psi_extend {dwp}R Documentation

Simple Extension of a dd Model beyond the Search Radius


Extend a distance model beyond the search radius via multiplication by a fixed, assumed constant rather than the default normalization used for extensible models. psi_extend should not be used with psiHat objects that were calculated with extent = "full".


psi_extend(psi, fwin)



psiHat object


fraction of carcasses assumed to lie within the search radius. If psi includes psiHat for multiple carcass classes, fwin should be either a vector with one value for each carcass class so that length(psi) = length(fwin) or a scalar (which assumes all carcasses, regardless of carcass class, have the same probability of landing outside the search radius).


psiHat object extended beyond the search radius

[Package dwp version 1.1 Index]