Procedures for Ecological Assessment of Surface Waters

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Documentation for package ‘ecoval’ version 1.2.9

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ecoval-package Procedures for the Ecological Assessment of Surface Waters
ecoval Procedures for the Ecological Assessment of Surface Waters
ecoval.dict Extracts a Single Dictionary from a Table of Dictionaries
ecoval.dictionaries.default Default Dictionaries for Nodes, Attributes and Attribute Levels
ecoval.plotsymbols Plot valuations of different sub-objectives as pie charts.
ecoval.river.create Creates a Value Function for Ecological River Assessment
ecoval.translate Translates a Word Given a Dictionary
lake.morphol.2016.aggregate.val.spatial Aggregate valuations along a single spatial dimension.
lake.morphol.2016.create Creates a Value Function for Lake Shore Morphology
lake.morphol.2016.plot.val.spatial Plots valuations along a single spatial dimension. Reads attributes with different segmentation.
msk.create Creates a Value Function for Ecological River Assessment
msk.diatoms.2007.create Creates a Value Function for River Diatoms Creates a Value Function for River Fish
msk.hydrol.2011.aggregate Aggregation function of the hydrology module of the Swiss modular concept for stream assessment, level I (Regional survey) from 2011.
msk.hydrol.2011.create Creates a Value Function for River Hydrology
msk.invertebrates.2010.create Creates a Value Function for River Invertebrates
msk.macrophytes.2017.addminbonusmalus Aggregation technique for MSK module macrophytes
msk.macrophytes.2017.calc.types Function to calculate macrophyte river types for a given set of attributes.
msk.macrophytes.2017.create Creates a Value Function for River Macrophytes Function to write site documentation.
msk.macrophytes.2017.doc.typology Function to write documentation of probabilities of macrophyte river types at a given site.
msk.macrophytes.2017.doc.valuation Function to write documentation of macrophytes valuation at a given site.
msk.macrophytes.2017.doc.vegetation Function to write documentation of vegetation at a given site.
msk.macrophytes.2017.plot.hierarchy Function to plot the objectives hierarchy of the macrophyte assessment colored according the valuation.
msk.macrophytes.2017.plot.typedef Function to visualize the uncertainties of the macrophyte river types definition.
msk.macrophytes.2017.plot.types.grfo Function to plot the probabilities of all macrophytes river types aggregated to growth form classes.
msk.macrophytes.2017.plot.types.scheme Function to plot the probabilities of all river types according to the type definition scheme. Function to read and compile data for macrophyte and calculate river types and valuation.
msk.macrophytes.2017_ListTaxa Data frame containing the characteristics of the taxa to be considered for valuation.
msk.macrophytes.2017_RiverTypes_DefLimitsUnc Data frame containing the definition of uncertainty of attribute limits of river types.
msk.macrophytes.2017_RiverTypes_DefObsUnc Data frame containing the definition of observation uncertainty for river types.
msk.macrophytes.2017_RiverTypes_DefStruct Data frame containing the definition of the structure used for river types.
msk.morphol.1998.aggregate Aggregation function of the highest node in the morphology module of the Swiss modular concept for stream assessment, level I (Regional survey) from 1998.
msk.morphol.1998.create Creates a Value Function for River Morphology
msk.nutrients.2010.create Creates a Value Function for River Nutrients
msk.physapp.2007.create Creates a Value Function for River Physical Appearance
val.heavymetals.create Creates a Value Function for River Heavy Metal Concentrations
val.invertebrates.create Creates an Integrative Value Function for River Invertebrates
val.micropoll.create Creates a Value Function for River Micropollutants
val.pesticides.create Creates a Value Function for River Pesticides
val.spear.create Creates a Value Function for River Spear Index