Ecological Inference and Higher-Dimension Data Management

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Documentation for package ‘eiPack’ version 0.2-2

Help Pages

bounds Deterministic bounds for units satisfying row thresholds
cover.plot Unit-level coverage plots for beta parameters from MD EI model
coverage Unit-level coverage plots for beta parameters from MD EI model
densityplot Density plots for population level parameters
densityplot.lambdaMD Density plots for population level parameters
densityplot.lambdaReg Density plots for population level parameters
densityplot.lambdaRegBayes Density plots for population level parameters
ei.MD.bayes Multinomial Dirichlet model for Ecological Inference in RxC tables
ei.reg Ecological regression
ei.reg.bayes Ecological regression using Bayesian Normal regression
lambda.MD Calculate shares using data from MD model
lambda.reg Calculate shares using data from regression model
lambda.reg.bayes Calculate shares using data from Bayesian regression model
mergeMD Combine output from multiple eiMD objects
plot Plot of deterministic bounds for units satisfying row thresholds
plot.bounds Plot of deterministic bounds for units satisfying row thresholds
read.betas Function to read in eiMD parameter chains saved to disk
redistrict Redistricting Monte-Carlo data
senc Party registration in south-east North Carolina
tuneA Tuning parameters for alpha hyperpriors in RxC EI model
tuneB Tuning parameters for the precinct level parameters in the RxC EI model
tuneMD Generate tuning parameters for MD model