bootstrapRegCoefs |
Bootstrapped testing of regression coefficients in a penalized model |
coef-method |
PSP-methods |
conforminput |
Conform the dimensions of a new input data matrix to a readily fitted PEP or PSP object |
cv |
Function that creates customized cross-validation folds |
cv.alpha |
Cross-validation runs for risk predition at a single value of alpha |
cv.grid |
Cross-validation runs for risk predition for a grid of predetermined alpha values and their conditional lambda values |
FIMM-UTU DREAM winning implementation of an ensemble of Penalized Cox Regression models for mCPRC research (ePCR) |
ePCR |
Ensemble Penalized Cox Regression Modeling for Overall Survival and Time-to-Event Prediction in Advanced Prostate Cancer |
heatcv |
Plot a heatmap of the prediction performance statistic as a function of lambda and alpha combinations |
integrateRegCurve |
Integrate the area over/under the regularization path of a penalized regression model |
interact.all |
Compute all pairwise interactions between the columns of a data matrix |
interact.part |
Compute a chosen set of pairwise interactions between two sets of columns in a data matrix |
meanrank |
Compute mean of predicted risk ranks for an ePCR ensemble |
NelsonAalen |
Cox-Oakes extension of the Nelson-Aalen estimates for a Cox model |
normriskrank |
Normalize ensemble risk scores to ranks and then to uniform range |
PEP-class |
Penalized Ensemble Predictor (PEP) S4-class ensemble consisting of individual PSP-members |
PEP-methods |
PEP-methods |
plot |
PSP-methods |
plot-method |
PSP-methods |
predict-method |
PEP-methods |
predict-method |
PSP-methods |
print-method |
PEP-methods |
print-method |
PSP-methods |
PSP-class |
Penalized Single Predictor (PSP) S4-class as a member of PEP-ensembles |
PSP-methods |
PSP-methods |
PSP-methods |
PSP.BOX-method |
PSP-methods |
PSP-methods |
PSP.CSP-method |
PSP-methods |
PSP-methods |
PSP.KM-method |
PSP-methods |
PSP-methods |
PSP.NA-method |
PSP-methods |
PSP-methods |
PSP.PCA-method |
PSP-methods |
score.cindex |
Scoring function for evaluating survival prediction through concordance index (c-index) |
score.iAUC |
Scoring function for evaluating survival prediction by time-wise integrated AUC |
TimeSurvProb |
Predict cumulative survival probabilities for new data at given time points |
ePCR model fitted to the Turku University Hospital cohorts (all features) |
TYKSSIMU - simulated data matrices and survival responses from Turku University Hospital |
TYKS_reduced |
ePCR model fitted to the Turku University Hospital cohorts (features derived from text mining only) |
TYKSSIMU - simulated data matrices and survival responses from Turku University Hospital |
TYKSSIMU - simulated data matrices and survival responses from Turku University Hospital |
TYKSSIMU - simulated data matrices and survival responses from Turku University Hospital |
TYKSSIMU - simulated data matrices and survival responses from Turku University Hospital |
zt |
Extended function for z-transformation, filling non-finite values and changes column names at will |