Working with netCDF for Essential Biodiversity Variables

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Documentation for package ‘ebvcube’ version 0.1.7

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EBV netCDF properties-class EBV netCDF properties class (S4)
ebvcube Working with netCDF for Essential Biodiversity Variables
ebv_add_data Add data to your EBV netCDF
ebv_analyse Get a simple explorative analysis of an EBV netCDF datacube
ebv_attribute Write a new attribute value to an EBV netCDF
ebv_create Create an EBV netCDF
ebv_datacubepaths Get datacubepaths of EBV netCDF
ebv_download Download an EBV netCDF file
ebv_map Map plot of an EBV netCDF
ebv_properties Read properties of EBV netCDF
ebv_read Read data from an EBV netCDF
ebv_read_bb Read subset (bounding box) of one datacube of an EBV netCDF
ebv_read_shp Read subset (shapefile) of one datacube of an EBV netCDF
ebv_resample Change the resolution of the data of an EBV netCDF
ebv_trend Plot the trend of an EBV NetCDF
ebv_write Write the extracted data on your disk as a GeoTiff
world_boundaries Simple outlines of world countries