aaties32 |
32 sets of randomly created alter-alter ties belonging to ego-centered networks |
aaties_by_ego |
General helper functions |
aaties_by_ego.egor |
General helper functions |
aaties_by_ego.nested_egor |
General helper functions |
activate.egor |
Activate ego, alter or alter-alter tie data level of an egor dataset |
allbus_2010_simulated |
Simulated Allbus 2010 Data |
alters32 |
32 sets of randomly created alters belonging to ego-centered networks |
alters_by_ego |
General helper functions |
alters_by_ego.egor |
General helper functions |
alters_by_ego.nested_egor |
General helper functions |
alter_design |
Set and query the alter nomination design |
alter_design.egor |
Set and query the alter nomination design |
alter_design<- |
Set and query the alter nomination design |
alter_design<-.egor |
Set and query the alter nomination design |
alter_df |
Transnational personal communities of social support of German migrants in Great Britain |
alts_diversity_count |
Calculate diversity measures on an 'egor' object. |
alts_diversity_entropy |
Calculate diversity measures on an 'egor' object. |
append_cols |
Append rows/columns to ego, alter or aatie data |
append_egor |
Append rows/columns to ego, alter or aatie data |
append_rows |
Append rows/columns to ego, alter or aatie data |
as.egor |
egor - a data class for ego-centered network data. |
as.egor.list |
egor - a data class for ego-centered network data. |
as.egor.nested_egor |
egor - a data class for ego-centered network data. |
as.igraph.egor |
Convert 'egor' object to 'network' or 'igraph' objects |
as.network.egor |
Convert 'egor' object to 'network' or 'igraph' objects |
as_aaties_df |
Extract ego, alter, and alter-alter tables from an 'egor' object. |
as_aaties_survey |
Extract ego, alter, and alter-alter tables from an 'egor' object. |
as_alters_df |
Extract ego, alter, and alter-alter tables from an 'egor' object. |
as_alters_survey |
Extract ego, alter, and alter-alter tables from an 'egor' object. |
as_egos_df |
Extract ego, alter, and alter-alter tables from an 'egor' object. |
as_egos_survey |
Extract ego, alter, and alter-alter tables from an 'egor' object. |
as_igraph |
Convert 'egor' object to 'network' or 'igraph' objects |
as_igraph.nested_egor |
Convert 'egor' object to 'network' or 'igraph' objects |
as_nested_egor |
General helper functions |
as_network |
Convert 'egor' object to 'network' or 'igraph' objects |
as_survey.egor |
Extract ego, alter, and alter-alter tables from an 'egor' object. |
as_tibble.egor |
Extract ego, alter, and alter-alter tables from an 'egor' object. |
clustered_graphs |
Cluster ego-centered networks by a grouping factor |
clustered_graphs.data.frame |
Cluster ego-centered networks by a grouping factor |
clustered_graphs.egor |
Cluster ego-centered networks by a grouping factor |
clustered_graphs.list |
Cluster ego-centered networks by a grouping factor |
composition |
Calculate the composition of alter attributes in an 'egor' object |
comp_ei |
Calculate the EI-Indices of an 'egor' object as a measurement of ego-alter homophily |
comp_ply |
Calculate custom compositional measures on an 'egor' object |
count_dyads |
Count attribute combinations of dyads in ego-centered networks |
create_edge_names_wide |
General helper functions |
din_page_dist |
General helper functions |
dyad.poss |
General helper functions |
dyads_possible_between_groups |
General helper functions |
egor |
egor - a data class for ego-centered network data. |
egor32 |
32 randomly created ego-centered networks stored as an egor object |
egor_options |
Display names and values of global egor options. |
egor_vis_app |
'egor' Network Visualization App |
egos32 |
32 randomly created egos belonging to ego-centered networks |
ego_constraint |
Calculate Burt constraint for the egos of ego-centered networks |
ego_density |
Calculate the relationship density in ego-centered networks |
ego_density.egor |
Calculate the relationship density in ego-centered networks |
ego_design |
Set and query the ego sampling design |
ego_design.egor |
Set and query the ego sampling design |
ego_design.nested_egor |
Set and query the ego sampling design |
ego_design<- |
Set and query the ego sampling design |
ego_design<-.egor |
Set and query the ego sampling design |
ego_design<-.nested_egor |
Set and query the ego sampling design |
ego_df |
Transnational personal communities of social support of German migrants in Great Britain |
EI |
Calculate EI-Index of ego networks |
extract_egos_and_return |
This extracts egos from igraph/network data if they are named in 'ego_name' and returns an egor object |
gss2004 |
A selective subset of GSS 2004 data |
has_ego_design |
Set and query the ego sampling design |
has_ego_design.egor |
Set and query the ego sampling design |
has_ego_design.nested_egor |
Set and query the ego sampling design |
helper |
General helper functions |
layout_egogram |
Create layout for an egogram |
make_egor |
Generate random ego-centered-network data. |
onefile_to_egor |
Import ego-centered network data from 'one file format' |
plot.egor |
Plotting _egor_ objects |
plot_egograms |
Plotting _egor_ objects |
plot_egor |
Plotting _egor_ objects |
plot_ego_graphs |
Plotting _egor_ objects |
print.egor |
Methods to print and summarize 'egor' objects |
read_egonet |
Read ego-centered network data exported with EgoNet software as an 'egor' object |
read_egoweb |
Read/ import ego-centered network data from the three files format, EgoWeb2.0 or openeddi. |
read_openeddi |
Read/ import ego-centered network data from the three files format, EgoWeb2.0 or openeddi. |
return_results |
Returns results inheriting 'srvyr' design if the input egor object has a an 'ego_design' and global option "egor.return.results.with.design" is 'TRUE' or 'NULL'. |
rowlist |
Convert a table to a list of rows |
sanitize.wide.edges |
General helper functions |
strip_ego_design |
Set and query the ego sampling design |
subset.egor |
Filter and Subset Ego-centered Datasets |
summary.egor |
Methods to print and summarize 'egor' objects |
threefiles_to_egor |
Read/ import ego-centered network data from the three files format, EgoWeb2.0 or openeddi. |
transnat |
Transnational personal communities of social support of German migrants in Great Britain |
trim_aaties |
Trims alter-alter ties of alters that are missing/ deleted from alters data. |
trim_alters |
Trims alters that are missing/ deleted from ego data. |
twofiles_to_egor |
Import ego-centered network data from two file format |
vis_clustered_graphs |
Visualize clustered graphs |
weights.egor |
'weights.egor()' extracts the (relative) sampling weights of each ego in the dataset. |
[.egor |
Filter and Subset Ego-centered Datasets |