dispRity-package | Measuring Disparity in R |
add.tree | Add, remove or get trees (or subtrees) |
adonis.dispRity | adonis dispRity (from 'vegan::adonis2') |
ancestral.dist | Disparity metrics |
angles | Disparity metrics |
apply.NA | Apply inapplicable characters to a matrix. |
as.covar | as.covar |
axis.covar | Utilities for a dispRity object with covariance matrices |
BeckLee | Beck and Lee 2014 datasets |
BeckLee_ages | Beck and Lee 2014 datasets |
BeckLee_disparity | BeckLee_disparity |
BeckLee_mat50 | Beck and Lee 2014 datasets |
BeckLee_mat99 | Beck and Lee 2014 datasets |
BeckLee_tree | Beck and Lee 2014 datasets |
between.groups.fun | Disparity metrics |
bhatt.coeff | Bhattacharyya Coefficient |
boot.matrix | Bootstraps and rarefies data. |
centroids | Disparity metrics |
char.diff | Character differences |
charadriiformes | Charadriiformes |
check.morpho | Check a morphological matrix consistency levels. |
chrono.subsets | Separating data in chronological subsets. |
Claddis.ordination | Imports data from Claddis |
clean.data | Cleaning phylogenetic data |
combine.subsets | Extracts or modify subsets from a 'dispRity' object. |
convhull.surface | Disparity metrics |
convhull.volume | Disparity metrics |
covar.plot | covar.plot |
covar.utilities | Utilities for a dispRity object with covariance matrices |
crown.stem | Separates stem and crown species |
cust.series | Separating data into custom subsets. |
cust.subsets | Separating data into custom subsets. |
custom.series | Separating data into custom subsets. |
custom.subsets | Separating data into custom subsets. |
demo_data | Demo datasets |
deviations | Disparity metrics |
diagonal | Disparity metrics |
dimension.level1.fun | Disparity metrics |
dimension.level2.fun | Disparity metrics |
dimension.level3.fun | Disparity metrics |
disalignment | Disparity metrics |
disparity | disparity |
displacements | Disparity metrics |
dispRity | Calculates disparity from a matrix. |
dispRity.covar.projections | Covar projection analyses wrapper |
dispRity.fast | Fast dispRity |
dispRity.metric | Disparity metrics |
dispRity.per.group | Disparity in different groups. |
dispRity.through.time | Disparity through time. |
distance.randtest | Randtest distance |
dtt.dispRity | dtt dispRity (from 'geiger::dtt') |
edge.length.tree | Disparity metrics |
ellipse.volume | Disparity metrics |
ellipsoid.volume | Disparity metrics |
extinction.subsets | Getting the time subsets before and after an extinction event |
extract.dispRity | Extract elements from a 'dispRity' object. |
fill.dispRity | Make and fill 'dispRity'. |
func.div | Disparity metrics |
func.eve | Disparity metrics |
geomorph.ordination | Imports data from geomorph |
get.bin.ages | Get time bins ages |
get.contrast.matrix | Generates a contrast matrix. |
get.covar | Utilities for a dispRity object with covariance matrices |
get.disparity | Extract elements from a 'dispRity' object. |
get.matrix | Extract elements from a 'dispRity' object. |
get.subsets | Extracts or modify subsets from a 'dispRity' object. |
get.tree | Add, remove or get trees (or subtrees) |
group.dist | Disparity metrics |
make.dispRity | Make and fill 'dispRity'. |
make.metric | Creating disparity metrics |
match.tip.edge | Match tips or nodes edge vector |
matrix.dispRity | Extract elements from a 'dispRity' object. |
MCMCglmm.covars | MCMCglmm object utility functions |
MCMCglmm.levels | MCMCglmm object utility functions |
MCMCglmm.sample | MCMCglmm object utility functions |
MCMCglmm.subsets | MCMCglmm.subsets |
MCMCglmm.traits | MCMCglmm object utility functions |
MCMCglmm.utilities | MCMCglmm object utility functions |
MCMCglmm.variance | MCMCglmm object utility functions |
mode.val | Disparity metrics |
model.test | Model Test |
model.test.sim | Simulate Model Test |
model.test.wrapper | Model test wrapper |
multi.ace | Ancestral states estimations with multiple trees |
n.ball.volume | Disparity metrics |
n.subsets | Extracts or modify subsets from a 'dispRity' object. |
name.subsets | Extracts or modify subsets from a 'dispRity' object. |
neighbours | Disparity metrics |
null.test | Testing a null hypothesis on multidimensional data. |
pair.plot | Plots pairwise comparisons |
pairwise.dist | Disparity metrics |
pgls.dispRity | phylolm dispRity (from 'phylolm::phylolm') |
plot.char.diff | Plots character differences |
plot.dispRity | dispRity object plotting |
point.dist | Disparity metrics |
print.dispRity | Prints a 'dispRity' object. |
projections | Disparity metrics |
projections.between | Disparity metrics |
projections.tree | Disparity metrics |
quantiles | Disparity metrics |
radius | Disparity metrics |
random.circle | Random circle |
randtest.dispRity | Random (permutation) test |
ranges | Disparity metrics |
reduce.matrix | Reduce a matrix |
reduce.space | Reduce space |
remove.tree | Add, remove or get trees (or subtrees) |
remove.zero.brlen | Remove zero branch length |
rescale.dispRity | Rescaling and centering disparity results. |
roundness | Disparity metrics |
sauron.plot | covar.plot |
scale.dispRity | Rescaling and centering disparity results. |
select.axes | Selects ordination axes |
sim.morpho | Simulates morphological data. |
size.subsets | Extracts or modify subsets from a 'dispRity' object. |
slice.tree | Time slicing a tree. |
slide.nodes | Stretching a tree |
sort.dispRity | Sorting or ordering a 'dispRity' object. |
space.maker | Creating multidimensional spaces |
span.tree.length | Disparity metrics |
summary.dispRity | dispRity object summary |
test.dispRity | Testing disparity hypotheses |
test.metric | Test disparity metric |
time.series | Separating data in chronological subsets. |
time.subsets | Separating data in chronological subsets. |
tree.age | Extracting the age of nodes and tips in a tree. |
variances | Disparity metrics |