sieve_win {dwp}R Documentation

Test Criteria for Model Selection within Search Area


Test Criteria for Model Selection within Search Area




A list containing the parameters used for test criteria in model selection in ddArray objects. The sieve_win values are used when either sieve = "win" or extent = "win" in arg list of modelFilter. The sieve parameters are:

$aic = 10

the cutoff for DeltaAIC scores; models with higher scores are removed from further consideration.

$hin = T

a boolean to indicate whether or not to use high leverage points as a criterion for model selection.


Appropriate only for extrapolating beyond the search radius. Automatically disabled viartail = sieve_default$rtail * 0.


Appropriate only for extrapolating beyond the search radius. Automaticall disabled via ltail = sieve_default$ltail * 0 + 1

[Package dwp version 1.1 Index]