dispRity.metric {dispRity}R Documentation

Disparity metrics


Different implemented disparity metrics.


dimension.level3.fun(matrix, ...)
dimension.level2.fun(matrix, ...)
dimension.level1.fun(matrix, ...)
between.groups.fun(matrix, matrix2, ...)



A matrix.


Optional arguments to be passed to the function. Usual optional arguments are method for specifying the method for calculating distance passed to vegdist (e.g. method = "euclidean" - default - or method = "manhattan") or k.root to scale the result using the kthkth root. See details below for available optional arguments for each function.


Optional, a second matrix for metrics between groups.


These are inbuilt functions for calculating disparity. See make.metric for details on dimension.level3.fun, dimension.level2.fun, dimension.level1.fun and between.groups.fun. The dimensions levels (1, 2 and 3) can be seen as similar to ranks in linear algebra.

The currently implemented dimension-level 1 metrics are:

See also mean, median, sum or prod for commonly used summary metrics.

The currently implemented dimension-level 2 metrics are:

The currently implemented between.groups metrics are:

When used in the dispRity function, optional arguments are declared after the metric argument: for example dispRity(data, metric = centroids, centroid = 0, method = "manhattan")


Thomas Guillerme


Donohue I, Petchey OL, Montoya JM, Jackson AL, McNally L, Viana M, Healy K, Lurgi M, O'Connor NE, Emmerson MC. 2013. On the dimensionality of ecological stability. Ecology letters. 16(4):421-9.

Lalibert'e E, Legendre P. 2010. A distance-based framework for measuring functional diversity from multiple traits. Ecology, 91(1), pp.299-305.

Vill'eger S, Mason NW, Mouillot D. 2008. New multidimensional functional diversity indices for a multifaceted framework in functional ecology. Ecology. 89(8):2290-301.

Wills MA. 2001. Morphological disparity: a primer. In Fossils, phylogeny, and form (pp. 55-144). Springer, Boston, MA.

Foote, M. 1990. Nearest-neighbor analysis of trilobite morphospace. Systematic Zoology, 39(4), pp.371-382.

See Also

dispRity and make.metric.


## A random matrix
dummy_matrix <- matrix(rnorm(90), 9, 10)

## ancestral.dist
## A random tree with node labels
rand_tree <- rtree(5) ; rand_tree$node.label <- paste0("n", 1:4)
## Adding the tip and node names to the matris
rownames(dummy_matrix) <- c(rand_tree$tip.label, rand_tree$node.label)
## Calculating the distances to the ancestors
ancestral.dist(dummy_matrix, tree = rand_tree)
## Calculating the manhattan distances to the root
ancestral.dist(dummy_matrix, tree = rand_tree,
               to.root = TRUE, method = "manhattan")

## angles
## The angles in degrees of each axis
## The angles in slope from the 1:1 slope (Beta = 1)
angles(dummy_matrix, unit = "slope", base = 1)

## centroids
## Distances between each row and centroid of the matrix
## Distances between each row and an arbitrary point
centroids(dummy_matrix, centroid = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10))
## Distances between each row and the origin
centroids(dummy_matrix, centroid = 0)

## convhull.surface
## Making a matrix with more elements than dimensions (for convhull)
thinner_matrix <- matrix(rnorm(90), 18, 5)
## Convex hull hypersurface of a matrix

## convhull.volume
## Convex hull volume of a matrix

## deviations
## The deviations from the least square hyperplane
## The deviations from the plane between the x and y axis
deviations(dummy_matrix, hyperplane = c(0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0))

## diagonal
## Matrix diagonal
diagonal(dummy_matrix) # WARNING: only valid if the dimensions are orthogonal

## disalignment
## Two dummy matrices
matrix_1 <- matrix(rnorm(16), 4, 4)
matrix_2 <- matrix(rnorm(16), 4, 4)
## Measuring the disalignment of matrix_1 from matrix_2
disalignment(matrix_1, matrix_2)
## Same but using the 2nd major axis of the 0.75 CI ellipse
## from matrix_2 and the first point from matrix_1.
disalignment(matrix_1, matrix_2,
             axis = 2, level = 0.75,
             point.to.reject = 1)

## displacements
## displacement ratios (from the centre)
## displacement ratios (from an arbitrary point)
displacements(dummy_matrix, reference = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10))
## displacement ratios from the centre (manhattan distance)
displacements(dummy_matrix, method = "manhattan")

## edge.length.tree
## Making a dummy tree with node labels
dummy_tree <- makeNodeLabel(rtree((nrow(dummy_matrix)/2)+1))
## Naming the elements in the matrix
named_matrix <- dummy_matrix
rownames(named_matrix) <- c(dummy_tree$tip.label,
## The total edge length of each element in the matrix (to the root)
edge.length.tree(named_matrix, tree = dummy_tree)

## The edge lengths for each edge leading to the elements in the matrix
edge.length.tree(named_matrix, tree = dummy_tree, to.root = FALSE)

## ellipsoid.volume
## Ellipsoid volume of a matrix
## Calculating the same volume with provided eigen values
ordination <- prcomp(dummy_matrix)
## Calculating the ellipsoid volume by providing your own eigen values
ellipsoid.volume(ordination$x, method = ordination$sdev^2)

## func.div
## Functional divergence

## func.eve
## Functional evenness
## Functional evenness (based on manhattan distances)
func.eve(dummy_matrix, method = "manhattan")

## group.dist
## The distance between groups
dummy_matrix2 <- matrix(runif(40, min = 2, max = 4), 4, 10)
## The minimum distance between both groups
group.dist(dummy_matrix, dummy_matrix2)
## The distance between both groups' centroids
group.dist(dummy_matrix, dummy_matrix2, probs = 0.5)
## The minimum distance between the 50% CI of each group
group.dist(dummy_matrix, dummy_matrix2, probs = c(0.25, 0.75))

## mode.val
## Modal value of a vector

## neighbours
## The nearest neighbour euclidean distances
## The furthest neighbour manhattan distances
neighbours(dummy_matrix, which = max, method = "manhattan")

## pairwise.dist
## The pairwise distance
## The average squared pairwise distance
## equal to:
# geiger::disparity(data = dummy_matrix)

## point.dist
## The distances from the rows dummy_matrix
## to the centroids of dummy_matrix2
point.dist(dummy_matrix, dummy_matrix2)
## The average distances from dummy_matrix
## to the centroids of dummy_matrix2
mean(point.dist(dummy_matrix, dummy_matrix2))
## The manhattan distance from the rows dummy_matrix
## to the standard deviation of dummy_matrix2
point.dist(dummy_matrix, dummy_matrix2, point = sd, method = "manhattan")

## projections
## The distances on the vector defined from the centre of
## the matrix to its centroid (default)
## The distances from the vector defined from the third
## element of the matrix to the point of coordinated
## c(1,1,1, ...) the matrix to its centroid (default)
projections(dummy_matrix, measure = "distance",
            point1 = dummy_matrix[3, ],
            point2 = 1)

## projections.tree
## Making a dummy tree with node labels
dummy_tree <- makeNodeLabel(rtree((nrow(dummy_matrix)/2)+1))
## Naming the elements in the matrix
named_matrix <- dummy_matrix
rownames(named_matrix) <- c(dummy_tree$tip.label,
## The projection on the vector defined from the root of
## the tree to the ancestor of each element in the matrix
projections.tree(named_matrix, dummy_tree,
                  type = c("root", "ancestor"))
## The rejection from the vector defined from the centroid
## of the nodes to the centroids of the tips
projections.tree(named_matrix, dummy_tree,
                  type = c("nodes", "tips"),
                  measure = "distance")
## A user function that define coordinates based on the 
## centroid of the three first nodes
user.fun <- function(matrix, tree, row = NULL) {
     return(colMeans(matrix[tree$node.label[1:3], ]))
## The projection on the vector defined by the coordinates
## 0,0,0 and a user defined function
projections.tree(named_matrix, dummy_tree,
                  type = c(0, user.fun))

## projections.between
## Two dummy matrices
matrix_1 <- matrix(rnorm(16), 4, 4)
matrix_2 <- matrix(rnorm(16), 4, 4)
## Projecting the major axis of matrix_2 onto the one from matrix_1
projections.between(matrix_1, matrix_2)
## Projecting both second major 0.75 axes
## and getting the rejections (see projections() for option details)
projections.between(matrix_1, matrix_2,
                    measure = "distance",
                    axis = 2, level = 0.75)

## quantiles
## The 95 quantiles
## The 100 quantiles (which are equal to the ranges)
quantiles(dummy_matrix, quantile = 100) == ranges(dummy_matrix) # All TRUE

## radius
## The maximal radius of each axis (maximum distance from centre of each axis)

## ranges
## ranges of each column in a matrix
## ranges of each column in the matrix corrected using the kth root
ranges(dummy_matrix, k.root = TRUE)

## roundness
## calculating the variance-covariance of the dummy_matrix
vcv <- var(dummy_matrix)
## calculating the roundness of it
## calculating the roundness of the dummy matrix by calculating the vcv
roundness(dummy_matrix, vcv = TRUE)

## span.tree.length
## Minimum spanning tree length (default)
## Minimum spanning tree length from a distance matrix (faster)
distance <- as.matrix(dist(dummy_matrix))
## Minimum spanning tree length based on Manhattan distance
span.tree.length(dummy_matrix, method = "manhattan")
span.tree.length(as.matrix(dist(dummy_matrix, method = "manhattan"))) # Same

## variances
## variances of a each column in the matrix
## variances of a each column in the matrix corrected using the kth root
variances(dummy_matrix, k.root = TRUE)

[Package dispRity version 1.8 Index]