameter value with standard deviation equal to the tuning constant; the only exception is for draws of γrc\gamma_{rc} and δrc\delta_{rc}, which use a bivariate normal proposal with covariance zero.

The function will accept user-specified starting values as an argument. If the model includes a covariate, the starting values must be a list with the following elements, in this order:

If there is no covariate, the starting values must be a list with the following elements:

The function will accept user-specified tuning parameters as an argument. The tuning parameters define the standard deviation of the normal distribution used to generate candidate values for each parameter. For the model with a covariate, a bivariate normal distribution is used to generate proposals; the covariance of these normal distributions is fixed at zero. If the model includes a covariate, the tuning parameters must be a list with the following elements, in this order:

If there is no covariate, the tuning parameters are a list with the following elements:


A list containing


A list containing samples from the posterior distribution of the parameters. If a covariate is included in the model, the list contains:

  • Dr Posterior draws for Dr parameters as an R ×\timessample matrix. If ret.mcmc = TRUE, Dr is an mcmc object.

  • Beta Posterior draws for beta parameters. Only returned if ret.beta = TRUE. If ret.mcmc = TRUE, a (R * C * units) ×\times sample matrix saved as an mcmc object. Otherwise, a R ×\times C ×\times units ×\times sample array

  • Gamma Posterior draws for gamma parameters. If ret.mcmc = TRUE, a (R * (C - 1)) ×\times sample matrix saved as an mcmc object. Otherwise, a R ×\times (C - 1) ×\times sample array

  • Delta Posterior draws for delta parameters. If ret.mcmc = TRUE, a (R * (C - 1)) ×\times sample matrix saved as an mcmc object. Otherwise, a R ×\times(C - 1) ×\times sample array

  • Cell.count Posterior draws for the cell counts, summed across units. If ret.mcmc = TRUE, a (R * C) ×\times sample matrix saved as an mcmc object. Otherwise, a R ×\times C ×\times sample array

If the model is fit without a covariate, the list includes:

  • Alpha Posterior draws for alpha parameters. If ret.mcmc = TRUE, a (R * C) ×\times sample matrix saved as an mcmc object. Otherwise, a R ×\times C ×\times sample array

  • Beta Posterior draws for beta parameters. If ret.mcmc = TRUE, a (R * C * units) ×\times sample matrix saved as an mcmc object. Otherwise, a R ×\times C ×\times units ×\times sample array

  • Cell.count Posterior draws for the cell counts, summed across units. If ret.mcmc = TRUE, a (R * C) ×\times sample matrix saved as anmcmc object. Otherwise, a R ×\times C ×\times sample array


A list containing acceptance ratios for the parameters. If the model includes a covariate, the list includes:

  • dr.acc A vector of acceptance ratios for Dr draws

  • beta.acc A vector of acceptance ratios for Beta draws

  • gamma.acc A vector of acceptance ratios for Gamma and Delta draws

If the model is fit without a covariate , the list includes:

  • alpha.acc A vector of acceptance ratios for Alpha draws

  • beta.acc A vector of acceptance ratios for Beta draws


Output from the optional usrfn


Call to ei.MD.bayes


Michael Kellermann <mrkellermann@gmail.com> and Olivia Lau <olivia.lau@post.harvard.edu>


Martyn Plummer, Nicky Best, Kate Cowles, and Karen Vines. 2002. Output Analysis and Diagnostics for MCMC (CODA). https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=coda.

Ori Rosen, Wenxin Jiang, Gary King, and Martin A. Tanner. 2001. “Bayesian and Frequentist Inference for Ecological Inference: The R×(C1)R \times (C-1) Case.” Statistica Neerlandica 55: 134-156.

See Also

lambda.MD, cover.plot, density.plot, tuneMD, mergeMD

[Package eiPack version 0.2-2 Index]