acidiq | Acifluorfen and diquat tested on Lemna minor. |
actimL | Model function for the universal response surface approach (URSA) for the quantitative assessment of drug interaction |
algae | Volume of algae as function of increasing concentrations of a herbicide |
anova.drc | ANOVA for dose-response model fits |
AR.2 | Asymptotic regression model |
AR.3 | Asymptotic regression model |
auxins | Effect of technical grade and commercially formulated auxin herbicides |
backfit | Calculation of backfit values from a fitted dose-response model |
baro5 | The modified baro5 function |
BC.4 | The Brain-Cousens hormesis models |
BC.5 | The Brain-Cousens hormesis models |
bcl3 | The Brain-Cousens hormesis models |
bcl4 | The Brain-Cousens hormesis models |
boxcox.drc | Transform-both-sides Box-Cox transformation |
braincousens | The Brain-Cousens hormesis models |
bread.drc | Bread and meat for the sandwich |
cedergreen | The Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig model |
chickweed | Germination of common chickweed (_Stellaria media_) |
chickweed0 | Germination of common chickweed (_Stellaria media_) |
CIcomp | Calculation of combination index for binary mixtures |
CIcompX | Calculation of combination index for binary mixtures |
coef.drc | Extract Model Coefficients |
comped | Comparison of effective dose values |
compParm | Comparison of parameters |
confint.drc | Confidence Intervals for model parameters |
cooks.distance.drc | Model diagnostics for nonlinear dose-response models |
CRS.4a | The Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig model |
CRS.4b | The Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig model |
CRS.4c | The Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig model |
CRS.5a | Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig dose-reponse model for describing hormesis |
CRS.5b | Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig dose-reponse model for describing hormesis |
CRS.5c | Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig dose-reponse model for describing hormesis |
CRS.6 | The Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig model |
daphnids | Daphnia test |
decontaminants | Performance of decontaminants used in the culturing of a micro-organism |
deguelin | Deguelin applied to chrysanthemum aphis |
drm | Fitting dose-response models |
drmc | Sets control arguments |
earthworms | Earthworm toxicity test |
ED | Estimating effective doses |
ED.drc | Estimating effective doses |
EDcomp | Comparison of relative potencies between dose-response curves |
estfun.drc | Bread and meat for the sandwich |
etmotc | Effect of erythromycin on mixed sewage microorganisms |
EXD.2 | Exponential decay model |
EXD.3 | Exponential decay model |
finney71 | Example from Finney (1971) |
fitted.drc | Extract fitted values from model |
FPL.4 | Fractional polynomial-logistic dose-response models |
fplogistic | Fractional polynomial-logistic dose-response models |
G.2 | Mean function for the Gompertz dose-response or growth curve |
G.3 | Mean function for the Gompertz dose-response or growth curve |
G.3u | Mean function for the Gompertz dose-response or growth curve |
G.4 | Mean function for the Gompertz dose-response or growth curve |
G.aparine | Herbicide applied to Galium aparine |
gammadr | Gamma dose-response model |
gaussian | Normal and log-normal biphasic dose-response models |
genBliss | Model function for the universal response surface approach (URSA) for the quantitative assessment of drug interaction |
genBliss2 | Model function for the universal response surface approach (URSA) for the quantitative assessment of drug interaction |
genLoewe | Model function for the universal response surface approach (URSA) for the quantitative assessment of drug interaction |
genLoewe2 | Model function for the universal response surface approach (URSA) for the quantitative assessment of drug interaction |
genursa | Model function for the universal response surface approach (URSA) for the quantitative assessment of drug interaction |
germination | Germination of three crops |
getInitial | Showing starting values used |
getMeanFunctions | Display available dose-response models |
glymet | Glyphosate and metsulfuron-methyl tested on algae. |
gompertz | Mean function for the Gompertz dose-response or growth curve |
gompertzd | The derivative of the Gompertz function |
H.virescens | Mortality of tobacco budworms |
hatvalues.drc | Model diagnostics for nonlinear dose-response models |
heartrate | Heart rate baroreflexes for rabbits |
iceLoewe.1 | Model function for the universal response surface approach (URSA) for the quantitative assessment of drug interaction |
iceLoewe2.1 | Model function for the universal response surface approach (URSA) for the quantitative assessment of drug interaction |
isobole | Creating isobolograms |
L.3 | The logistic model |
L.4 | The logistic model |
L.5 | The logistic model |
l2 | The two-parameter log-logistic function |
l3 | The three-parameter log-logistic function |
l3u | The three-parameter log-logistic function |
l4 | The four-parameter log-logistic function |
l5 | The five-parameter log-logistic function |
leaflength | Leaf length of barley |
lepidium | Dose-response profile of degradation of agrochemical using lepidium |
lettuce | Hormesis in lettuce plants |
lgaussian | Normal and log-normal biphasic dose-response models |
lin.test | Lack-of-fit test for the mean structure based on cumulated residuals |
LL.2 | The two-parameter log-logistic function |
LL.3 | The three-parameter log-logistic function |
LL.3u | The three-parameter log-logistic function |
LL.4 | The four-parameter log-logistic function |
LL.5 | The five-parameter log-logistic function |
LL2.2 | The two-parameter log-logistic function |
LL2.3 | The three-parameter log-logistic function |
LL2.3u | The three-parameter log-logistic function |
LL2.4 | The four-parameter log-logistic function |
LL2.5 | The five-parameter log-logistic function |
llogistic | The log-logistic function |
llogistic2 | The log-logistic function |
LN.2 | Log-normal dose-response model |
LN.3 | Log-normal dose-response model |
LN.3u | Log-normal dose-response model |
LN.4 | Log-normal dose-response model |
lnormal | Log-normal dose-response model |
logistic | The logistic model |
logLik.drc | Extracting the log likelihood |
M.bahia | Effect of an effluent on the growth of mysid shrimp |
maED | Estimation of ED values using model-averaging |
MAX | Maximum mean response |
mecter | Mechlorprop and terbythylazine tested on Lemna minor |
metals | Data from heavy metal mixture experiments |
methionine | Weight gain for different methionine sources |
mixture | Fitting binary mixture models |
ml3a | The Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig model |
ml3b | The Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig model |
ml3c | The Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig model |
ml4a | Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig dose-reponse model for describing hormesis |
ml4b | Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig dose-reponse model for describing hormesis |
ml4c | Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig dose-reponse model for describing hormesis |
MM.2 | Michaelis-Menten model |
MM.3 | Michaelis-Menten model |
modelFit | Assessing the model fit |
mr.test | Mizon-Richard test for dose-response models |
mselect | Dose-response model selection |
multi2 | Multistage dose-response model with quadratic terms |
nasturtium | Dose-response profile of degradation of agrochemical using nasturtium |
NEC | Dose-response model for estimation of no effect concentration (NEC). |
NEC.2 | Dose-response model for estimation of no effect concentration (NEC). |
NEC.3 | Dose-response model for estimation of no effect concentration (NEC). |
NEC.4 | Dose-response model for estimation of no effect concentration (NEC). |
neill.test | Neill's lack-of-fit test for dose-response models |
noEffect | Testing if there is a dose effect at all |
O.mykiss | Test data from a 21 day fish test |
P.promelas | Effect of sodium pentachlorophenate on growth of fathead minnow |
plot.drc | Plotting fitted dose-response curves |
plotFACI | Calculation of combination index for binary mixtures |
PR | Expected or predicted response |
predict.drc | Prediction |
predict.mrdrc | Prediction |
print.drc | Printing key features |
print.summary.drc | Printing summary of non-linear model fits |
rdrm | Simulating a dose-response curve |
relpot | Comparison of relative potencies between dose-response curves |
residuals.drc | Extracting residuals from the fitted dose-response model |
RScompetition | Competition between two biotypes |
ryegrass | Effect of ferulic acid on growth of ryegrass |
S.alba | Potency of two herbicides |
S.capricornutum | Effect of cadmium on growth of green alga |
searchdrc | Searching through a range of initial parameter values to obtain convergence |
secalonic | Root length measurements |
selenium | Data from toxicology experiments with selenium |
simDR | Simulating ED values under various scenarios |
spinach | Inhibition of photosynthesis |
summary.drc | Summarising non-linear model fits |
terbuthylazin | The effect of terbuthylazin on growth rate |
twophase | Two-phase dose-response model |
ucedergreen | The Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig model |
UCRS.4a | The Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig model |
UCRS.4b | The Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig model |
UCRS.4c | The Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig model |
UCRS.5a | Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig dose-reponse model for describing hormesis |
UCRS.5b | Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig dose-reponse model for describing hormesis |
UCRS.5c | Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig dose-reponse model for describing hormesis |
uml3a | The Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig model |
uml3b | The Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig model |
uml3c | The Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig model |
uml4a | Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig dose-reponse model for describing hormesis |
uml4b | Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig dose-reponse model for describing hormesis |
uml4c | Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig dose-reponse model for describing hormesis |
update.drc | Updating and re-fitting a model |
ursa | Model function for the universal response surface approach (URSA) for the quantitative assessment of drug interaction |
vcov.drc | Calculating variance-covariance matrix for objects of class 'drc' |
vinclozolin | Vinclozolin from AR in vitro assay |
W1.2 | The two-parameter Weibull functions |
W1.3 | The three-parameter Weibull functions |
W1.3u | The three-parameter Weibull functions |
W1.4 | The four-parameter Weibull functions |
w2 | The two-parameter Weibull functions |
W2.2 | The two-parameter Weibull functions |
W2.3 | The three-parameter Weibull functions |
W2.3u | The three-parameter Weibull functions |
W2.4 | The four-parameter Weibull functions |
W2x.3 | The three-parameter Weibull functions |
W2x.4 | The four-parameter Weibull functions |
w3 | The three-parameter Weibull functions |
w4 | The four-parameter Weibull functions |
weibull1 | Weibull model functions |
weibull2 | Weibull model functions |
weibull2x | Weibull model functions |
yieldLoss | Calculating yield loss parameters |