msk.macrophytes.2017.calc.types {ecoval}R Documentation

Function to calculate macrophyte river types for a given set of attributes.


Function to calculate macrophyte river types for a given set of attributes.


                                sampsize     = 10000,
                                language     = "English",
                                dictionaries = NA)



Data frame with river attributes.


(optional) sample size for Monte Carlo calculation of probabilities of macrophyte river types (default is 10000).


(optional) language to be used to denote nodes, attributes and attribute levels. Must be a column name of the data frame provided by the argument dictionaries or of the default dictionaries data frame of the package if no data frame is provided under dictionaries.


(optional) data frame of dictionaries with the languages provided by the column names and the original keywords provided as the row names. If dictionaries is NA, the default dictionary ecoval.dictionaries.default is loaded.




The function returns a list with the following entries:
typedef: a list containing the details of the definition of macrophyte river types.
Important entries:
thresholds: nominal thresholds of the attributes used to classify rivers into macrophyte river types.
thresholds.indices: table of different combinations of lower and upper thresholds.
types: table of macrophyte river types corresponding to the combinations listed under thresholds.indices (three different levels of resolution: according to the river types scheme, used for valuation, and types for different growth forms).
thresholds.unc: definition of probability distributions used to characterize the uncertainty in the thresholds.
observations.unc: definition of probability distributions used to characterize the uncertainty in attributes.
attrib.types: data frame of attributes needed to calculate macrophyte river types. types.comb.obs: table of the row indices of the combinations according to typedef$thresholds.indices that corresponds to the observed river site attributes.
types.scheme.obs: table of the macrophyte river types according to the river types scheme that corresponds to the observed river site attributes.
types.fields.obs: table of the row and column indices of the river types scheme that corresponds to the observed river site attributes.

types.comb.probs: table of probabilities of the row indices of the combinations according to typedef$thresholds.indices that correspond to the river sites.
types.scheme.probs: table of probabilities of river types according to river types scheme that correspond to the river sites.
types.val.probs: table of probabilities of river types used for valuation that correspond to the river sites.
types.grfo.probs: table of probabilities of river growth form types that correspond to the river sites.
types.fields.probs: table of probabilities of row and column indices of the river types scheme that correspond to the river sites.
types.val.obs: river types used for valuation.
types.scheme.maxprob: river types according to the river types scheme with maximum probability.
types.val.maxprob: river types used for valuation with maxiumum probability.
types.table: data frame of the most important results.


Langhans, S.D., Lienert, J., Schuwirth, N. and Reichert, P. How to make river assessments comparable: A demonstration for hydromorphology, Ecological Indicators 32, 264-275, 2013. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2013.03.027

Langhans, S.D., Reichert, P. and Schuwirth, N. The method matters: indicator aggregation in ecological river assessment. Ecological Indicators 45, 494-507, 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.05.014

Reichert, P., Schuwirth, N. and Langhans, S. Constructing, evaluating and visualizing value and utility functions for decision support, Environmental Modelling & Software 46, 283-291, 2013. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2013.01.017

Reichert, P., Langhans, S., Lienert, J. and Schuwirth, N. The conceptual foundation of environmental decision support. Journal of Environmental Management. 154, 316-332, 2015. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2015.01.053

Reichert, P., Borsuk, M., Hostmann, M., Schweizer, S., Sporri, C., Tockner, K. and Truffer, B. Concepts of decision support for river rehabilitation, Environmental Modelling and Software 22, 188-201, 2007. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2005.07.017

Kaenel, B., Michel, C., Reichert, P. Methoden zur Untersuchung und Beurteilung der Fliessgewaesser. Makrophyten - Stufe F (flaechendeckend) und Stufe S (systembezogen). Entwurf. Bundesamt fuer Umwelt, Bern. 119 S. 2017.

See Also

msk.macrophytes.2017.create, utility.

[Package ecoval version 1.2.9 Index]