Differential Network Analysis using Gene Pathways

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Documentation for package ‘dnapath’ version 0.7.4

Help Pages

dnapath2-package A short title line describing what the package does
biomart_hsapiens Default mapping for entrezgene IDs and HGNC gene symbols
c.dnapath Combine two 'dnapath' objects.
c.dnapath_list Combine two 'dnapath_list' objects.
dnapath Differential Network Analysis Using Gene Pathways
dnapath2 A short title line describing what the package does
d_edgesC C++ implementation of d_edges
d_genesC C++ implementation of d_genes
d_pathwayC C++ implementation of d_pathway
entrez_to_symbol Obtain gene symbols for entrezgene IDs
filter_pathways Remove pathways with non-significant DC scores.
get_genes Get the gene names from a differential network analysis
get_min_alpha Get the minimum alpha level for the permutation test
get_networks Get the two association networks
get_reactome_pathways Obtain Reactome pathways
head.dnapath_list Return the first part of the dnapath results.
length.dnapath_list The number of pathways in a 'dnapath_list' object.
meso Gene expression dataset for two groups
names.dnapath The pathway names in a 'dnapath' object.
names.dnapath_list The pathway names in a 'dnapath_list' object.
p53_pathways Reactome pathway list for Homo sapiens
plot.dnapath Plot function for 'dnapath' object.
plot_pair Plot the expression values of two genes
print.dnapath Print function for 'dnapath' object.
print.dnapath_list Print function for 'dnapath_list' object.
rename_genes Rename genes in the differential network analysis
rev.dnapath_list Reverse the order of pathways in a 'dnapath_list' object.
run_aracne Wrapper for ARACNE method
run_bc3net Wrapper for BC3Net method
run_c3net Wrapper for C3Net method
run_clr Wrapper for CLR method
run_corr Wrapper for correlation co-expression
run_dwlasso Wrapper for degree-weighted lasso method
run_genie3 Wrapper for GENIE3 method
run_glasso Wrapper for glasso method
run_mrnet Wrapper for MRNET method
run_pcor Wrapper for partial correlations from corpcor
run_pcor_fdr Wrapper for partial correlations with Empirical Bayes FDR correction
run_silencer Wrapper for silencer method
sort.dnapath_list Sort function for 'dnapath_list' object.
subset.dnapath_list Subset function for 'dnapath_list' object.
summarize_edges Summarize differential connections for a pathway
summarize_genes Summarize the differential connectivity of genes over all pathways.
summarize_pathways Summarize the differential connectivity of pathways.
summary.dnapath Summary function for 'dnapath' object.
summary.dnapath_list Summary function for 'dnapath_list' object.
symbol_to_entrez Obtain entrezgene IDs for gene symbols
tail.dnapath_list Return the last part of the dnapath results.
[.dnapath Extract results of a single pathway from a 'dnapath' object.
[.dnapath_list Extract parts of a 'dnapath_list' object.
[<-.dnapath Replace parts of a 'dnapath' object.
[<-.dnapath_list Replace parts of a 'dnapath_list' object.
[[.dnapath Extract results of a single pathway from a 'dnapath' object.
[[.dnapath_list Extract results of a single pathway from a 'dnapath_list' object.