plot.similarity {eclust}R Documentation

Function to generate heatmap


Plots a heatmap of a similarity matrix such as a correlation matrix or a TOM matrix. This function is a plotting method for an object of class similarity. These objects are returned by the s_generate_data and s_generate_data_mars functions


## S3 method for class 'similarity'
plot(x, color = viridis::viridis(100), truemodule,
  active, ...)



an object of class similarity. This is a p x p symmetric matix such as a correlation matrix or a TOM matrix, where p is the number of genes


colors for the heatmap. By default it uses the viridis color scheme. The viridis package needs to be installed.


a numeric vector of length p where p is the number of genes, giving the module membership. By default, 0 = Grey, 1 = Turquoise, 2 = Blue, 3 = Red, 4 = Green, and 5 = Yellow. This information is used for annotating the heatmap


a binary vector of length p (where p is the number of genes) where 0 means that gene is not related to the response, and 1 means that the gene is associated to the response.


other arguments passed to the pheatmap function


a heatmap of a similarity matrix


this function is only meant to be used with output from the s_generate_data and s_generate_data_mars functions, since it assumes a fixed number of modules.


## Not run: 
corrX <- cor(simdata[,c(-1,-2)])
class(corrX) <- append(class(corrX), "similarity")
plot(corrX, truemodule = c(rep(1:5, each=150), rep(0, 250)))

## End(Not run)

[Package eclust version 0.1.0 Index]