Environment Based Clustering for Interpretable Predictive Models in High Dimensional Data

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Documentation for package ‘eclust’ version 0.1.0

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fisherTransform Calculate Fisher's Z Transformation for Correlations
plot.eclust Plot Heatmap of Cluster Summaries by Exposure Status
plot.similarity Function to generate heatmap
r_cluster_data Cluster data using environmental exposure
r_prepare_data Prepare data for regression routines
simdata Simulated Data with Environment Dependent Correlations
s_generate_data Generate linear response data and test and training sets for simulation study
s_generate_data_mars Generate non linear response and test and training sets for non-linear simulation study
s_mars_clust Fit MARS Models on Simulated Cluster Summaries
s_mars_separate Fit Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines on Simulated Data
s_modules Simulate Covariates With Exposure Dependent Correlations
s_pen_clust Fit Penalized Regression Models on Simulated Cluster Summaries
s_pen_separate Fit Penalized Regression Models on Simulated Data
s_response Generate True Response vector for Linear Simulation
s_response_mars Generate True Response vector for Non-Linear Simulation
tcgaov Subset of TCGA mRNA Ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma data
u_cluster_similarity Cluster similarity matrix
u_extract_selected_earth Get selected terms from an earth object
u_extract_summary Calculates cluster summaries
u_fisherZ Calculate Fisher's Z Transformation for Correlations