ebv_read_bb {ebvcube}R Documentation

Read subset (bounding box) of one datacube of an EBV netCDF


Read a subset of one or more layers from one datacube of the NetCDF file. Subset definition by a bounding box.


  datacubepath = NULL,
  entity = NULL,
  timestep = 1,
  outputpath = NULL,
  epsg = 4326,
  scenario = NULL,
  metric = NULL,
  overwrite = FALSE,
  ignore_RAM = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE



Character. Path to the netCDF file.


Character. Optional. Default: NULL. Path to the datacube (use ebv_datacubepaths()). Alternatively, you can use the scenario and metric argument to define which cube you want to access.


Character or Integer. Default is NULL. If the structure is 3D, the entity argument is set to NULL. Else, a character string or single integer value must indicate the entity of the 4D structure of the EBV netCDFs.


Integer or character. Select one or several timestep(s). Either provide an integer value or list of values that refer(s) to the index of the timestep(s) (minimum value: 1) or provide a date or list of dates in ISO format, such as '2015-01-01'.


Integer Vector. Definition of subset by bounding box: c(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax).


Character. Default: NULL, returns the data as a SpatRaster object in memory. Optional: set path to write subset as GeoTiff on disk.


Integer. Default: 4326 (WGS84). Change accordingly if your bounding box coordinates are based on a different coordinate reference system.


Character or integer. Optional. Default: NULL. Define the scenario you want to access. If the EBV netCDF has no scenarios, leave the default value (NULL). You can use an integer value defining the scenario or give the name of the scenario as a character string. To check the available scenarios and their name or number (integer), use ebv_datacubepaths().


Character or integer. Optional. Define the metric you want to access. You can use an integer value defining the metric or give the name of the scenario as a character string. To check the available metrics and their name or number (integer), use ebv_datacubepaths().


Logical. Default: FALSE. Set to TRUE to overwrite the outputfile defined by 'outputpath'.


Logical. Default: FALSE. Checks if there is enough space in your memory to read the data. Can be switched off (set to TRUE).


Logical. Default: TRUE. Turn off additional prints by setting it to FALSE.


Returns a SpatRaster object if no outputpath is given. Otherwise the subset is written onto the disk and the outputpath is returned.


In case the epsg of the Bounding Box and the netCDF differ, the data is returned based on the epsg of the netCDF Dataset.

See Also

ebv_read_shp() for subsetting via shapefile.


#set path to EBV netCDF
file <- system.file(file.path("extdata","martins_comcom_subset.nc"), package="ebvcube")
#get all datacubepaths of EBV netCDF
datacubes <- ebv_datacubepaths(file, verbose=FALSE)

#set outputpath
out <- file.path(system.file(package='ebvcube'),"extdata","subset_bb.tif")
#define two different bounding boxes based on different EPSG codes
bb_wgs84 <- c(-26, 64, 30, 38)
bb_utm32 <- c(-2383703, 5532302, 3643854, 4564646)

## Not run: 
#read bb (based on EPSG 4326) - return SpatRaster
cSAR_subset <- ebv_read_bb(filepath = file, datacubepath = datacubes[1,1],
                             entity = 1, timestep = 1:3, bb = bb_wgs84)

#read bb (based on EPSG 4326) - write to GeoTiff
path <- ebv_read_bb(filepath = file, datacubepath = datacubes[1,1],
                    entity = 1, timestep = 1, bb = bb_wgs84,
                    outputpath = out, overwrite = TRUE)

#read bb (based on ESRI 54009) - write to GeoTiff
path  <- ebv_read_bb(filepath = file, datacubepath = datacubes[1,1],
                     entity = 1, timestep = 1:2, bb = bb_utm32,
                     epsg = 32632, outputpath = out, overwrite = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

[Package ebvcube version 0.2.3 Index]