editrules-package | An overview of the function of package 'editrules' |
adjacency | Derive adjecency matrix from collection of edits |
adjacency.editarray | Derive adjecency matrix from collection of edits |
adjacency.editmatrix | Derive adjecency matrix from collection of edits |
adjacency.editset | Derive adjecency matrix from collection of edits |
as.character.editarray | Parse textual, categorical edit rules to an editarray |
as.character.editmatrix | Create an editmatrix |
as.character.editset | Read general edits |
as.data.frame.editarray | Parse textual, categorical edit rules to an editarray |
as.data.frame.editmatrix | Create an editmatrix |
as.data.frame.editset | Read general edits |
as.data.frame.violatedEdits | Check data against constraints |
as.editmatrix | Coerce a matrix to an edit matrix. |
as.editset | Coerce x to an editset |
as.expression.editarray | Parse textual, categorical edit rules to an editarray |
as.expression.editmatrix | Create an editmatrix |
as.igraph.editarray | Derive adjecency matrix from collection of edits |
as.igraph.editmatrix | Derive adjecency matrix from collection of edits |
as.igraph.editset | Derive adjecency matrix from collection of edits |
as.lp.mip | Coerces a 'mip' object into an lpsolve object |
as.matrix.editarray | Parse textual, categorical edit rules to an editarray |
as.matrix.editmatrix | Create an editmatrix |
as.mip | Write an editset into a mip representation |
backtracker | Backtracker: a flexible and generic binary search program |
blockIndex | Decompose a matrix or edits into independent blocks |
blocks | Decompose a matrix or edits into independent blocks |
c.editarray | Parse textual, categorical edit rules to an editarray |
c.editmatrix | Create an editmatrix |
c.editset | Read general edits |
checkDatamodel | Check data against a datamodel |
choicepoint | Backtracker: a flexible and generic binary search program |
condition | Get condition matrix from an editset. |
datamodel | Summarize data model of an editarray in a data.frame |
disjunct | Decouple a set of conditional edits |
echelon | Bring an (edit) matrix to reduced row echelon form. |
echelon.editmatrix | Bring an (edit) matrix to reduced row echelon form. |
echelon.editset | Bring an (edit) matrix to reduced row echelon form. |
echelon.matrix | Bring an (edit) matrix to reduced row echelon form. |
editarray | Parse textual, categorical edit rules to an editarray |
editfile | Read edits edits from free-form textfile |
editmatrix | Create an editmatrix |
editnames | Names of edits |
editrules | An overview of the function of package 'editrules' |
editrules.plotting | Graphical representation of edits |
editrules_package | An overview of the function of package 'editrules' |
edits | Example editrules, used in vignette |
editset | Read general edits |
editType | Determine edittypes in editset based on 'contains(E)' |
eliminate | Eliminate a variable from a set of edit rules |
eliminate.editarray | Eliminate a variable from a set of edit rules |
eliminate.editlist | Eliminate a variable from a set of edit rules |
eliminate.editmatrix | Eliminate a variable from a set of edit rules |
eliminate.editset | Eliminate a variable from a set of edit rules |
errorLocalizer | Create a backtracker object for error localization |
errorLocalizer.editarray | Create a backtracker object for error localization |
errorLocalizer.editlist | Create a backtracker object for error localization |
errorLocalizer.editmatrix | Create a backtracker object for error localization |
errorLocalizer.editset | Create a backtracker object for error localization |
errorLocalizer_mip | Localize errors using a MIP approach. |
errorLocation | The errorLocation object |
generateEdits | Derive all essentially new implicit edits |
getA | Returns the coefficient matrix 'A' of linear (in)equalities |
getAb | Returns augmented matrix representation of edit set. |
getb | Returns the constant part 'b' of a linear (in)equality |
getH | Returns the derivation history of an edit matrix or array |
geth | Returns the derivation history of an edit matrix or array |
getOps | Returns the operator part of a linear (in)equality 'editmatrix' E |
getVars | get names of variables in a set of edits |
getVars.editset | get names of variables in a set of edits |
getVars.NULL | get names of variables in a set of edits |
impliedValues | Retrieve values stricktly implied by rules |
impliedValues.editmatrix | Retrieve values stricktly implied by rules |
is.editarray | Check object class |
is.editmatrix | Check object class |
is.editrules | Check object class |
is.editset | Check object class |
isFeasible | Check consistency of set of edits |
isNormalized | Check if an editmatrix is normalized |
isObviouslyInfeasible | Check for obvious contradictions in a set of edits |
isObviouslyInfeasible.editarray | Check for obvious contradictions in a set of edits |
isObviouslyInfeasible.editenv | Check for obvious contradictions in a set of edits |
isObviouslyInfeasible.editlist | Check for obvious contradictions in a set of edits |
isObviouslyInfeasible.editmatrix | Check for obvious contradictions in a set of edits |
isObviouslyInfeasible.editset | Check for obvious contradictions in a set of edits |
isObviouslyRedundant | Find obvious redundancies in set of edits |
isObviouslyRedundant.editarray | Find obvious redundancies in set of edits |
isObviouslyRedundant.editenv | Find obvious redundancies in set of edits |
isObviouslyRedundant.editlist | Find obvious redundancies in set of edits |
isObviouslyRedundant.editmatrix | Find obvious redundancies in set of edits |
isObviouslyRedundant.editset | Find obvious redundancies in set of edits |
isSubset | Check which edits are dominated by other ones. |
localizeErrors | Localize errors on records in a data.frame. |
nedits | Number of edits Count the number of edits in a collection of edits. |
normalize | Normalizes an editmatrix |
plot.editarray | Graphical representation of edits |
plot.editmatrix | Graphical representation of edits |
plot.editset | Graphical representation of edits |
plot.errorLocation | The errorLocation object |
plot.violatedEdits | Check data against constraints |
reduce | Remove redundant variables and edits. |
reduce.editarray | Remove redundant variables and edits. |
reduce.editmatrix | Remove redundant variables and edits. |
reduce.editset | Remove redundant variables and edits. |
separate | Separate an editset into its disconnected blocks and simplify |
str.editmatrix | Create an editmatrix |
substValue | Replace a variable by a value in a set of edits. |
substValue.editarray | Replace a variable by a value in a set of edits. |
substValue.editenv | Replace a variable by a value in a set of edits. |
substValue.editlist | Replace a variable by a value in a set of edits. |
substValue.editmatrix | Replace a variable by a value in a set of edits. |
substValue.editset | Replace a variable by a value in a set of edits. |
summary.editarray | Parse textual, categorical edit rules to an editarray |
summary.editmatrix | Create an editmatrix |
summary.editset | Read general edits |
summary.errorLocation | The errorLocation object |
summary.violatedEdits | Check data against constraints |
violatedEdits | Check data against constraints |
violatedEdits.character | Check data against constraints |
violatedEdits.editarray | Check data against constraints |
violatedEdits.editmatrix | Check data against constraints |
violatedEdits.editset | Check data against constraints |