A Pipeline Toolkit for Reproducible Computation at Scale

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Documentation for package ‘drake’ version 7.13.10

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drake-package drake: A pipeline toolkit for reproducible computation at scale.

-- B --

bind_plans Row-bind together drake plans *[Stable]*
build_times See the time it took to build each target. *[Stable]*

-- C --

cached List targets in the cache. *[Stable]*
cached_planned List targets in both the plan and the cache. *[Stable]*
cached_unplanned List targets in the cache but not the plan. *[Stable]*
cancel Cancel a target mid-build *[Stable]*
cancel_if Cancel a target mid-build under some condition *[Stable]*
clean Invalidate and deregister targets. *[Stable]*
clean_mtcars_example Clean the mtcars example from 'drake_example("mtcars")' *[Stable]*
code_to_function Turn a script into a function. *[Stable]*
code_to_plan Turn an R script file or 'knitr' / R Markdown report into a 'drake' plan. *[Questioning]*
combine Transformations in 'drake_plan()'. *[Stable]*
cross Transformations in 'drake_plan()'. *[Stable]*

-- D --

deps_code List the dependencies of a function or command *[Stable]*
deps_knitr Find the drake dependencies of a dynamic knitr report target. *[Stable]*
deps_profile Find out why a target is out of date. *[Stable]*
deps_target List the dependencies of a target *[Stable]*
diagnose Get diagnostic metadata on a target. *[Stable]*
drake drake: A pipeline toolkit for reproducible computation at scale.
drake_build Build/process a single target or import. *[Questioning]*
drake_cache Get the cache of a 'drake' project. *[Stable]*
drake_cache_log Get the state of the cache. *[Stable]*
drake_cancelled List cancelled targets. *[Stable]*
drake_config Ending of _drake.R for r_make() and friends *[Stable]*
drake_debug Run a single target's command in debug mode.' *[Questioning]*
drake_done List done targets. *[Stable]*
drake_envir Get the environment where drake builds targets *[Questioning]*
drake_example Download the files of an example 'drake' project. *[Stable]*
drake_examples List the names of all the drake examples. *[Stable]*
drake_failed List failed targets. *[Stable]*
drake_gc Do garbage collection on the drake cache. *[Stable]*
drake_get_session_info Session info of the last call to 'make()'. *[Stable]*
drake_ggraph Visualize the workflow with 'ggraph'/'ggplot2' *[Stable]*
drake_graph_info Prepare the workflow graph for visualization *[Stable]*
drake_history History and provenance *[Stable]*
drake_hpc_template_file Write a template file for deploying work to a cluster / job scheduler. *[Stable]*
drake_hpc_template_files List the available example template files for deploying work to a cluster / job scheduler. *[Stable]*
drake_plan Create a drake plan for the 'plan' argument of 'make()'. *[Stable]*
drake_plan_source Show the code required to produce a given 'drake' plan *[Stable]*
drake_progress Get the build progress of your targets *[Stable]*
drake_running List running targets. *[Stable]*
drake_script Write an example _drake.R script to the current working directory.
drake_slice Take a strategic subset of a dataset. *[Stable]*
drake_tempfile drake tempfile *[Stable]*

-- F --

file_in Declare input files and directories. *[Stable]*
file_out Declare output files and directories. *[Stable]*
file_store Show a file's encoded representation in the cache *[Stable]*
find_cache Search up the file system for the nearest drake cache. *[Stable]*

-- G --

group Transformations in 'drake_plan()'. *[Stable]*

-- I --

id_chr Name of the current target *[Stable]*
ignore Ignore code *[Stable]*

-- K --

knitr_in Declare 'knitr'/'rmarkdown' source files as dependencies. *[Stable]*

-- L --

legend_nodes Create the nodes data frame used in the legend of the graph visualizations. *[Soft-deprecated]*
loadd Read and return a drake target/import from the cache. *[Stable]*
load_mtcars_example Load the mtcars example. *[Stable]*

-- M --

make Run your project (build the outdated targets). *[Stable]*
map Transformations in 'drake_plan()'. *[Stable]*
missed Report any import objects required by your drake_plan plan but missing from your workspace or file system. *[Stable]*

-- N --

new_cache Make a new 'drake' cache. *[Stable]*
no_deps Suppress dependency detection. *[Stable]*

-- O --

outdated List the targets that are out of date. *[Stable]*

-- P --

plan_to_code Turn a 'drake' plan into a plain R script file. *[Questioning]*
plan_to_notebook Turn a 'drake' plan into an R notebook. *[Questioning]*
predict_runtime Predict the elapsed runtime of the next call to 'make()' for non-staged parallel backends. *[Stable]*
predict_workers Predict the load balancing of the next call to 'make()' for non-staged parallel backends. *[Stable]*

-- R --

readd Read and return a drake target/import from the cache. *[Stable]*
read_drake_seed Read the pseudo-random number generator seed of the project. *[Stable]*
read_trace Read a trace of a dynamic target. *[Stable]*
recoverable List the most upstream _recoverable_ outdated targets. *[Stable]*
render_drake_ggraph Visualize the workflow with 'ggplot2'/'ggraph' using 'drake_graph_info()' output. *[Stable]*
render_drake_graph Render a visualization using the data frames generated by 'drake_graph_info()'. *[Stable]*
render_sankey_drake_graph Render a Sankey diagram from 'drake_graph_info()'. *[Stable]*
render_text_drake_graph Show a workflow graph as text in your terminal window using 'drake_graph_info()' output. *[Stable]*
rescue_cache Try to repair a drake cache that is prone to throwing 'storr'-related errors. *[Questioning]*
r_deps_target Launch a drake function in a fresh new R process *[Stable]*
r_drake_build Launch a drake function in a fresh new R process *[Stable]*
r_drake_ggraph Launch a drake function in a fresh new R process *[Stable]*
r_drake_graph_info Launch a drake function in a fresh new R process *[Stable]*
r_make Launch a drake function in a fresh new R process *[Stable]*
r_missed Launch a drake function in a fresh new R process *[Stable]*
r_outdated Launch a drake function in a fresh new R process *[Stable]*
r_predict_runtime Launch a drake function in a fresh new R process *[Stable]*
r_predict_workers Launch a drake function in a fresh new R process *[Stable]*
r_recoverable Launch a drake function in a fresh new R process *[Stable]*
r_sankey_drake_graph Launch a drake function in a fresh new R process *[Stable]*
r_text_drake_graph Launch a drake function in a fresh new R process *[Stable]*
r_vis_drake_graph Launch a drake function in a fresh new R process *[Stable]*

-- S --

sankey_drake_graph Show a Sankey graph of your drake project. *[Stable]*
show_source Show how a target/import was produced. *[Stable]*
split Transformations in 'drake_plan()'. *[Stable]*
subtargets List sub-targets *[Stable]*

-- T --

target Customize a target in 'drake_plan()'. *[Stable]*
text_drake_graph Show a workflow graph as text in your terminal window. *[Stable]*
tracked List the targets and imports that are reproducibly tracked. *[Stable]*
transformations Transformations in 'drake_plan()'. *[Stable]*
transform_plan Transform a plan *[Stable]*
trigger Customize the decision rules for rebuilding targets *[Stable]*

-- U --

use_drake Use drake in a project *[Questioning]*

-- V --

vis_drake_graph Show an interactive visual network representation of your drake project. *[Stable]*

-- W --

which_clean Which targets will 'clean()' invalidate? *[Stable]*