Dyadic Mixed Model for Pedigree Data

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Documentation for package ‘dmm’ version 2.1-10

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dmm-package Dyadic mixed model analysis for pedigree data
chartodec Convert a vector from character to decimal numbers
condense.dmmarray Condense an object of type 'dmmarray' to an object of type 'dmm'
condense.dmmblockarray Condense an object of type 'dmmblockarray' to an object of type 'dmm'
csummary Make summary tables of (co)variance component estimates sorted into class-specific classes for a dmm object.
csummary.dmm Make summary tables of (co)variance component estimates sorted into class-specific classes for a dmm object.
dmm Fit a dyadic mixed model to pedigree data
dmm.default Fit a dyadic mixed model to pedigree data
dt8bal.df A balanced dataset with eight individuals.
gprint Generic function for printing genetic parameters contained in an object of class 'dmm'.
gprint.dmm Print method for genetic parameters contained in an object of class 'dmm'.
gresponse Compute response to selection, given phenotypic selection differentials.
gresponse.dmm Compute response to selection, given phenotypic selection differentials.
gsummary Make summary tables of genetic parameters for a dmm object
gsummary.dmm Make summary tables of genetic parameters for a dmm object
harv101.df Harvey dataset
make.countarray Count the number of observations in a dataframe or an 'mdf' object for all traitpairs in the supplied list of traits.
make.ctable Generates a list of vectors containing sets of variance component names
make.dmmobj Construct an object of class 'dmm' from user-supplied data
mdf Prepare a dataframe for use with dmm function
merino.df Australian Merino sheep research dataset
pedcheck Checks that the Id, SId, and DId columns of a dataframe are valid for function 'dmm()'.
pedrenum Renumbers the Id, SId, and DId columns of a dataframe
plot.dmm Plot residuals from fitting dyadic model
print.csummary.dmm Print method for object of class 'csummary.dmm'.
print.dmm Print method for a 'dmm()' fitted model object.
print.gresponse.dmm Print method for object of class 'gresponse.dmm'.
print.gsummary.dmm Print method for object of class 'gsummary.dmm'.
print.summary.dmm Print method for an object of class 'summary.dmm'.
quercus.df Quercus example dataset
sheep.df Demonstration sheep dataset
summary.dmm Make summary tables of (co)variance component estimates and fixed effect estimates for a dmm object.
summary.gresponse.dmm Summary method for object of class 'gresponse.dmm'.
tstmo1.df Dfreml example dataset
unfactor Convert a vector from factor to numeric
warcolak.convert Convert 'warcolak' data file to format required for a dataframe for 'dmm()' or 'mdf()'.