predict.stackedsdm {ecoCopula}R Documentation

Predictions from a stackedsdm object


Predictions from a stackedsdm object


## S3 method for class 'stackedsdm'
  newdata = NULL,
  type = "link", = FALSE,
  na.action = na.pass,



An object of class stackedsdm


Optionally, a data frame in which to look for variables with which to predict. If omitted, the covariates from the existing dataset are used.


The type of prediction required. This can be supplied as either a single character string, when is applied to all species, or a vector of character strings of the same length as ncol(object$y) specifying the type of predictions desired for each species. The exact type of prediction allowed depends precisely on the distribution, but for many there is at least "link" which is on the scale of the linear predictors, and "response" which is on the scale of the response variable. The values of this argument can be abbreviated.

Logical switch indicating if standard errors are required.


Function determining what should be done with missing values in newdata. The default is to predict NA..


not used


A list where the k-th element is the result of applying the predict method to the k-th fitted model in object$fits.


This function simply applies a for loop, cycling through each fitted model from the stackedsdm object and then attempting to construct the relevant predictions by applying the relevant predict method. Please keep in mind no formatting is done to the predictions.


Francis K.C. Hui <>.


X <- spider$x
abund <- spider$abund

# Example 1: Simple example
myfamily <- "negative.binomial"
# Fit models including all covariates are linear terms, but exclude for bare sand
fit0 <- stackedsdm(abund, formula_X = ~. -bare.sand, data = X, family = myfamily, ncores=2) 
predict(fit0, type = "response")

# Example 2: Funkier example where Species are assumed to have different distributions
abund[,1:3] <- (abund[,1:3]>0)*1 # First three columns for presence absence
myfamily <- c(rep(c("binomial"), 3),
       rep(c("negative.binomial"), 5),
       rep(c("tweedie"), 4)
fit0 <- stackedsdm(abund, formula_X = ~ bare.sand, data = X, family = myfamily, ncores=2)
predict(fit0, type = "response")

[Package ecoCopula version 1.0.2 Index]