Parsing, Applying, and Manipulating Data Cleaning Rules

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Documentation for package ‘editrules’ version 2.9.3

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editrules-package An overview of the function of package 'editrules'

-- A --

adjacency Derive adjecency matrix from collection of edits
adjacency.editarray Derive adjecency matrix from collection of edits
adjacency.editmatrix Derive adjecency matrix from collection of edits
adjacency.editset Derive adjecency matrix from collection of edits
as.character.editarray Parse textual, categorical edit rules to an editarray
as.character.editmatrix Create an editmatrix
as.character.editset Read general edits Parse textual, categorical edit rules to an editarray Create an editmatrix Read general edits Check data against constraints
as.editmatrix Coerce a matrix to an edit matrix.
as.editset Coerce x to an editset
as.expression.editarray Parse textual, categorical edit rules to an editarray
as.expression.editmatrix Create an editmatrix
as.igraph.editarray Derive adjecency matrix from collection of edits
as.igraph.editmatrix Derive adjecency matrix from collection of edits
as.igraph.editset Derive adjecency matrix from collection of edits
as.lp.mip Coerces a 'mip' object into an lpsolve object
as.matrix.editarray Parse textual, categorical edit rules to an editarray
as.matrix.editmatrix Create an editmatrix
as.mip Write an editset into a mip representation

-- B --

backtracker Backtracker: a flexible and generic binary search program
blockIndex Decompose a matrix or edits into independent blocks
blocks Decompose a matrix or edits into independent blocks

-- C --

c.editarray Parse textual, categorical edit rules to an editarray
c.editmatrix Create an editmatrix
c.editset Read general edits
checkDatamodel Check data against a datamodel
choicepoint Backtracker: a flexible and generic binary search program
condition Get condition matrix from an editset.

-- D --

datamodel Summarize data model of an editarray in a data.frame
disjunct Decouple a set of conditional edits

-- E --

echelon Bring an (edit) matrix to reduced row echelon form.
echelon.editmatrix Bring an (edit) matrix to reduced row echelon form.
echelon.editset Bring an (edit) matrix to reduced row echelon form.
echelon.matrix Bring an (edit) matrix to reduced row echelon form.
editarray Parse textual, categorical edit rules to an editarray
editfile Read edits edits from free-form textfile
editmatrix Create an editmatrix
editnames Names of edits
editrules.plotting Graphical representation of edits
edits Example editrules, used in vignette
editset Read general edits
editType Determine edittypes in editset based on 'contains(E)'
eliminate Eliminate a variable from a set of edit rules
eliminate.editarray Eliminate a variable from a set of edit rules
eliminate.editlist Eliminate a variable from a set of edit rules
eliminate.editmatrix Eliminate a variable from a set of edit rules
eliminate.editset Eliminate a variable from a set of edit rules
errorLocalizer Create a backtracker object for error localization
errorLocalizer.editarray Create a backtracker object for error localization
errorLocalizer.editlist Create a backtracker object for error localization
errorLocalizer.editmatrix Create a backtracker object for error localization
errorLocalizer.editset Create a backtracker object for error localization
errorLocalizer_mip Localize errors using a MIP approach.
errorLocation The errorLocation object

-- G --

generateEdits Derive all essentially new implicit edits
getA Returns the coefficient matrix 'A' of linear (in)equalities
getAb Returns augmented matrix representation of edit set.
getb Returns the constant part 'b' of a linear (in)equality
getH Returns the derivation history of an edit matrix or array
geth Returns the derivation history of an edit matrix or array
getOps Returns the operator part of a linear (in)equality 'editmatrix' E
getVars get names of variables in a set of edits
getVars.editset get names of variables in a set of edits
getVars.NULL get names of variables in a set of edits

-- I --

impliedValues Retrieve values stricktly implied by rules
impliedValues.editmatrix Retrieve values stricktly implied by rules
is.editarray Check object class
is.editmatrix Check object class
is.editrules Check object class
is.editset Check object class
isFeasible Check consistency of set of edits
isNormalized Check if an editmatrix is normalized
isObviouslyInfeasible Check for obvious contradictions in a set of edits
isObviouslyInfeasible.editarray Check for obvious contradictions in a set of edits
isObviouslyInfeasible.editenv Check for obvious contradictions in a set of edits
isObviouslyInfeasible.editlist Check for obvious contradictions in a set of edits
isObviouslyInfeasible.editmatrix Check for obvious contradictions in a set of edits
isObviouslyInfeasible.editset Check for obvious contradictions in a set of edits
isObviouslyRedundant Find obvious redundancies in set of edits
isObviouslyRedundant.editarray Find obvious redundancies in set of edits
isObviouslyRedundant.editenv Find obvious redundancies in set of edits
isObviouslyRedundant.editlist Find obvious redundancies in set of edits
isObviouslyRedundant.editmatrix Find obvious redundancies in set of edits
isObviouslyRedundant.editset Find obvious redundancies in set of edits
isSubset Check which edits are dominated by other ones.

-- L --

localizeErrors Localize errors on records in a data.frame.

-- N --

nedits Number of edits Count the number of edits in a collection of edits.
normalize Normalizes an editmatrix

-- P --

plot.editarray Graphical representation of edits
plot.editmatrix Graphical representation of edits
plot.editset Graphical representation of edits
plot.errorLocation The errorLocation object
plot.violatedEdits Check data against constraints

-- R --

reduce Remove redundant variables and edits.
reduce.editarray Remove redundant variables and edits.
reduce.editmatrix Remove redundant variables and edits.
reduce.editset Remove redundant variables and edits.

-- S --

separate Separate an editset into its disconnected blocks and simplify
str.editmatrix Create an editmatrix
substValue Replace a variable by a value in a set of edits.
substValue.editarray Replace a variable by a value in a set of edits.
substValue.editenv Replace a variable by a value in a set of edits.
substValue.editlist Replace a variable by a value in a set of edits.
substValue.editmatrix Replace a variable by a value in a set of edits.
substValue.editset Replace a variable by a value in a set of edits.
summary.editarray Parse textual, categorical edit rules to an editarray
summary.editmatrix Create an editmatrix
summary.editset Read general edits
summary.errorLocation The errorLocation object
summary.violatedEdits Check data against constraints

-- V --

violatedEdits Check data against constraints
violatedEdits.character Check data against constraints
violatedEdits.editarray Check data against constraints
violatedEdits.editmatrix Check data against constraints
violatedEdits.editset Check data against constraints