localizeErrors {editrules}R Documentation

Localize errors on records in a data.frame.


For each record in a data.frame, the least (weighted) number of fields is determined which can be adapted or imputed so that no edit in E is violated. Anymore.


  verbose = FALSE,
  weight = rep(1, ncol(dat)),
  maxduration = 600,
  method = c("bb", "mip", "localizer"),
  useBlocks = TRUE,
  retrieve = c("best", "first"),



an object of class editset editmatrix or editarray


a data.frame with variables in E.


print progress to screen?


Vector of positive weights for every variable in dat, or an array or data.frame of weights with the same dimensions as dat.


maximum time for $searchBest() to find the best solution for a single record.


should errorlocalizer ("bb") or mix integer programming ("mip") be used?


DEPRECATED. Process error localization seperatly for independent blocks in E (always TRUE)?


Return the first found solution or the best solution? ("bb" method only).


Further options to be passed to errorLocalizer or errorLocalizer_mip. Specifically, when method='mip', the parameter lpcontrol is a list of options passed to lpSolveAPI.


For performance purposes, the edits are split in independent blocks which are processed separately. Also, a quick vectorized check with checkDatamodel is performed first to exclude variables violating their one-dimensional bounds from further calculations.

By default, all weights are set equal to one (each variable is considered equally reliable). If a vector of weights is passed, the weights are assumed to be in the same order as the columns of dat. By passing an array of weights (of same dimensions as dat) separate weights can be specified for each record.

In general, the solution to an error localization problem need not be unique, especially when no weights are defined. In such cases, localizeErrors chooses a solution randomly. See errorLocalizer for more control options.

Error localization can be performed by the Branch and Bound method of De Waal (2003) (option method="localizer", the default) or by rewriting the problem as a mixed-integer programming (MIP) problem (method="mip") which is parsed to the lpsolve library. The former case uses errorLocalizer and is very reliable in terms of numerical stability, but may be slower in some cases (see note below). The MIP approach is much faster, but requires that upper and lower bounds are set on each numerical variable. Sensible bounds are derived automatically (see the vignette on error localization as MIP), but could cause instabilities in very rare cases.


an object of class errorLocation


As of version 2.8.1 method 'bb' is not available for conditional numeric (e.g: if (x>0) y>0) or conditional edits of mixed type (e.g. if (A=='a') x>0).


T. De Waal (2003) Processing of Erroneous and Unsafe Data. PhD thesis, University of Rotterdam.

E. De Jonge and Van der Loo, M. (2012) Error localization as a mixed-integer program in editrules (included with the package)

lp_solve and Kjell Konis. (2011). lpSolveAPI: R Interface for lp_solve version R package version http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=lpSolveAPI

See Also



# an editmatrix and some data:
E <- editmatrix(c(
    "x + y == z",
    "x > 0",
    "y > 0",
    "z > 0"))

dat <- data.frame(
    x = c(1,-1,1),
    y = c(-1,1,1),
    z = c(2,0,2))

# localize all errors in the data
err <- localizeErrors(E,dat)


# what has to be adapted:
# weight, number of equivalent solutions, timings,

## Not run

# Demonstration of verbose processing
# construct 2-block editmatrix
F <- editmatrix(c(
    "x + y == z",
    "x > 0",
    "y > 0",
    "z > 0",
    "w > 10"))
# Using 'dat' as defined above, generate some extra records
dd <- dat
for ( i in 1:5 ) dd <- rbind(dd,dd)
dd$w <- sample(12,nrow(dd),replace=TRUE)

# localize errors verbosely
(err <- localizeErrors(F,dd,verbose=TRUE))

# printing is cut off, use summary for an overview

# or plot (not very informative in this artificial example)

## End(Not run)

for ( d in dir("../pkg/R",full.names=TRUE)) dmp <- source(d)
# Example with different weights for each record
E <- editmatrix('x + y == z')
dat <- data.frame(
    x = c(1,1),
    y = c(1,1),
    z = c(1,1))

# At equal weights, both records have three solutions (degeneracy): adapt x, y
# or z:

# Set different weights per record (lower weight means lower reliability):
w <- matrix(c(


# an example with categorical variables
E <- editarray(expression(
    age %in% c('under aged','adult'),
    maritalStatus %in% c('unmarried','married','widowed','divorced'),
    positionInHousehold %in% c('marriage partner', 'child', 'other'),
    if( age == 'under aged' ) maritalStatus == 'unmarried',
    if( maritalStatus %in% c('married','widowed','divorced')) 
      !positionInHousehold %in% c('marriage partner','child')

dat <- data.frame(
    age = c('under aged','adult','adult' ),
    maritalStatus=c('married','unmarried','widowed' ), 
    positionInHousehold=c('child','other','marriage partner')
# the last record of dat has 2 degenerate solutions. Running  the last command
# a few times demonstrates that one of those solutions is chosen at random.

# Increasing the weight of  'positionInHousehold' for example, makes the best
# solution unique again

# an example with mixed data:

E <- editset(expression(
    x + y == z,
    2*u  + 0.5*v == 3*w,
    w >= 0,
    if ( x > 0 ) y > 0,
    x >= 0,
    y >= 0,
    z >= 0,
    A %in% letters[1:4],
    B %in% letters[1:4],
    C %in% c(TRUE,FALSE),
    D %in% letters[5:8],
    if ( A %in% c('a','b') ) y > 0,
    if ( A == 'c' ) B %in% letters[1:3],
    if ( !C == TRUE) D %in% c('e','f')

dat <- data.frame(
    x = sample(-1:8),
    y = sample(-1:8),
    z = sample(10),
    u = sample(-1:8),
    v = sample(-1:8),
    w = sample(10),
    A = sample(letters[1:4],10,replace=TRUE),
    B = sample(letters[1:4],10,replace=TRUE),
    C = sample(c(TRUE,FALSE),10,replace=TRUE),
    D = sample(letters[5:9],10,replace=TRUE),

(el <-localizeErrors(E,dat,verbose=TRUE))

[Package editrules version 2.9.5 Index]